Aggressive Rooster Behaviour- He’s Just A Mean Fowl

Aggressive Rooster Behaviour- He’s Just A Mean Fowl

Jan 03, 2024

I love roosters… they have made some of my pet pets.

But what if you get a Bad Egg!

I mean his rooster behaviour is just not acceptable when it comes to a friendly rooster.

What next?

Rotten Rooster Behaviour

Generally speaking, most roosters are only aggressive towards other roosters but sometimes that goes wrong.

Not to say that he is just going to attack you by the time you get through that chicken door.

I have never experienced this, but I do take rooster behaviour seriously.

Having backyard chickens I really like having a rooster around.

Not only do they protect the hens, but they also break up hen fights as well.

And I have found that sometimes they even make better pets than some hens.

But I do not condone having a new rooster in my chicken coop only to find that I have to run around to catch him.

Then he makes it his mission to peck your hand.


Biting the hand that feeds you.

And not only peck me he also has to twist the skin.

Now that just nasty.


A nasty rooster.

Signs Of An Aggressive Rooster

Here is this rooster OK…

Say he’s pecking at the ground which is to keep you from keeping your guard up he’s trying to act like he’s not interested in you.

But as soon as you move his head perks up, and he’s watching what you’re doing very closely.

Now a cockerel like this, he’s unsure, he sees you as the enemy and what’s going to happen is if you make any sudden movements or get too close to him.

He will attack

He might hit you a couple of times, then back off but as soon as you have walked past him again he’s flying up against you like I’m his enemy.

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And yes!

He can do this all day…

With birds like this, you really don’t want to mess with if you can help it.

And he definitely shouldn’t breed from him.

Because it will come out in this offspring, I know.

Made the mistake of this once, found out the hard way and the offspring had no room in my chicken coop.

With rooster behaviour, I guess I was hoping that it would be a different story and had to try it for myself…


Getting back to the scenario…

He’s keeping an eye on you trying to not give you the edge is basically what his goal is.

This is a trait that can be learned, it can be genetic as well.

But what if his father isn’t like this?

So you could be guessing that he might have got it from his mom’s side because she’s very high-strung.

And you don’t have this problem with his brother, but could it be a genetic trait or not?

Something you don’t want near breeding pens if you do find yourself with an aggressive form and nasty-natured rooster.

The unaggressive rooster is just keeping his distance, he doesn’t see you as a threat and that’s just one of the types of characteristics you’ll see in a bird that is not a mean bird.

Okay here’s another little test you can do to see if you got yourself an aggressive rooster.

Go ahead and feed them, and after you feed them just walk right by him as close to the feet as possible.

Now if he’s aggressive towards you, he’s probably going to forget about that feed and come lunging at him.

If your rooster is not letting you have your space, and then when you are out of the way, he goes back to the feed.

See also Brown Egg Laying Chickens 101: Everything You Need to Know About This Breed

If you see him siding off to you with his wing, as he does to his hens…
That’s called cutting a wing.

Basically, what he’s doing is he’s showing off for you.

You will not see him as a threat, he’s talking he’s looking around, he’s not focused entirely on you, he’s more interested in the other roosters around him.
Or hens of course…

I want to make a point clear, something does not only happen in-game foul you can find them in any breed of rooster.

If you walk around them, kind of circle match pace with them and they come after you.

They probably have got an issue with you, and if one backs away he doesn’t want anything to do with you.

Now he just sees you as the person who brings him his food he doesn’t see you as another rooster that he needs to defeat.

Why Does My Rooster Dance Around Me?

This is a funny one, to people who are not initiated.

Roosters will make advances to you as well, and if they have been away from the hens for a while their even worse.

Most birds perform some kind of courtship dance as a prelude to actual mating…

The rooster usually performs this dance, circling the hen with his wing dropped stiffly towards the ground and quivering.

As he circles around a hen making his croaking noise, the hen will either encourage him.

Or try to come up with a plan on how to escape, and you usually see her darting off across the chicken coop.

To the roosters best advances…

I had to put this one in just in case you thought he was being aggressive, not at all.