How To Look After Chickens – Is It Hard?

How To Look After Chickens – Is It Hard?

Jan 02, 2024

If you asked me if it was hard to look after chickens?

The short answer is No!!

Points On How To Look After Chickens

However, there are some points on how to look after chickens which will make the journey much smoother.

Let’s have a look at them, shall we…

1) Familiarize Yourself With Facts

Have a look at the general guidelines for looking after chickens before making the decision to go out and buy your chickens.

2) Is keeping Chickens Allowed

You will need to check with your local authorities regarding this. Certain areas are a hen ONLY areas.

This is going to be different wherever you live apart from the read beyond so look into this before you buy your chickens.

3) What Breed Of Chickens To Choose

Firstly you will need to make a decision on what you wish to achieve by keeping chickens.

Do you want only egg layers, or do you want to make some money on the side, this will require you to look at which chicken breeds are the best layers, or possibly a combination of both.

Another consideration is whether you want to show your chickens as well or to breed – If you are in a NO Rooster area then a breeding program of your own will not be allowed.

All of these decisions will determine what type of breed you will look for.
There are many, many different types.

Even if you choose an egg layer breed then more considerations; are you wishing for a certain eggshell colour?

Is the number of eggs that the breed lays in a year important?

Or they’re just simply a particular breed you like.

How will you keep your chickens – what type of housing?

a) Free Range

Will your chickens be able to roam free during the day?

This is fantastic if you have a large area and accept the risks involved with potential predators.

This way allows the chickens to reduce the bug/insect numbers in the garden.

However, a downside may be the scratching of the chickens may make your garden less neat to say the least, but more bug-free.

b) Chicken Coop & Run

This is where the chickens have their ‘own chicken house’ a coop that is fully enclosed by a fence, which is large enough for the chickens to roam/scratch around during the day.

See also Plastic or Metal Bird Feeders: Which Is Better For My Chickens

c ) Chicken Tractor

Is a mobile enclosure which allows you to move the chickens.

This can utilize the chickens’ scratching to your advantage.

Imagine having the tractor placed on top of an area that you wish to have worked up – such as a new garden bed or even a vegetable patch.

Whatever your decision may be regarding how the chickens may live, make sure that the roosting/nesting area is enclosed and safe from predators.

Feed and Water Requirements

Feeding Requirements

Different ages/stages of your chickens require different feed rations.

For example, if you are raising chicks – then a feed ration designed for Optimum laying would not be suitable.

For a laying hen – manufactured laying pellets are readily available.

This along with a scratch mix, plus greens which include weeds, grass, and leftovers from the kitchen.

Other leftovers from the kitchen may be fed but should be in moderation, most things that are grain-based are good.

Potatoes are not a good food for hens.

Calcium helps with the formation of the eggshell. If the calcium intake is reduced then soft-shelled eggs will be a result.

There are different sources of calcium, such as Oyster shells, grits, or even crushed eggshells.

b) How to Look after Chickens with their Water Requirements

You should ensure that there is always plenty of CLEAN FRESH water available.

The amount of water can be a limiting factor in egg production.

Any containers used to feed and water your chickens should be kept clean.

This helps in keeping down problems like diseases and pests that will affect the health of your chickens.

Using enclosed containers for your chickens will help keep dust and dirt from contaminating the food and water.

“Feathered Wanderers: The Hilarious Adventures of Lost Chickens Finding Their Way Home”

Picture this: a daring escape, a chicken on a quest, and a heartwarming reunion.

It’s the stuff of legends, my friend. We’ve all heard the phrase “like a chicken with its head cut off,” but have you ever wondered if a lost chicken can actually find its way back home?

So let’s lighten up this subject and we’ll explore the comical journey of lost chickens and uncover the truth behind their remarkable sense of direction, or lack thereof.

Get ready for a feather-filled adventure that will have you laughing and googling more than just “chicken recipes.”

  • The Great Escape: How Chickens Go on Vacation
  • First things first, let’s set the stage. Imagine a curious chicken with a wild spirit, yearning for a taste of the great unknown. Our feathered friend decides to embark on a daring escapade, leaving behind the comfort of its cozy coop. Whether it’s a momentary lapse of judgment or an insatiable wanderlust, chickens have been known to go on impromptu vacations that leave their owners scratching their heads.

See also Top 5 Chicken Predators and How to Protect Your Flock

  • Feathered GPS: The Mysterious Navigation System

  • Now, let’s address the burning question: Can a lost chicken find its way home? Well, the short answer is… not always. Chickens may possess some hidden, ancient navigation system that works in mysterious ways. Or maybe they just have a knack for getting themselves into predicaments that make for hilarious stories. Either way, their sense of direction often resembles a compass needle spinning aimlessly.

  • Chicken Detectives: The Search and Rescue Mission

  • When a chicken goes astray, it’s up to us humans to become the chicken detectives. We don our detective hats, grab our magnifying glasses, and embark on a mission to locate our wayward fowl. We follow the trail of feathers, ask neighbors if they’ve spotted any clucking runaways, and even enlist the help of local wildlife experts. It’s a race against time, filled with laughter and a few facepalms.

  • The Reunion: When Lost Chickens Find Their Way Back

  • Just when you start losing hope, a miracle happens. Your lost chicken, after a grand adventure filled with unexpected encounters and questionable life choices, miraculously finds its way back home. It’s a heartwarming moment that brings tears of joy and relief. You welcome your prodigal poultry back with open arms, knowing that they’ll forever hold the title of the world’s most adventurous chicken.

In the quirky world of lost chickens, the journey is often more entertaining than the destination.

While their sense of direction may leave much to be desired, the adventures and misadventures they embark upon make for unforgettable stories.

So, the next time you find yourself pondering whether a lost chicken can find its way home, remember the laughter, the suspense, and the unexpected reunions that make these feathered wanderers truly remarkable.

And who knows, maybe one day you’ll find yourself cheering on a lost chicken as it triumphantly returns to its humble coop, ready to regale its coop-mates with tales of daring escapades.