Creating an Enriching Environment: DIY Toys for Boredom-Busting Chickens

Creating an Enriching Environment: DIY Toys for Boredom-Busting Chickens

Jan 06, 2024

Chickens are intelligent and curious creatures that require mental stimulation to prevent boredom.

One way to provide this is by creating a variety of homemade toys that can keep them entertained throughout the day.

In this article, we will discuss some materials and instructions for making your own chicken toys, as well as activities you can do with your flock to keep them happy and engaged.

Introduction to DIY Chicken Toys

Making your own chicken toys not only saves money but also allows you to customize them according to your chickens’ preferences.

Some common materials used in DIY chicken toys include:

  • wood
  • rope
  • PVC pipes
  • cardboard boxes

You can use these materials to create various types of toys such as ladders, swings, tunnels, and nesting boxes.

These toys help chickens exercise their natural behaviors like climbing, scratching, and exploring.

Materials and Instructions for Making Homemade Chicken Toys

To make a simple ladder, all you need is a wooden board and some ropes or twine.

Cut the board into different lengths and attach one end of each piece to the wall using screws or nails.

Tie the other ends of the boards together with rope or twine to form a ladder shape.

Your chickens can use this ladder to climb up and down while exercising their legs and wings.

Another easy DIY project is making a swing out of a plastic bottle. Fill the bottle with seeds or treats and hang it from a tree branch or wire mesh.

This provides your chickens with a fun activity while also helping them develop problem-solving skills as they figure out how to get at the goodies inside.

See also Chicken Enrichment 101: Make Your Own DIY Toys for a Healthier, Happier Flock

Activities for Happy Chickens: Keeping Them Entertained

In addition to providing them with toys, there are many ways you can engage your chickens and keep them mentally stimulated.

For example, you can hide food around their pen so they have to search for it, or scatter grains on the ground and watch them peck at it.

Another idea is to give them puzzles made from cardboard boxes filled with holes or mazes.

They will enjoy trying to find their way through the obstacles.

Types of Chicken Toys and What They Do

There are several types of chicken toys available, including:

  • perches
  • swings
  • ladders
  • tunnels
  • nesting boxes

Perches – allow chickens to rest their feet and promote healthy posture.

Swings – provide entertainment and exercise for chickens, especially during mating season when males show off their flying abilities.

Ladders – encourage climbing behavior and improve leg strength.

Tunnels – offer hiding spots and opportunities for exploration.

Nesting boxes – simulate the feeling of being buried in soil, which helps reduce stress levels and promotes the laying of eggs.

By incorporating DIY toys and activities into your chickens’ environment, you can provide them with enrichment that keeps them occupied and reduces boredom.

With just a little bit of effort and imagination, you can create a space where your chickens thrive and flourish.