How to Raise Chickens that Lay Purple Eggs

How to Raise Chickens that Lay Purple Eggs

Jan 16, 2024

Are you ready to learn how to raise chickens that lay purple eggs?

If so, then this article is for you!

Purple eggs are a rare and unique treat that can be difficult to come by.

However, with the right knowledge and care, you too can have your very own flock of chickens producing these beautiful eggs.

Let’s start by learning more about what makes purple eggs so special.

The color of an eggshell is determined by the breed of chicken that lays it.

Chickens with darker feathers tend to produce darker-shelled eggs, while those with lighter feathers will typically lay lighter-colored eggs.

So why do some chickens lay purple eggs?

It all comes down to genetics.

Some chicken breeds carry a recessive gene that causes their eggs to take on a bluish-purple hue.

This is due to the presence of anthocyanins in the eggshell, which gives it its distinctive color.

Now that we know a bit more about purple eggs, let’s dive into how to raise chickens that lay them.

The first step is to choose the right chicken breed.

There are several varieties of chickens that are known for laying purple eggs, including the:

  • Ameraucana
  • Araucana
  • Marans breeds

These birds are prized for their hardiness, good temperament, and ability to adapt well to different environments.

Once you have chosen your preferred breed, it’s time to set up a safe and healthy environment for your chickens.

This involves providing them with a clean and spacious coop, plenty of fresh water, and a balanced diet consisting of layer feed, vegetables, and other treats.

See also Blue Eggs, Green Pastures: The Benefits of Raising Blue Egg-Laying Chickens on a Small Farm

You should also make sure to keep your chickens protected from predators such as foxes or hawks and regularly check them for signs of illness or injury.

Caring for your chickens is key to ensuring they remain happy and productive.

In addition to providing them with food and shelter, you should also spend time handling and interacting with your birds.

This helps build trust and strengthen the bond between you and your flock.

Regularly collecting and washing eggs is another important aspect of caring for your chickens.

Eggs should be collected at least once per day and stored in a cool, dry place until they are ready to be used.

Raising chickens that lay purple eggs may require a bit of extra effort, but the results are truly worth it.

With the right care and attention, you can enjoy delicious and nutritious eggs that are unlike any others.

Good luck on your journey towards raising your own flock of purple egg-laying chickens!