Invitation Only By Your Chickens – Walk In Chicken Coop

Invitation Only By Your Chickens – Walk In Chicken Coop

Jan 03, 2024

To have a Walk in Chicken Coop run or not?

That is the question…

Have you ever faced the problem when you get your backyard chickens whether you are going to have a chicken run attached to your chicken coop?

Or a chicken run that is smaller, and one you can not walk into?

Walk In Chicken Coop For Who

This might have started off as a funny question…

For who?

You might be thinking that I am talking about the chickens of course.

But in fact, this decision is just as important for yourself as it is for your chickens.
Confused yet?

Let me explain…

Why do you want to have your own backyard chickens apart from the chicken eggs?

To have pets right.

Chicken Coop Walk In Freedom

I have always gone with walk-in chicken coops for one reason…

These chickens are my friends, and I want to spend time with them.

So I have always gone for the DIY chicken coop run that I can freely walk into without having to constantly bend my head down walking into a chicken run where the top mesh is just too low.

That’s if you have chicken wire on top of your chicken run of course.

I just love interacting with my chickens and making friends with them, the hens eggs are great and that’s a bonus to me.

But integrating with my hens, even taking in a bucket and sitting on down on it and just watching them is great to find out how they interact and learn more about them…

See also Why Building a Custom Chicken Coop is the Best Decision You'll Ever Make

As mixing with my chickens is the highlight of owning chickens for me.

As I hope it is for you…

And if you have never had chickens before, you will find out for yourself, that if you can get in with your chickens and make friends with them.

You will be thrilled to do so.

Believe me, as they make lovely pets.

They are intelligent and really interact with you.

Large Chicken Coop Or Small Chicken Coop

That is the question…


It depends on how big your backyard is and how many chickens you want.

Either way, it is always nice to give chickens more space than they need.

If you can not have a large chicken run then do not get as many chickens, or get the smaller bantam variety of chickens.

I have had chicken runs with wire on top and without, I guess it all depends on where you are and the safety of your flock.

If for instance, you are in a place where you have hawks, then you have a threat from the air, so I recommend that you put chicken wire on top of your chicken run.

I know that when you look at chicken coops for sale in the hardware shops, that they have a built-in run attached onto the chicken house, and this is discouraging when you want a walk-in chicken run.

As I really can not imagine crawling around in the chicken

run to interact with the chickens.

But there is an alternative…

If you do decide that you want a small chicken house and the run is attached.

See also Complete Chicken Coops For Sale

You can always build a chicken run on the outside as an extension to the original.

You just need to look around for some chicken coop ideas…

There are plenty of chicken coop plans now, but chicken coop runs…

Not so much, so you need to get into the DIY as I have always done and once you have found the run you would like.

Either you get in and do it, or get someone else in to build it for you.

Do You Need Permission To Keep Chickens In Your Garden?

Chicken coops and chicken runs, may require planning permission in your area.

If you are right in the city or outskirts and if your chicken run is bigger than regulations allow.

After all…

How big are you going to go?

Don’t answer that…

Anyway, it is unusual for the average-sized chicken coop to require planning permission.

Though, if you are concerned, then I would advise that you check with your local council to find out.

Well, I hope you picked a few things up here..

I am a Walk-in Chicken Coop fan for the reasons I have written about up above.

If you feel the same you know what you will be looking for..

And if you don’t have a Walk-in Chicken Coop right now, you can always change it as this person in the video has done.

So don’t be afraid of changing or upgrading your chicken run designs.