Farmers Breed Chickens with Colorful Eggs! | Maryland Farm & Harvest

Farmers Breed Chickens with Colorful Eggs! | Maryland Farm & Harvest

Jan 17, 2024

At Deer Run Farm in Emmitsburg, farmers Allison Rostad and Josh Stewart are breeding and selling five heritage chicken breeds that produce eggs in a variety of vibrant colors.

From light blue to terracotta, these chickens are laying eggs that add a colorful twist to breakfast. Customers from all over, including Alaska and Hawaii, are purchasing chicks from Deer Run Farm to add a pop of color to their coops.

But before the chicks can embark on their journey, Allison and Josh take the necessary steps to ensure their health and safety, including vaccinating them against diseases and teaching them how to drink water.

This behind-the-scenes look at the hatchery sheds light on the growing trend of backyard chicken farming and the joy it brings to families who are able to cultivate their own food and teach their children about responsibility and sustainability.

Once the chicks are ready, Allison prepares them for shipping, ensuring their comfort during the journey by using heat packs and bedding materials.

Within 72 hours, these fluffy chicks will make their way to their new homes across the United States, delighting their new owners with both their feathers and the colorful eggs they will soon produce.

This article offers insights into the fascinating world of chicken breeding and highlights the beauty of these heritage breeds that are bringing a touch of rainbow to breakfast tables around the country.

Preparing the Chicks for Shipping

Vaccinating the Birds

Before the chicks were shipped to their new homes, they need to be vaccinated to ensure they will be disease-free.

Allison Rostad, one of the farmers and chicken breeders at the farm, explains that they are the only hatchery in the United States that is completely disease-free.

They maintain this by vaccinating the birds themselves and testing them every three months. The vaccination given to the birds is for Merrick's disease, and it is also laced with new castle disease.

Teaching the Chicks to Drink

Next, Josh Stewart, another farmer at Deer Run Farm, demonstrates the process of teaching the chicks how to drink. Since they have never had water until they hatched, it is essential to introduce them to it before they are placed in the brooder.

By dipping their beaks in water shortly after hatching, the chicks quickly learn how to drink. This method accelerates their ability to find water and eventually begin pecking at their food.

Introducing Them to Food

Once the chicks have learned to drink, they can move on to learning how to eat. Stewart explains that the chicks will start pecking at their food and figure it out on their own.

He emphasizes the importance of getting them water as soon as possible to expedite the learning process.

By teaching the chicks to drink and introducing them to food, the farmers ensure their ability to survive and thrive in their new homes.

Heritage Chicken Breeds

Explaining the Four Breeds

At Deer Run Farm, there are four heritage chicken breeds that are raised and sold to customers.

These breeds were popular in the 1950s and 1960s and were commonly found on homesteads. They are known as dual-purpose breeds, meaning they were grown for both egg-laying purposes and meat production.

Customers are drawn to these heritage breeds for their uniqueness and ability to produce a wide variety of colorful eggs.

Dual Purpose Breeds

The four heritage chicken breeds at Deer Run Farm serve as dual-purpose breeds. This means that they are not only great for egg production but are also suitable for meat consumption.

By raising these breeds, farm owners can enjoy fresh eggs while also having the option to butcher the males for meat.

This versatility makes these breeds attractive to those who want to have both egg-laying hens and a source of meat.

Growing Trend of Raising Backyard Chickens

Raising backyard chickens has become a popular trend in recent years, and the COVID-19 pandemic has increased interest even further.

Many families are finding that raising chickens together is a rewarding and educational experience. Children can learn about responsibility and taking care of live animals, and parents can enjoy the benefits of having fresh eggs readily available.

Deer Run Farm caters to this growing trend by providing disease-free heritage breeds that lay colorful eggs, adding a unique touch to the backyard flock experience.

The Appeal of Colorful Eggs

Attracting Customers

One of the main reasons why customers are drawn to Deer Run Farm is their selection of chickens that lay colorful eggs. Instead of the typical white or brown eggs, customers have the opportunity to add a splash of color to their egg baskets.

The vibrant hues of the eggs attract customers who appreciate the variety and aesthetic appeal of their egg collection.

Backyard Flock Owners

Backyard flock owners make up a significant portion of Deer Run Farm's customer base.

These individuals enjoy the benefits of having their own small flock of chickens for personal use.

By purchasing heritage breeds that lay colorful eggs, backyard flock owners can showcase their unique egg collection and enjoy the beauty and diversity of the eggs they collect.

Smaller Commercial Flocks

In addition to backyard flock owners, Deer Run Farm also caters to smaller commercial flocks. These flocks may consist of farmers or businesses looking for high-quality, disease-free birds that lay colorful eggs.

And by offering a range of heritage breeds, Deer Run Farm provides options for smaller commercial operations to add some color and variety to their egg production.

Different Egg Colors

Light Blue Eggs (Americana Breed)

One of the breeds at Deer Run Farm, the Americana breed, lays light blue eggs.

These eggs stand out and add a unique touch to any egg basket. The color of the eggs is sure to catch the eye of customers looking for something different and exciting.

Light Tan Eggs (Delawares)

Delawares, another breed at Deer Run Farm, lay light tan eggs. These eggs have a warm, inviting color and provide a delightful contrast to other eggs. Their soft hue adds a touch of elegance to any egg collection.

Dark Brown Eggs (Copper Morans and Well Summers)

The Copper Morans and Well Summers breeds at Deer Run Farm both lay dark brown eggs. These eggs exude richness and depth, giving them a sophisticated appeal. With their deep color, they are sure to attract attention and create a stunning display.

Terracotta Eggs (Well Summers)

The Well Summers breed at Deer Run Farm, in addition to laying dark brown eggs, can also produce terracotta eggs. These eggs sometimes have speckles, adding an element of uniqueness and visual interest. The terracotta hue brings warmth and character to any egg collection.

Greenish/Brown Eggs (Olive Eggers)

The Olive Eggers, a mixed breed at Deer Run Farm, lay greenish/brown eggs. These eggs have a distinctive color that can range from light green to olive to brown. Their earthy tones bring a natural and rustic charm to any egg collection.

Incubation Process

21 Days in the Incubator

Once the eggs are collected from the diverse heritage breeds at Deer Run Farm, they are carefully placed in an incubator. In this controlled environment, the eggs undergo a 21-day process of incubation.

During this time, the eggs are kept at the optimal temperature and humidity levels, allowing the embryos inside to develop and grow.

Hatching and Caring for Chicks

After 21 days of incubation, the eggs are ready to hatch. The chicks break through the shells and enter the world, ready to embark on their new lives.

At this stage, they require special care and attention to ensure their health and well-being. The farmers at Deer Run Farm provide the necessary heat, food, and water to help the chicks thrive and grow strong.

Deer Run Farm's History

Purchase of the Farm in 1996

Deer Run Farm has a rich history that stretches back to 1996 when Josh Stewart's parents purchased the farm. Initially, the family focused on raising red Angus cattle and growing crops for feed.

However, the opportunity to buy a chicken breeding business arose in 2017, leading to a transition in their farming operations.

Transition to Chicken Breeding Business in 2017

In 2017, Josh Stewart had the chance to purchase a nearby chicken breeding business. Despite having no prior knowledge of raising chickens, he and Allison Rostad saw this opportunity as a way to keep the farm sustainable.

Josh made the decision to become a full-time farmer, and with Allison's graphic design background, they embraced the challenge of running a chicken breeding business.

Sharing Poultry Knowledge

Educating Customers

Deer Run Farm takes pride in sharing its poultry knowledge with customers. They understand the importance of educating customers about raising and caring for chickens.

Through each package of chicks they send via the U.S Mail, they provide helpful information and guidance on how to ensure the birds' health, happiness, and productivity. By equipping customers with the necessary knowledge, they contribute to the success of backyard flock owners and smaller commercial flocks.

Packaging Chicks for Safe Shipping

Part of sharing their poultry knowledge involves ensuring the safe shipping of chicks to their new owners.

Allison Rostad demonstrates the process of packaging the birds for shipping. Depending on the weather conditions, the chicks are provided with a heat pack at the bottom of their container to maintain a comfortable temperature during transit.

An Excelsior pad made of shaved wood serves as bedding to prevent slipping and provide traction. Additionally, they use a grow gel, an electrolyte in gel form, to keep the chicks hydrated throughout their journey.

Preparing Chicks for Shipping

Creating a Comfortable Environment for Travel

When preparing chicks for shipping, their comfort is a top priority. They are placed in a container that is temperature-controlled to ensure they do not experience any extreme hot or cold conditions during transit.

The container is designed to provide adequate ventilation while also protecting the chicks from jostling or injury.

Heat Packs, Bedding, and Grow Gel

To further enhance the comfort of the chicks during shipping, heat packs are added to the container.
These heat packs provide a consistent source of warmth for up to 72 hours, ensuring the chicks remain at a comfortable temperature throughout their journey. Bedding in the form of an Excelsior pad is also included to provide a cushioned surface and prevent slipping.

Finally, a grow gel, which contains electrolytes, is dispersed in the container to keep the chicks hydrated until they reach their final destination.

Delivering Fluffy Chicks

Trip to the Post Office

Once the chicks are securely packaged for shipping, the next step is to take them to the post office. The farmers at Deer Run Farm make sure the chicks are prepared and ready to be transported to their new homes.

With great care and attention to detail, they hand over the packages to the postal service, knowing that within a few days, the chicks will be received by their new owners.

Happy New Owners

Within three days of being shipped, the fluffy chicks arrive at their new homes.
The new owners eagerly anticipate their arrival and are thrilled to welcome these adorable additions to their chicken coops.

It is a joyous moment for both the new owners and the farmers at Deer Run Farm, knowing that their efforts have successfully delivered happiness and excitement.

Enjoying Colorful Eggs

Thrilled Customers

Upon receiving the chicks, the new owners quickly discover that the journey does not end there. Once the chicks have grown and matured, they begin laying eggs in a wide range of colors.

Customers are overjoyed with the unique and colorful eggs their chickens produce. The vibrant hues and varied shades add a touch of beauty and excitement to their daily egg collection.

The Beauty of Rainbow Eggs

The rainbow of egg colors produced by the heritage chicken breeds at Deer Run Farm is truly remarkable.

With shades ranging from light blue to light tan, dark brown to terracotta, and greenish/brown, the farm's customers are treated to a diverse and visually stunning array of eggs.

The beauty of these colorful eggs is a testament to the careful breeding and dedication of the farmers at Deer Run Farm.

In conclusion, Deer Run Farm offers a unique and exciting selection of heritage chicken breeds that lay eggs in a wide range of colors.

From the careful preparation of the chicks for shipping to the joy of receiving fluffy chicks and enjoying their colorful eggs, the farmers at Deer Run Farm have created a thriving business that brings happiness and beauty to customers across the country.

Through their passion for poultry and commitment to providing top-quality birds, Deer Run Farm has become a trusted name in the world of chicken breeding.