Everything You Need to Know About Easter Egger Pullets

Everything You Need to Know About Easter Egger Pullets

Jan 15, 2024

Easter Eggers are a unique breed of chickens that have become increasingly popular among backyard poultry keepers.

These birds are known for their colorful eggs, friendly personalities, and hardy constitutions.

So let’s explore everything you need to know about Easter Egger pullets.

Introduction to Easter Egger Pullets:

Easter Egger pullets are a hybrid breed that resulted from crossing various purebred chicken breeds including Ameraucanas, Araucanas, and other breeds with blue egg genetics.

They were originally bred in the United States as show birds but quickly gained popularity due to their attractive appearance and prolific egg-laying abilities.

What Color are Easter Egger Pullet’s Eggs?

One of the most distinctive features of Easter Egger pullets is their colorful eggs.

The eggs can range in shades of green, blue, and even pinkish-brown. However, not all Easter Eggers will lay colored eggs.

It depends on the specific combination of genes inherited by each bird.

Some may only produce cream or brown eggs while others may lay eggs with varying shades of bluish-green hues.

Can Chickens See in the Dark?

Chickens have excellent eyesight during daylight hours, but they cannot see well in low light conditions such as at dusk or dawn.

This is because their pupils dilate slowly, which makes it difficult for them to adjust to changes in light levels.

Also, chickens lack a reflective layer behind their retina called the tapetum lucidum, which helps animals see better in low-light situations.

Therefore, if you want your Easter Egger pullets to be able to navigate around their coop and run safely at night, you should provide them with adequate lighting.

See also How Rare are Lavender Orpington Chickens?

Are Easter Eggers Good Egg Layers?

Yes, Easter Eggers are good egg layers.

On average, these birds can produce up to 250-300 eggs per year, making them one of the most productive backyard chicken breeds.

Their high egg production combined with their docile temperament and beautiful plumage make them an ideal choice for small-scale farmers and homeowners who want to raise chickens for both meat and eggs.

How Do You Tell if an Easter Egger is a Hen?

Determining the sex of young Easter Egger pullets can be challenging since they look similar when they are born.

However, there are some physical characteristics that distinguish males from females. For instance, male chicks tend to grow faster than female chicks and may develop larger combs and wattles earlier in life.

Also, male chicks often exhibit more aggressive behavior towards other chicks compared to females.

To confirm the gender of your Easter Egger pullets, you can use DNA testing kits available online or take them to a veterinarian for a professional examination.

How Long do Easter Eggers Live?

The lifespan of Easter Egger pullets varies depending on several factors such as nutrition, housing, and environmental conditions.

Generally, these birds can live between 6-8 years, but some individuals may live longer with proper care.

Regular health checks, balanced diets, clean living spaces, and access to fresh water and sunlight can help extend the lifespan of your Easter Egger pullets.