Can Chickens Eat Celery – What Do You Think?

Can Chickens Eat Celery – What Do You Think?

Jan 04, 2024

Can chickens eat celery

That’s an interesting one.

And a question that might be a little more tricky for people to decide whether celery is actually ok to feed your backyard chickens or not.

So, I think this question is worth answering for many people who are not really sure about it at all…

Really… Can Chickens Eat Celery?


Your chickens can eat celery.

I have had no problem with giving my chickens celery and they seem to like it.

Although celery does not have a lot of taste to it in general.

Don’t be fooled by this though…

Because celery provides some good nutrition for your birds.

You could consider it if you have celery in your own veggie patch if you want.

But I find it not that expensive to buy in the shops.

Is Celery Healthy For Chickens?

Celery is healthy for us, so it is also healthy for your backyard chickens as well.

In fact, it is low in calories and high in antioxidants.

You are looking at vitamins, minerals that will help keep your chickens healthy.

And did you know that celery actually has around 12 kinds of antioxidants?

And is rich in vitamins, A, B, C.


It is also a good source of calcium for your birds as well.

This will go well with their egg production.

Will Chickens Eat Raw Celery?

As you know yourself, celery is really not that soft.

So where your chickens are concerned…

It is not that easy when you are armed with a beak instead of a pair of teeth to chew celery up.

And you know that celery does need a lot of chewing.

So what to do?

You will be best giving your chickens small cut-up pieces of celery.

Not chunks of celery, because you still have the problem of them eating it.

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And celery being hard…

Not the best thing to have sliding down your throat at the best of times.

So get to cutting your celery pieces small enough for your chickens to pick it comfortably and swallow it.

Because that is what they are going to do.
Swallow it.

It is really a bit too hard for them to peck to pieces.

Can Chickens Eat Celery Leaves

You can also say, can chickens eat celery tops?

The same thing…

The leaves of a celery plant actually contain the most vitamin C, calcium and potassium, so don’t go throwing away the celery leaves.

As this part of the plant is even better for your chickens.

They can eat the leaves without any intervention from you.

They will happily peck away at the leaves as they are fairly thin and easy to tear for your chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Celery

I don’t see why not.

When you cook the celery it becomes softer.

Soft enough for your chickens to peck away at with no trouble at all.


Least amount of trouble anyway…

And I am sure that your chickens will appreciate you keeping aside any cooked celery that you did not eat the previous night for them.

You can even put in the whole celery stalk for them if you want, they will peck away at the softer parts of the celery
If you feel that the celery strands are a bit too long on your cooked celery stalks.

Just take them out as they might get a little bit of a problem if your chicken gets a whole strand and tries to swallow it.

Might get a little bit tricky for them

This is not a problem with the raw celery as the strings would break under the pressure of the chicken’s beak.

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The whole stalk I mean.

It is something to keep in mind.

But if you cut the stalk of the celery up enough.

I can not see that there will be a problem with this.

Can Chickens Eat Celery Root

The root of the celery is actually known as celeriac.

It is edible for us, so the same would be said for your chickens.
But I have never given them celery roots before.

Buying them from the supermarket, the celery does not come with a root.

But if you have them growing in your own garden.

That is a different story…

The celery root does have a denser texture to it and has more starch, but tastes the same as the stalk if you want to try it.

But I do not know if your chickens will eat it or not being harder than the celery stalk itself.

Can Chickens Eat Celery Seed

I can not see why not.

But do you really want to go giving them celery seed, when they have the celery to eat?

And also they have their own chicken feed that has its own nutritious seed in it.

It is something I would not really think about, giving chickens celery seeds…

But an answer needs to be said on this one.

It is probably better to feed them the seeds you know in their own stock feed.

But if you do have a surplus of celery seed.

Why not.

But I would rather spend my time planting the celery seed to grow celery myself or using it in recipes that might just need it.


Can chickens eat celery?

Now don’t go throwing away that celery now…

Your chickens want it.