Chicken Coop Entertainment: 5 DIY Toys that will Have your Hens Laying Eggs of Joy

Chicken Coop Entertainment: 5 DIY Toys that will Have your Hens Laying Eggs of Joy

Jan 06, 2024

Why DIY Toys are Important for Chickens

Did you know that chickens need mental stimulation just as much as they require food and water?

In fact, providing them with entertainment can help reduce stress levels, improve their overall health, and even increase egg production.

One way to keep your hens entertained is by making homemade toys yourself!
Here are five DIY toys that will have your hens laying eggs of joy in no time!

Section Title 1: Creating an Enriching Environment with DIY Toys

One easy way to create a more enriching environment for your chickens is by making simple DIY toys out of everyday materials like cardboard tubes or plastic bottles.

For example, you could cut up some old cardboard boxes into small pieces and scatter them around the coop for your birds to peck at.

Or, fill a plastic bottle with seeds and hang it from the ceiling so your hens can play with it and get some exercise.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating fun activities for your flock!

Section Title 2: Activities for Happy Chickens

Another great idea for keeping your chickens engaged is by giving them things to do throughout the day.

You could set up a bird bath filled with sand or dirt so they can dust bathe, or provide them with a shallow tray of water to wade in on hot days.

You could also make a simple maze out of PVC pipes or wooden pallets and watch your hens navigate through it.

These types of activities not only provide mental stimulation but also encourage natural behaviors that promote good physical health.

Section Title 3: What toys can I make for my chickens

When it comes to making DIY toys for your chickens, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Some popular ideas include filling muffin tin cups with treats like mealworms or sunflower seeds, creating a rope ladder for them to climb, or building a miniature obstacle course using hay bales and straw bales.

Another option is to attach different textures like fabric scraps or leaves onto a string and hang it from the ceiling for your hens to investigate.

With a little creativity, the sky’s the limit when it comes to designing unique toys for your feathered friends.

Section Title 4: How do you make homemade chicken toys

Making homemade chicken toys is easier than you might think!
See also 5 Easy Ways to Make Homemade Chicken Toys That Will Keep Them Busy All Day Long

All you need is some basic supplies like cardboard, wood, or plastic containers, along with a few household tools like scissors, glue guns, and saws.
Start by brainstorming some ideas for toys that would be interesting to your chickens, then sketch out a rough design before beginning construction.

Once you have all the necessary materials gathered, simply follow the instructions provided online or use your own imagination to come up with something new and innovative.

Section Title 5: What can I do to keep my chickens entertained

In addition to making DIY toys, there are many other ways to keep your chickens entertained.

For instance, you could rotate their feeders and waterers to different locations within the coop each week, or add music to their environment to see if they respond positively.

You could also give them access to fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro, which not only provides flavorful snacks but also encourages natural foraging behavior.

And don’t forget about spending quality time with your flock by handling them regularly and letting them explore outside of their coop whenever possible.

Section Title 6: What can I put in my chicken coop for boredom

If you notice your chickens seeming bored or restless, consider adding some new items to their coop to spark their interest.

For example, you could place a mirror inside their run so they can admire themselves while preening, or install a swing made from an old tire hung from the ceiling.

You could also create a “treasure hunt” game by hiding bits of grain or seeds around the coop for your hens to find. By offering variety and novelty, you’ll help ensure your chickens stay happy and engaged.

Section Title 7: What do chickens like to play in

Chickens love playing in anything that resembles soil or dirt, so providing them with a digging area can be a great source of entertainment.

You could fill a large container with potting soil or sand and let your hens scratch away to their heart’s content.

They may also enjoy exploring piles of leaves or shredded paper, which makes for excellent nesting material as well.

Also, chickens tend to love perching on elevated surfaces, so installing branches or logs inside their coop can offer a comfortable spot where they can observe their surroundings.

See also Chicken Defense 101: Teaching Your Flock to Protect Itself Against Dogs and Other Predators

Section Title 8: What do chickens like to sit in

Chickens are social animals who thrive on interaction with others, so providing them with communal areas where they can gather together is important.

Consider setting aside a designated corner of your coop specifically for lounging and relaxation, complete with soft bedding like straw or hay.

This space should be free from any distractions or interruptions, allowing your hens to peacefully congregate without fear of being bothered.

Section Title 9: Do chickens like to listen to music

While studies have shown mixed results regarding whether or not chickens actually prefer listening to music, some farmers swear by its calming effects.

If you want to experiment with this concept, try playing gentle instrumentals or nature sounds at low volumes during times when your chickens typically become agitated or stressed (such as during stormy weather).

Keep track of how they react over time and adjust accordingly based on their behavior.

Section Title 10: Why do chickens like mirrors

It turns out that chickens are quite vain creatures who love checking themselves out on reflective surfaces!

Placing a mirror inside their coop allows them to admire their feathers and preen themselves, which helps maintain their overall appearance and confidence.

Mirrors can also serve as a form of entertainment, as your hens may engage in mock battles with their reflections or attempt to communicate with what they perceive as another bird.

Overall, incorporating mirrors into your chicken-keeping routine can bring hours of amusement and satisfaction to both you and your flock.

Section Title 11: Types of Chicken Toys

There are countless types of DIY toys you can make for your chickens, limited only by your imagination and available resources.

Some common examples include treat dispensers, tunnels made from cardboard rolls, and miniature obstacle courses constructed from various objects found around the farm.

You could also create puzzle feeders that challenge your hens to solve problems in order to gain access to their food or build a mobile made from colorful fabrics and ribbons that sways gently in the wind.

Ultimately, the key is to provide your chickens with opportunities to interact with their environment in meaningful ways, promoting both physical and emotional well-being.