Chicken Supply No Longer Needed!

Chicken Supply No Longer Needed!

Jan 03, 2024

Chicken Supply

I am not just talking about the supply of chicken on the plate, as it has been forever.

I have found that the cellular meat industry is going to change life as we know it and change the planet for the better.

Chicken Supply Without The Chicken

I have found an article that I just have to put on this site, it is not an ordinary article.

But as a chicken lover and a carnivore, this is exciting, and I am sure that all that is the same, will feel so as well.

Have you heard about lab-grown chicken before?

If you have not as yet, let me fill you in.

What if you could enjoy your chicken on a plate without feeling sorry knowing where it came from.


If vegetarians did not know it, that carnivores who eat meat do feel for the animals they eat.

It’s not just on the plate and forget about it.

They may argue then, why would you eat meat if you are not happy about it?

I would say that we are carnivores, that’s how we are made, and to deviate from it, no matter what vegetarians say.

That they can subsidise it from other sources and be of the same efficiency as a carnivore is.

It’s a controversy.

And that consumption of meat, according to our kind and what we are meant to be, can not be wholly replaced.

So what does this exciting discovery of lab designed meat mean to us carnivores?

This means not only can we produce mean in the lab, but it could spell the end of, if not part of the problem of polluting our planet.

See also Catching Chickens Is Easy? Think Again!

Slowing down overfishing, also the cattle farms where methane gas produced by cattle omit a lot of harmful gases into the atmosphere.

Then there is deforestation to make way for the grazing of these cattle and other animals.

I could go on…

But as usual, there most probably will be opposition from the cattle organisations, but here again, this is all about profits, and not looking forward to the future and the planet.

The Quick Chicken

This is how this cell-based meat has come to be…

A small number of animal cells are taken from the poultry.

These cells are then fed nutrients like minerals, fats, amino acids, carbohydrates, and vitamins.

These are the same types of nutrients that an animal needs to grow and multiply in general…

From there, the cells are grown into meat at such a rapid rate using a bioreactor that it is only taking a fortnite to produce.

Now this means is not a substitute, it is the real deal, not a made-up mash of chemicals and other stuff.

I just can’t get over how quickly it grows, that is faster than traditional chicken, which takes about 45days.

Saving Our Chickens

The process is not in its infancy now, as other meats have been produced, from fish to land-based stock.

So I can see that we have a choice to welcome this into our lives in a big way.
It is being served in restaurants now such as Singapore.

I did hear something about a fast-food chain using these meats to make patties for their burgers, excess the animal.

See also How Many Feeders Do I Need For 6 Chickens

The company that is making this homegrown meat is not making money as yet, but as facilities get bigger, we will see that is viable for them.

And this in turn will be better for all of us.

It has in fact come quicker than I would have thought to get into the mainstream of production. And I, for one, applaud it.

Saving those chickens and other animals is positive, will it completely replace the normal process of meat production…

I can not say this, only that with time I hope it does.

Chicken supply needs to be for people who want them to lay eggs for us and meander around in our backyards and farms.

And that makes me happy to think of that.

Here is the link, go and find out more about this.