Cream Legbar vs Crested Legbar: Which Breed Lays the Most Beautiful Eggs

Cream Legbar vs Crested Legbar: Which Breed Lays the Most Beautiful Eggs

Jan 15, 2024

Introduction to Cream and Crested Legbars

The Cream Legbar is a breed of chicken that originated in England.

It was developed by Reginald Appleyard in 1920, with the goal of creating a bird that would lay blue eggs.

The Crested Legbar, on the other hand, also hails from England but has been around for much longer than its cream-colored cousin.

Both breeds are known for their distinctive appearance, with feathers covering only their heads like a crest, leaving their necks and faces bare.

Egg Color Comparison: Blue vs Green

One of the most striking features of both these breeds is the color of their eggs.

While the Cream Legbar lays beautiful sky-blue eggs, the Crested Legbar’s eggs can range from olive green to pinkish brown.

So which one wins the battle of egg colors?

Well, it really depends on personal preference.

Some people prefer the unique shade of green offered by the Crested Legbar while others find the vibrant blue hue of the Cream Legbar more appealing. Ultimately, it comes down to individual taste.

Do Cream Legbars Always Lay Blue Eggs?

While the Cream Legbar is renowned for its blue eggs, not all individuals within this breed will necessarily produce them.

In fact, some may even lay white or tinted eggs instead.

This variation in egg color is due to genetics and can be influenced by factors such as diet and environmental conditions.

However, if you want to ensure that your Cream Legbar lays blue eggs consistently, it’s essential to choose birds that have been bred specifically for this trait.
See also Why Your Chickens Might Be Laying Green Eggs (And What You Can Do About It)

Broodiness in Cream Legbar Chickens

Another important factor to consider when choosing between Cream and Crested Legbars is broodiness.

As many experienced chicken keepers know, some breeds are more prone to going broody (i.e., wanting to sit on their eggs) than others.

Unfortunately, Cream Legbars tend to be quite broody, which means they may stop laying eggs altogether in order to incubate their fertilized eggs. If you don’t plan on breeding your flock, then this behavior could become problematic.

On the other hand, Crested Legbars are less likely to go broody, making them an ideal choice for those who simply want to enjoy fresh eggs without having to deal with a clucky hen.

Which Breed is Best for You

So which breed should you choose – Cream Legbar or Crested Legbar?
That ultimately depends on what you value most in a chicken.

If you prioritize beauty over practicality, then the Cream Legbar might be the better option thanks to its stunning blue eggs.

But if you’re looking for a hardy, low-maintenance bird that won’t drive you crazy with its broodiness, then the Crested Legbar might be the way to go.

Either way, both breeds offer something special and unique, so you really can’t go wrong!