Raising The Right Chicken Breed – Chicken Breeds That Lay Eggs

Raising The Right Chicken Breed – Chicken Breeds That Lay Eggs

Jan 04, 2024

When you choose to have chickens in your backyard, of course, you are looking to have chicken breeds that lay eggs.

Even if you were to show them, you would like that egg on your table, wouldn’t you?

So what are the right breeds of chickens that might just suit where you live.

Chicken Breeds That Lay Eggs

It’s all about the breeds of chickens right?

Well sometimes.

Of course, there are also the breeds of chickens that you just might not be able to resist once you see them and just want them no matter what.

Noisy chickens, non-egg layers…

To name a few.

You have got to have them for their looks alone.

And I know how you feel.

It’s not always about the egg-laying, and there are certainly a lot of different breeds of chickens out there.

In fact, there are many chicken breeds/species that you can raise.

And when it comes to chicken breeds that lay eggs, they all do, just how many.

When going to look at some

chickens for sale, there are many chickens that look healthy, yet they could have a diminished egg-laying capacity.

Others may give you a lot of eggs each day.

Not one chicken though…

A chicken can only lay one egg a day, but many hens we are talking about here…

So, choosing a chicken breed that you want to raise is a matter of what you want to do with them right?

Whether you want to go into showing a little as I did, or maybe there is something else…

Maybe you want to start a chicken circus?


You never know.

Chickens can be trained and are intelligent enough.

Nevertheless, before go choosing a breed of chicken, you need to be aware of a few things beforehand.

You must take into consideration a fair few things here.

First of all, what space do you have for them in your backyard?.

Do you have a yard at all?

Do you have enough space that allows them to walk around, and exercise themselves?

Is your yard big enough for a large number of chickens?

Are you in the suburbs or more out in the estates?

Besides this, you must consider the weather type.

Say if you live on the equator for instance…

And you have some of that extreme warm temperature that is an all day long thing.

There are chicken breeds out there that are more resistant to heat and other breeds of chickens.

See also DIY Toys for Chickens: Enriching Their Environment with Homemade Fun
It is a good idea to think about this aspect before you go rushing into buying and purchasing a chicken breed because you are just excited and could not wait.

On the market, you will find that there are some chicken breeds that are quite resistant to all manner of weather conditions.

For example, the Reds.

The Red Chickens

They have a resistance to colder temperatures and they are also easier to tame than other breeds of chickens.

Is it the colour here.


I would not think so as there are many breeds that have red feathers in them.

Now, if you live in a cold climate where the cold weather is pretty much most of the time.

Then this chicken breed is going to be perfect for you and they are one of those chicken breeds that lay eggs enough for your table.


They like to go flying around somewhat.

But I am not talking about the heavier breeds of bantams out there.

I am talking about the light breeds of bantam chickens.

They might look small, but boy!

They can do well at the flying thing here…

So, a pen that does not have high fences or is covered over top, in this case, is fairly useless to a determined light breed of bantam when they get their minds set.

These bantam breeds are very pretty though.

So do not be frightened of them if you have the facilities to keep them.

You just need to know that they can reach lofty heights if they want to.

And if it is a lot of eggs that you are wanting.

Then they are not recommended for people who expect them to lay a lot of eggs.

Because they are not going to do this for you.

They do lay eggs…

Don’t get me wrong here…

But in small quantities, that’s all.

If you are thinking of going into selling chicken eggs, this breed is not recommended for a profit.

There are other breeds of bantams that lay better, it just really comes down to what sort of bantam you want.

I have had bantams from the start, and I find that they keep me in eggs, no matter what other people have to say about that.

But I do have to put both sides of the story here.

The Leghorn Chickens

However, if you just want a cheap egg-laying hen, take the leghorn for instance…

See also These Barred Rock Chickens Will Melt Your Heart
They do like to fly around a bit.

So if you don’t want to find them on the outside of your chicken run and not the inside.

It is a good idea to clip their wings.

When it comes to looks, the leghorn does look a little scrawny.

But I can tell you that they are not that light when you raise them well.

I know that from experience.

If they are really light, that means that they have not been looked after well when you go to have a look at some for sale.

Do not let this put you off from buying them.

As you can be their saviour and feed them up to be healthy and happy chickens.
And also, the leghorn can be a bit highly strung in some ways.

This is why some breeders often choose not to buy them.


They flap around a lot, but I have found that they are affectionate and make good pets as well.

Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens

They are a great bird…

Why is that then?

During the summertime, they just like to lie down all day long.

They are not a lean looking fowl and have a good weight on them.

Nothing scrawny about this chicken…

They are not flighty as the leghorns can be and are quite well mannered.

The Americauna Chickens

Here is a chicken breed that is recognized for its beauty.

Their beaks look like a beak of a falcon, so, very curved.

They have lovely feathers as they are dark and golden.

They are also quite robust chickens, and they can also withstand harsh temperatures.

If you can get past the downside of the chicken breed, and that is that they don’t lay as many eggs.

You are right…

As you can see, there is quite a bit before you decide or consider all these aspects of the variety of the chicken breeds that are out there.

And also what you can get in your area.

Or even country…

Take all of these things into consideration especially if you are looking for chicken breeds that lay eggs.


When it comes to chicken breeds that lay eggs, the purer of the chicken breeds.
Need much more attention than the regular ones.

That’s not any different to choosing a pure bread pet of any species really…