Cream Legbars and Their Unique Egg Color: What You Should Know

Cream Legbars and Their Unique Egg Color: What You Should Know

Jan 15, 2024

Introduction to Cream Legbars and Their Egg Color

If you’re a chicken enthusiast, then you must have heard of the Cream Legbar breed.

This unique breed is known for its striking appearance and beautiful cream-colored eggs.

The Cream Legbar has been around since the 1920s when it was first developed in England by crossing Barred Plymouth Rock hens with Araucana roosters.

The result was a stunning bird that laid gorgeous eggs with pastel blue shells.

The Science Behind the Unique Egg Color of Cream Legbars

So what makes the egg color of Cream Legbars so special?

Well, unlike other chickens whose eggs are colored based on pigments from their diet or genetic factors, Cream Legbars lay eggs with unique colors due to a genetic mutation.

Specifically, they carry a recessive gene called “Oc” which causes them to produce oocyanin, a protein that gives the eggshell its distinctive shade of blue.

How to Care for a Cream Legbar Chicken and Its Eggs

When it comes to caring for your Cream Legbar flock, there are some important things to consider.

Firstly, these birds require plenty of space to move around and exercise, as well as access to fresh water and food.

They also need a comfortable nest box where they can lay their eggs safely.

It’s essential to collect the eggs regularly to prevent breakages and ensure that the birds don’t eat their own eggs.

Common Misconceptions About Cream Legbars and Their Eggs

One common misconception about Cream Legbars is that they only lay light blue eggs.

While this may be true for some individuals, others can produce eggs ranging from pale green to almost white.

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Also, some people believe that Cream Legbars are difficult to care for because of their delicate constitution.

However, this isn’t necessarily true – provided they receive proper nutrition and attention, they can thrive just like any other chicken breed.

Why You Should Consider Adding a Cream Legbar to Your Flock

If you’re looking for a unique addition to your backyard flock, look no further than the Cream Legbar.

With their striking appearance and beautiful eggs, they’re sure to add something special to your homestead.

Plus, they’re relatively easy to care for once you understand their needs and requirements. So why not give one (or more!) a try today?