Find the Best Chicken Boarding Services Near You

Find the Best Chicken Boarding Services Near You

Jan 09, 2024

Looking for a trustworthy place to board your beloved chickens when you’re away?

Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to find the best chicken boarding services near you.

No more worrying about who will take care of your feathered friends while you’re on vacation.

With our helpful tips and recommendations, you’ll be able to locate top-notch boarding services that will provide a safe and comfortable environment for your chickens.

So, let’s get started on finding the perfect home away from home for your clucking companions!

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Factors to Consider for Chicken Boarding

When it comes to finding the best chicken-boarding services for your feathered friends, there are a few key factors to consider.

From the location and facilities to the experience of the staff and safety measures in place, each aspect plays a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of your chickens while you are away.

Additionally, it’s important to look for a facility that offers healthcare services, as chickens, like any other pets, may require medical attention during their stay.

By taking these factors into account, you can feel confident that you are choosing the right chicken boarding facility for your beloved flock.


The location of a chicken boarding facility is an important factor to consider.

Ideally, you want a facility that is conveniently located near your home, as this can make dropping off and picking up your chickens much easier.

Also, a facility located in a quiet and rural area can provide a more peaceful environment for your chickens, reducing the stress levels they may experience while being away from their familiar surroundings.


When researching chicken boarding facilities, it is essential to consider the quality and suitability of the facilities provided.

The coops should be clean, well-maintained, and spacious enough to accommodate the number of chickens you have.

Adequate ventilation and lighting are also important for the well-being of your chickens.

Moreover, look for facilities that provide separate areas for different flocks to prevent the spread of diseases and ensure compatibility.

Staff Experience

The experience and knowledge of the staff at a chicken boarding facility can make a significant difference in the care provided to your chickens.

It is important to inquire about the qualifications and training of the staff members regarding chicken care.

Skilled professionals will have a better understanding of chicken behaviors, health conditions, and dietary requirements, ensuring that your chickens are well looked after during their stay.

Safety Measures

The safety of your chickens should be a top priority when choosing a boarding facility.

Inquire about the security measures in place to prevent escapes and protect against predators.

Facilities with sturdy fences, secure locks, and predator-proof coops can provide peace of mind knowing that your chickens are safe.

Additionally, ask about any precautions taken to prevent the spread of diseases, as chickens can be susceptible to various infections.

Healthcare Services

Just like any other pets, chickens may require medical attention while boarding.
It is important to choose a facility that offers healthcare services or has a partnership with a nearby veterinarian. Inquire about the availability of on-site veterinary care or if there are protocols in place for emergencies.

This ensures that your chickens receive timely medical attention if needed and gives you peace of mind knowing that they are in good hands.

Researching Chicken Boarding Facilities

Before making a decision, it is important to thoroughly research the chicken boarding facilities available in your area.

Here are a few methods to consider when conducting your research:

Online Search

The internet is a valuable resource for finding information about chicken boarding facilities.

Conducting an online search will provide you with a list of potential facilities in your area, along with their contact information and reviews.

Take the time to read reviews and gather as much information as possible about each facility to determine which ones align with your needs and preferences.

Local Directory

Local directories, both online and in print, can also be a useful tool for finding chicken boarding facilities near you.

Check the “Pet Boarding” or “Animal Boarding” sections to find facilities that offer services specifically for chickens.

Make note of the contact information and any additional details provided, such as services offered and pricing.

Word-of-Mouth Recommendations

Reach out to fellow chicken owners, friends, or neighbors who have used chicken boarding services in the past.

Their personal experiences and recommendations can be extremely valuable in helping you narrow down your options.

Ask about their overall satisfaction with the facility, the care provided to their chickens, and any specific details that stood out.

Social Media Groups

Joining local chicken-related social media groups or forums can also provide insights and recommendations from other chicken owners in your area.

These groups often have members who have utilized chicken boarding services and can provide firsthand experiences and suggestions.

Participating in discussions and sharing your own needs can lead to valuable recommendations and a better understanding of each facility.

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See also The Ultimate Guide to Chicken Nesting Boxes

Visiting Chicken Boarding Facilities

Once you have gathered a list of potential chicken-boarding facilities, it is important to schedule visits to each location.

This will give you the opportunity to assess the facilities firsthand and ask any specific questions you may have.

During your visits, focus on the following aspects:

Scheduling a Visit

Reach out to each facility and schedule a visit in advance.

This ensures that the staff are available to give you a tour and answer any questions you may have. It also allows them to prepare for your visit, creating a more positive and informative experience.

Observing Cleanliness

Upon arriving at each facility, pay close attention to its cleanliness. Cleanliness is crucial in maintaining the health and well-being of your chickens.

Look for signs of regular cleaning, such as fresh bedding, well-maintained coops, and the absence of feces or debris.

A clean environment indicates that the facility takes pride in its standards and prioritizes the welfare of the boarded chickens.

Inspecting Coops

Take a close look at the coops where the chickens will be housed.

Ensure that they are of suitable size and design for the number of chickens they
will house. Look for ample ventilation, proper lighting, and appropriate nesting boxes.

A well-designed coop provides comfort and security for the chickens, allowing them to rest and lay eggs comfortably.

Checking Security Measures

Assess the security measures in place to keep the chickens safe. Look for sturdy fencing, locks on gates and coops, and measures to deter predators, such as wire mesh or electric fencing.

Ensure that the facility has a comprehensive plan to prevent escapes and protect the chickens from potential harm.

Security measures should be robust, addressing the specific challenges posed by the local environment.

Questions to Ask Chicken Boarding Facilities

During your visits to chicken boarding facilities, it is essential to ask pertinent questions to gather all the necessary information.
Here are some questions to consider asking facility staff:


Ask about the facility’s availability during the period you plan to board your chickens. Facilities may have limited capacity, especially during peak seasons, so it is essential to ensure that they can accommodate your chickens when needed.

Feeding and Watering Routine

Inquire about the facility’s feeding and watering routine for boarded chickens. It is important to understand what type of feed is provided, how frequently the chickens are fed, and if any special dietary requirements can be accommodated.

Consistency in feeding and watering routines is crucial for the well-being of chickens.

Exercise and Enrichment

Ask about the exercise and enrichment opportunities provided to boarded chickens. Find out if they have access to outdoor runs or spacious areas to roam and forage.

Chickens are social animals and require mental and physical stimulation to thrive.

Medical Support

Inquire about the facility’s medical support for boarded chickens. Ask if there is an on-site veterinarian or if there is a partnership with a local veterinary clinic.

Additionally, find out how medical emergencies are handled and what procedures are in place to address any health concerns that may arise.

Emergency Procedures

Ask about the facility’s emergency procedures. Inquire about their protocols for contacting you in case of an emergency and how they handle medical decisions.

It is important to ensure that the facility has clear guidelines in place to address unforeseen situations and that they prioritize the health and well-being of the chickens.

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Costs and Contracts

Understanding the costs and contract terms of chicken boarding facilities is crucial to making an informed decision.

Here are some factors to consider in this regard:

Pricing Structure

Inquire about the facility’s pricing structure for chicken boarding. Find out how rates are determined, whether they are based on a daily or weekly basis, and if any additional charges apply for specific services or accommodation requirements.

Understanding the pricing structure will help you evaluate the cost-effectiveness of each facility.

Additional Services

Ask about any additional services provided by the facility.

Some facilities may offer grooming, egg collection, or health check-ups as add-ons to their basic boarding services. Understanding the range of services available allows you to customize your chickens’ stay to meet their individual needs.

Deposits and Cancellations

Inquire about the facility’s deposit and cancellation policies. Find out if deposits are required to secure your reservation and if they are refundable in case of cancellations. Understanding these policies will help you plan and make decisions accordingly.

Contract Terms

Take the time to carefully review the contract terms offered by each facility. Pay attention to any clauses related to liability, limitations, and responsibilities. It is important to have a clear understanding of your rights and the facility’s obligations before signing any contract.

Preparing Your Chicken for Boarding

To ensure a smooth transition and a pleasant experience for your chickens, there are a few steps you can take to prepare them for their boarding stay:

Vaccinations and Health Check-ups

Make sure your chickens are up to date on their vaccinations and undergo a thorough health check-up before boarding them.

See also 5 Gadgets to Boost Coop Security & Protect Chickens From Predators
This helps protect the overall health of the flock and reduces the risk of any contagious diseases spreading to other chickens.

Providing Detailed Care Instructions

Write down detailed care instructions for your chickens, including feeding schedules, dietary restrictions, any medications they may require, and any other specific details that pertain to their well-being.

Clear and precise instructions will help the boarding facility provide appropriate care for your chickens.

Packing Essential Supplies

Pack essential supplies for your chickens, such as their preferred feed, bedding, and any medication they require. Providing these familiar items will help create a sense of comfort and familiarity for your chickens during their stay.

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Making the Reservation

Once you have selected a chicken boarding facility that meets your requirements, it is time to make a reservation. Here are some important factors to consider during this process:

Booking in Advance

Chicken boarding facilities may have limited availability, especially during peak seasons, so it is advisable to book well in advance to secure a spot.

Early booking ensures that the facility can prepare for your chickens’ arrival and avoids potential disappointments.

Providing Personal Information

When making a reservation, be prepared to provide personal information about yourself and your chickens. This may include contact details, vaccination records, and any specific requirements your chickens may have.

This information is crucial for the facility to provide proper care for your chickens.

Payment Options

Inquire about the payment options accepted by the facility. Some facilities may require a deposit upfront, while others may allow for full payment upon arrival or departure.

Clarify any payment-related questions to ensure a smooth and hassle-free transaction.


Transportation logistics are an important consideration when planning to board your chickens.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Bringing the Chickens

Determine the best method of transporting your chickens to the boarding facility. If you have a few chickens, a secure and well-ventilated carrier or crate may suffice.

For larger flocks, consider using a pet-friendly vehicle or arranging transportation services specifically designed for transporting livestock.

Pickup and Drop-off Services

Inquire if the boarding facility offers any pickup or drop-off services. Some facilities may have designated time slots for convenient drop-offs and pickups, which can save you time and ensure a smooth transition for your chickens.

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Ensuring a Smooth Transition

To help your chickens settle into their new environment, there are a few steps you can take to ensure a smooth transition:

Introducing Chickens to the Facility

When you arrive at the boarding facility, allow your chickens some time to acclimate to their new surroundings.

Be patient and give them the opportunity to explore their coop and outdoor area at their own pace. This gradual introduction will help reduce any stress or anxiety they may experience.

Providing Familiar Items

If possible, provide some familiar items from home for your chickens. This could include their regular feeder, waterer, or even a handful of bedding from their original coop.

These familiar scents and objects can help ease their transition and provide a sense of comfort during their stay.

Informing About Special Dietary Needs

If your chickens have any special dietary needs or restrictions, make sure to inform the facility staff and provide clear instructions. This ensures that your chickens’ dietary requirements are met and reduces the chance of any digestive issues or discomfort.

Staying in Contact

Maintaining communication with the chicken boarding facility throughout your chickens’ stay is important.

Here are some ways to stay in contact:

Regular Updates

Ask the facility to provide regular updates about your chickens’ well-being. This can include photos, videos, or written updates on their health, behavior patterns, and overall happiness. Regular updates help ease any worry or concern and keep you informed about their progress.

Emergency Communication

Ensure that the facility has a clear policy for emergency communication. Find out who the designated point of contact is in case of any emergencies or urgent situations.

Having this information readily available will give you peace of mind, knowing that you can be quickly notified in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

Permission for Medical Decisions

When boarding your chickens, it is important to provide the facility with written permission to make medical decisions on your behalf if necessary. This ensures that your chickens can receive prompt medical attention in case of emergencies, even if you are unreachable at the time.

By following these guidelines and considering the various factors involved in choosing a chicken boarding facility, you can ensure that your chickens are well cared for during your absence.

Taking the time to research, visit, and communicate with potential facilities will help you make an informed decision and provide a positive boarding experience for your beloved flock.

Remember, the well-being and happiness of your chickens should always be the top priority.