Can Chickens Eat Potato – What Do You Think?

Can Chickens Eat Potato – What Do You Think?

Jan 04, 2024


You want to know, can chickens eat potato?

Potatoes are one of the biggest staple diets of humans, yet there is a side to potatoes that we need to address.

So let’s get to it, shall we?

Potatoes are a part of the group that is called the deadly nightshade family…
Now I know you think this sounds a little scary.

So how, have we as humans been eating them for so long and are ok.

The only reason that we are not affected by the potato is that we cook them.
Never eat raw potatoes.

White potatoes, yellow and red varieties are all part of the nightshade family.

And all…

I say ALL!

Parts of this plant contains a substance called solanine.
Now to tell you what solanine is.

It is a natural neurotoxin and pesticide which can, in turn, lead to issues like respiratory distress, diarrhoea or paralysis, neurological damage and convulsions, and can even be fatal if you have enough of it.

So you’re wondering why does it not affect us?

This is in the cooking process of the potato.

Apparently, solanine is partially killed by cooking the potatoes at high heat (400+ degrees F), yet mere boiling barely reduces the solanine levels.

Now, this is no different for us as with our backyard chickens.

So now you know that in order to eat potatoes they need to be boiled.
Yet apart from this, potatoes have many benefits for us and for our chickens.

They contain a good amount of:

  • fiber
  • manganese
  • vitamin B6
  • carbs
  • potassium
  • vitamin C

As long as the potato is handled properly, all is fine.

I know it might have been some surprise to many of us who might not have known all of this, but we have been eating potatoes for generations.

So have our domesticated chickens.

So most of us would not have known this anyway, and we would still have cooked them and eaten them in the manner that was worked out generations ago, and it works now

Can chickens eat potato?

Yes, they can, but there are things that we do need to follow to keep our chickens well and safe.

Can Chickens Eat Potatos Raw

We should have worked out now that that is a BIG NO!

You can not go feeding your chickens any raw potatoes.

Or else they will get sick and even worse.

The solanine is the problem.

The potato plant has made this for its own protection, but as for us who love to eat them it is no good for us and other animals.

Yet we have found a way that we can eat them, not only us but our feathered friends as well.

So, no thinking that you can give any of the potato leftovers that you have cut, and then give it raw to your chickens.

Leave it in the compost, or just throw it in the bin.

Most probably the latter, because if you let your chickens out in your backyard for a run.

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You do not want them to find any raw potato scraps in the compost for them to find.

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Potato

Now, cooked potato is fine for your chickens but in moderation again.

I can’t stress this enough with food that is not their main diet.

Not that potato has many nutrients in it, but it makes a nice treat.

If you find any green potatoes.

Steer well away from them, for yourself and your chickens.

Wait till they are mature and turn white before even touching them.

Are Potatoes Toxic To Chickens

As we now know that yes, certain potatoes are indeed toxic to chickens.

If they belong to the nightshade family (Solanaceae), then you need to beware.

Any part of these potatoes can not be given to your chickens, this includes any greenery of the plant and any peelings.

Plus,m the potatoes need to be cooked before eating.
Even if it the potato peels.

Especially when they do turn green from exposure to the sunlight, contain the alkaloid solanine, which is toxic to everything really.

So keep these parts away from your chickens.

What Happens If Chickens Eat Potato

As long as your potatoes are cooked you will have no problem…

Any green or sprouted potatoes are a no-no.

So although you need to be careful.

Do not go silly thinking that you need to keep away from the potato.

It has served us through generations and as long as we handle it properly.

It is of no threat to us of your backyard chickens.

If you have any potato plants growing in your back garden.

And you do let your chickens out for a run.

You do need to make sure that your backyard chickens can not get anywhere near your potato plants.

You do not want them pecking and eating the leaves of the potatoes.
Or even the sprouts or stem.

They all have the toxin in them.

Can Chickens Eat Potato Vines

A little controversy here…

I have read that some say that the raw part of the potato is ok to feed chickens.

But I know now that eating raw potatoes is not good for us.

And as this is true, I feel it is not worth giving any raw potato to your chickens as well.

These are my thoughts on the subject anyway…

Here is the quote…

”The best thing about feeding your chickens potatoes is that you can give them raw or cooked potatoes.”

I just do not want to take the change of giving any part of raw potato to chickens.

Unless it is of the sweet potato variety which belongs to a different group, and therefore harmless to our chickens.

I want to state that if they get their beaks around a little bit of raw potato itself, you do not need to panic.

As long as they only had very little, as the toxin is not that strong that it would stun an elephant.

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But make sure, that is all…

And just keep an eye on them anyway of a little time to make sure that they are alright.

Can Chickens Eat Potato Skins

Potato skins of the white potato are not for your chickens.

As this is also raw, you do not want to be feeding them this.

If you have cooked the potato peels, then there is no trouble.

You can feed away, I am sure that your chickens will love eating up the cooked potato peels.

Can Chickens Eat Potato Chips

We love potato chips!

And so will our chickens.

But very little as it is cooked in oils and a lot of salt.

Although we do have extra salt on our food, chickens do not have a salt shaker and sprinkle it on their food.

So they are used to only having natural salt in their food.

So if you do really want them to have some.

Only a very little only…

If you are talking about cooked chips that you put with fish, fish and chips.
There is no problem with that as well.

As long as they are well cooked, and the extra salt content.

If you have a few that have been left on the plate.

I can not see the harm in that.

Can Chickens Eat Potato Salad

Potato salad is a favourite of course and if you have some leftovers you can indeed feed your chickens a little potato salad.

Thye will enjoy the different flavours of such a feast,

And the mayonnaise, that is also ok to feed your chickens.
Remember in moderation.

Can Chickens Eat A Baked Potato

I can see it now!

Your chickens pecking away at a leftover baked potato.

How they will enjoy that for a meal.

They will enjoy the inside of the potato and also, just as much the baked skins.
If you have to a lot of filling on it.

You now know that they can eat mayonnaise, now and if it’s butter, that’s fine also.

Anything you are not sure of, then take it off before giving them the feast of the baked potato.

Can Chickens Eat Canned Potatoes

Can chickens eat potato canned?

Interesting one…

There is no problem with giving them a little.

But remember that canned food has preservatives in them.
Some also have salt or sugar.

So only give them a little then you can’t go wrong.

So the controversy of can chickens eat potato was a little scary there for parts.

But I hope that you have not been put off and just follow the right things to do with feeding your chickens potato and you all will be right.

I would not want you to think that your chickens should be missing out on their treat.

As they will enjoy it.