Can Chickens Eat Eggplant – What Do You Think?

Can Chickens Eat Eggplant – What Do You Think?

Jan 04, 2024


Not to most common of vegetables are they?

You don’t see them on the supermarket shelves much.

So they can be a bit of a mystery for us.

And because of this, do we really know the answer.

Can chickens eat eggplants?

Let’s answer it then shall we…

Did you know that eggplants are also known as aubergines?
In fact…

Many people out there think that eggplant or aubergine is a vegetable.

In fact, this is wrong…

They are actually a fruit believe it or not.

The reason for this is because they actually grow from a flowering plant and contain seeds.

And for this reason, it is classified as a fruit.


You can see the reason for this, can’t you?

Yes, it is quite safe for you to give eggplants to your chickens with one exception.

But I will enlighten you further on this in the article.

They are a great source of minerals and vitamins.

Also containing:

  • niacin
  • vitamin K
  • vitamin B6
  • folate
  • vitamin C
  • thiamine
  • manganese
  • magnesium
  • fiber
  • potassium

Now that is quite a lot!

So by just looking at this, we can tell that this fruit. I have to remember to call it fruit…

Is going to be very beneficial to your backyard chickens.

Will Chickens Eat Raw Eggplant?

As raw is the natural state of eggplant before we get our hands on it.
There is no reason why they should not.

In fact, all the nutrients will be at their highest uncooked.
Without any breakdown on its nutrients.

The eggplant will benefit your chicken in so many ways.

Making them a healthier chicken if they get fresh fruit and vegetables alike…


That boost in vitamins and minerals is going to be an added bonus to your fowls.
I know that raw is not going to be the first choice for us.

But when it comes to our chickens…

Eating the eggplant raw is going to be an enjoyable treat for them.
But remember again…

I know I do keep on saying this with fruit and vegetables when I write about them.
But it does need to be a treat.

So in moderation with this fruit once again…

Is Eggplant Poisonous to Chickens

This is the downside of the eggplant that you need to take heed of.

The skins and pits of the eggplant contain the toxin which is called Persin, which can in fact be fatal to chickens.

You see…

This plant is a member of the nightshade family.

So all the green parts of the plant contain Solanine which is poisonous to all living things and not just chickens.

So beware!

If you are not sure what Solanine is.

It is a glycoalkaloid poison found in species of the nightshade family within the genus Solanum (Solanum melongena).

Why is Solanine Bad for Chickens?

Being in the nightshade family of plants and is a glycoalkaloid poison.

It is known to cause neurological and gastrointestinal disorders.

See also Can Chickens Eat Rice - What Do You Think?

So, you need to keep the stem, leaves, and green calyx away from your backyard chickens because these are the part that is poisonous to them.

Can Chickens eat Eggplant Seeds

It is strange, knowing what parts of the eggplant that you can not give to your chickens, that the seeds are in fact ok for them.


Good news!

You do not have to spend hours picking out all the seeds of the eggplant before you go giving them to your chickens.


So chickens ‘CAN’ eat the small seeds found in eggplants.

The seeds are not poisonous and are safe for your chickens to eat ok…

Can Chickens Eat Eggplant Peels

The peels are also ok to give your chickens.

It seems that anything that is green is not good for them.

Like the skin the eggplant is in fact chewy it is most probably easier if you do peel the eggplant peel for your chickens.

As I think they are going to have a hard time trying to break through the skin easily.
Chewy is ok for us with teeth to grind it.

But for our beaked buddies.

It is not going to be an easy job.

They might just lose interest and put it in the ‘too-hard basket’.

And just turn their tails on it and walk away.

So you can try them and see how they feel about it.
Being peeled you might just have a chance.

Can Chickens Eat Eggplant Leaves

This is a big no-no!

This is where the main problem lies with where the poison is.

They can for no reason be given any leaves at all.

Or else disaster can and will strike in some manner or other.

Make sure that when you take any eggplant down to your chicken run that there are no leaves on it.

I would not even go putting it onto your compost heap.

Just in case you let your chickens out in your back yard for a run and they can get to it.

I would not like to be taking the chance.

They might know that it is not good for them

But still.

I would not want to risk it.

Can Chickens Eat Eggplant Skin

As we now know that the skin of the eggplant is chewy.

As it is for your chickens to eat also…

If you want them to have it.

But why would you give them the skin when you can give them the fruit inside the eggplant itself?

I know the first thing your chickens will go for, and that is the inside of the eggplant every time.

So I would stick to that.

And also be rest-assured that if you just give this to them you can not go wrong.

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Eggplant

So you might just have some leftover eggplant from your meal.

See also Are Ameraucana Chickens good Egg Layers?

Now is the time that you need to put aside for your chickens.

Being cooked, it will be softer and therefore more edible for your chickens.

Cooking will also bring out the flavours of the eggplant, and this will make your chickens want it even more.


The nutrients are not as intact once boiled or fried.

I think you have seen the recipes of an eggplant that is cut in half then grilled.
It actually looks good.

Though I am not an eggplant eater myself.

Only because it is not really seen on the supermarket shelves, and not that cheap I may add either.

I am sure that there are people out there who eat it all the time.

I think it might really be more used in Mediterranean meals.

So to certain cultures, the eggplant is not really used in cooking as much if ever.
So because of this.

The eggplant is a mystery to us and therefore we do not know the answer to, can chickens eat eggplant?

Whichever way you prefer to eat eggplant.

But even then, if fried or even grilled with the skin on.

You can happily give them the eggplant skin and insides
The skin will have become thinner and softer.

So I can not see that anything will be left once your chickens get hold of it, do you?

Will Chickens Eat Eggplant

I am sure that what I have heard, your chickens will enjoy eggplant.

We now know that it has a lot going for it where vitamins and minerals are concerned.

I don’t profess to be much of an eggplant-eater much myself…
But I am sure that your chickens will eat it up.

I suggest that you cut up the inside of the eggplant when you give them.
You could put half an eggplant in their chicken yard and let them pick at it if you want.

But if you really want to be sure that you are giving them the parts of the eggplant that is not going to harm them.

Just if you are overanxious about this.
I would only go giving them the skin if it is cooked.


Most of the time…

What we eat – so can our pets.

I know this is not a hard and fast rule as with everything we eat.
But by just cutting up your eggplant raw or cooked.

The inside of the plant I mean.

Then you know you are safe.

We have now established the answer to can chickens eat eggplant?

Heed the warnings and keep to the skin, the inside of the eggplant and that is it.

No leaves or any part that is green and you should be right for this fruit.

Yes, remember. It is fruit and not a vegetable.

Gets a little confusing sometimes with all of this.