Can Chickens Eat Oranges – What Do You Think?

Can Chickens Eat Oranges – What Do You Think?

Jan 04, 2024

Here is another question on what chickens can eat, can chickens eat oranges?

You might think right from the start that eating oranges is just not on when feeding your backyard chickens.

So let’s find out, shall we?

Can Chickens Eat Oranges Or Not

This has been a bit of a debatable question for a while and it was rumoured that oranges were not to be fed to chickens because of their acidity.


Oranges do have acidity, but that does not mean that it is poisonous to chickens.
In fact, oranges are alright to give to your chickens…

They have no side effects on your chicken if they eat them.

But I am not saying that they would be the first piece of fruit they would go for if they had the choice.

So why do people think that orange, because of its taste is not enjoyed by chickens?
Maybe it is thought that chicken will not enjoy oranges.

And if the oranges are not ripe.

Not even we as humans likes an unripe orange compared to a juicy ripe orange right?

Can Chickens EatFOrange Pulp

Well, this really means, can chickens eat oranges when the inside of the orange is crushed up.

And considering that when orange is made into pulp, this means that your backyard chickens will be able to eat it more easily as they do not have teeth.

So when it comes to can chickens eat oranges?

Their beaks can throw this orange pulp down their throat easily.

So no problem at all to give them orange pulp.

Are Oranges Bad For Chickens

Oranges were thought to be poison to chickens.

Someone started this rumour and got people wary about even giving chickens any oranges in their chicken runs at all.

But this is just not true, and more and more people are aware of this.

They are not poison because of their acidity, we eat them after all…

Can Chickens Eat Orange Seeds

As you know…

Orange seeds are not very nice and are hard and fairly big to a chicken.

So I would not say that your chickens will eat orange seeds,

However, you do not have to go taking them out of the orange before go putting the orange into your chicken run.

Your chickens will peck away at the orange but probably just leave the orange seeds where they are on the ground.

Orange seeds are not harmful to your chickens if they do eat one.

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But I really do not think that your chickens will be eating orange seeds any time soon unless by mistake.

Can Chickens Eat Orange Rinds

Orange peels are not that nice are they?

If you get some in your mouth, they are not jucy.

Have not much taste and are just tough.

I would not go putting in orange rinds into their chicken run, as they would choose the inside of the orange hands down every time.

If you did put the orange rind in their run, you will probably just see drying shrivelled up orange rind on the ground.

And something you will need to clear up later.

Can Baby Chickens Have Oranges?

They could eat oranges.

But we are talking about how young is too young.

Because of their acidity.

I would steer clear in giving any baby chicks any acidic fruit to eat.

They have delicate stomachs while they are young.

Best to keep them on chicken mash for their early days.

And as they mature into pullets, then I would consider seeing if they would like some orange to eat.

But only a little at first.

Their systems need to get used to the acidity.

So wait till they are more mature before you go giving them any acidic orange.

And that also includes pure orange juice if you are considering that as well.

Can Chickens Eat Blood Oranges

Although different in colour and not such acidic in taste, your chickens will have no
trouble at seeing these are delicious no matter what sort of orange to give them.

So if you do happen to have any blood orange scraps to give them.

Put them in with the scraps that you have set aside to take down to your chickens.

Can Chickens Have Orange Juice


I have never given my chickens orange juice before.

I prefer that they stick to their natural water.

If you want to have a go, then it will not hurt your backyard chickens.


If you are thinking of giving them orange juice that you buy from a shop.
I wouldn’t.

As this orange juice has a lot of sugar in it, and I mean a lot.

So you do not want to go giving them extra sugars that are not natural than the sugars they will get from the natural sugar itself from fruit.

So refined sugars…


Only natural sugar from the fruit.

Can Chickens Eat Orange Leaves

Although oranges are ok for chickens.

have you really ever seen your chickens eat any orange leaves if left out in your back yard where you just might have an orange tree growing there…

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No, they do not seem to be interested in the leaves, not that they are harmful to them.

It could be that they are quite fleshy and hard, so your chickens do not really have an appetite for them.

So I would think that you would be wasting your time if you go throwing in orange leaves into their chook pen.

Can Chickens Eat Whole Oranges

As the skins of the orange are tough, and if you do want to give your chickens a whole orange.

I would go cutting it in half, this way they can peck at the soft flesh inside of the oranges.

This is turn will have a little orange juice just at the bottom of the orange half as they break away the flesh of the orange.

So if you go putting a whole orange, I am sure that they will come and have a look at being curious creatures that they are…

But will probably not attempt it after a peck or two.

And find out that they are getting nowhere.

Can Chickens Have Orange Slices

This is probably one of the best ways of giving your backyard chickens orange.

Taking some slices o orange down to their chicken run is a treat that they will eat.

By putting in small pieces, they will find that they are manageable to eat.

And be encouraged to peck into the soft quarters.

But I would not go putting in too much orange for them because of the acidity.
Only a little

And as chickens are one of the few animals that can actually make their own vitamin C.

Giving them too much citrus would result in an excessive amount of vitamin C in their bodies.

And that is not good.


Can chickens eat oranges… Oranges in moderation people…

Best if you have some orange leftover from eating yourself, or just leaving a little aside for them is the better way to go.

But I would not go feeding them more than once a week when it comes to oranges if that.

They really do not need it and there are so many other things to eat.

So every so often is what I would do.

So… Can chickens eat oranges?

You bet they can, but it is not a prefered fruit that I would be giving them.

So, if you have some in your kitchen scraps, they will have a go at them.