About Us

About Us

Jan 02, 2024

Where to start…

Hello, there My name is Andrea Balch living mainly on the sunny shores of Australia, Queensland.

Our webmaster being ME for now….. site designer, proofreader, writer, editor, publisher, graphics and animation artist, yes I am actually a fully qualified Commercial Artist by the way

Site reviewer, ‘feature sites’ judge and jury, traffic analyst, marketing specialist; chief cook, bottle washer, and keyboard duster all welcome you to our corner of the World Wide Web!

And oh, did I mention ‘site project facilitator as well?

Does that sound exhausting?

Well, try doing all of it.

You would think that living in sunny old Queensland that you don’t need a fire? well, you would be wrong there.

We do, in fact, it gets darn right cold in the winter nights…
Having chickens from when I was young has not wained for my love for them as I grew up.

The chickens became my friends and their personalities shone out.
And the chicken pen was a place that I spent many an hour just watching and learning more about them and their habits.

So I have been thinking about doing a chicken site for a while now, what with my time taken up with other sites.

I finally and excitedly got to work by finding the website title that I would have that pleased me.

And here we are!

I know there are a lot of people out there who have found the chicken more than just for laying and become passionate about them as I am.

I could not go past making a website on chickens and sharing my love for them the stories I have to tell and making this site a home for chicken lovers alike.


Let’s get going on this interesting journey into the backyard chicken.