Eggs Organic – Hold on, are Hens Eggs Really Organic?

Eggs Organic – Hold on, are Hens Eggs Really Organic?

Jan 04, 2024

Organic eggs, eggs organic – hold on…

Can you really get organic eggs? And what does this really mean to the uninitiated?

Let’s go into this further, shall we?

Eggs Organic Did You Say…

Yes, there is, and I bet there are a few of you out there who want to know what this is all about don’t you?

Organic Eggs Meaning

Let’s make deciding on which eggs to buy a bit simpler.

There are so many types of eggs to choose from like certified USD Aorganic free-range, cage eggs, Yuck!

  • barn laid eggs
  • free natural
  • vegetarian fed
  • antibiotic free
  • omega boosted varieties

How confusing is that!

I mean eggs are just eggs, right?

So let’s break it down and look at the distinct difference between the official USDA-certified organic egg and a free-range egg.

Personally, I think these are the two that are actually regulated among these is the USDA Organic eggs.

The chickens that lay these golden eggs are fed only…

Get this!

Organic chicken feed.

And they do not have any of those antibiotics in them and are required to have some exposure to sunlight apparently.

Free-range chickens are kind of, as they sound…

These fortunate hens have access to wander about the outdoors for at least a portion of their lives.

And this gives them the opportunity to graze for seeds and bugs as they would have naturally in their wild state.

Then they are put back into the chicken coop.

Organic Eggs Benefits

Hens that have been eating an organic diet have been tested to have two-thirds more vitamin A in their eggs.

In fact, seven times more beta-carotene and even triple the amount of vitamin K as well.

These added benefits, are all important for the overall health of your hair, nails eyes and skin.

See also What Color eggs do Blue Ameraucana Chickens lay?

With all these benefits, you can see why buying organic eggs is a plus for you getting more nutrients in your food.

You could also ask if the colour of the inside of the egg actually matters.

It does when you are looking for those added elements. With the outside of the hen’s egg.

Whether it be a brown colour, speckled or even white in colour.

This is the outside of the hen’s egg – the shell.

Which is mainly determined by the colour of the hen or its breeding. So it does not matter when it comes to the goodness of the egg.

Do Organic Eggs Really Matter?

I think we have determined that the organic egg is overall better for you health-wise.

There are many people who prefer to buy organic eggs these days. Simply because the hens are not confined to those horrible small cages.

The hens also have access to the great outdoors.


Maybe not so great. But they are also fed organic feed.

A lot of this is subsidised by what they pick up while roaming around loose.
It is really a personal decision. or your part.

I see so many times when I go shopping that people still go and pick up the caged eggs.

I know that they are cheaper – but sometimes you have to put your health and the chicken’s health at the forefront of what matters.

And I really do get mad to think that these people just don’t really care for the chicken’s welfare in cages.

For any of those dishes that need an extra-fluffy texture, though, I would go for the organic eggs, the free-range is I would say nearly just as good.

What Is The Difference Between Free-Range Eggs And Organic Eggs?

These organic farms certified by the Soil Association have to provide more pop holes (exits from the hen house) for egg-laying hens than those ‘free range’ farms do for one.

See also The Rainbow of Egg Yolk Colors: Which Shade is Your Favorite
And all organic hens are fed on GM-free feed.

Whereas with those hen eggs that are laid by ‘free-range’ hens, there are no requirements regarding the GM status of the feed.

Organic Eggs Price

How much for organic eggs you say?

While eggs from caged hens can sell for as little as $3 a dozen.

The cost for free-range eggs has edged up around $6 to $7 a dozen in some places.

But I have found lately that free-range eggs and barn eggs are coming down.

Most probably because more and more farmers are getting into this.

I have found free-range eggs to be more expensive than barn eggs, not by much though…

You would be looking at $4.50 a dozen which makes it more competitive when buying your eggs from a store.

Do Organic Eggs Mean Pasture Raised?

There are many pasture-raised eggs, or should I say hens.

They are not organic as the hens are fed on conventional feed that was grown with pesticides or GMOs,.

So it’s important that you look for the USDA Certified Organic label no matter which type of eggs you do choose when shopping.

Organic eggs, eggs organic...

Whichever way you say it.

I hope that I have cleared up this dilemma with knowledge of what the whole eggs organic movement is all about.

And that you choose the sort of hen eggs you want in the future