The Insiders Guide – Do Chickens Like Water

The Insiders Guide – Do Chickens Like Water

Jan 04, 2024

When I first can upon this question, I was not sure if there were enough questions around this to write a web page.


Was I wrong?

So let’s shake away some of the myths about do chickens like water, shall we…

Do Chickens Like Getting In Water?

Well, that depends on what you are asking, do chickens like water or do chickens like getting in the water.

Let’s get one thing straight from the beginning…

Chickens are not waterfowl.

Do chickens like water? of course, they do.

But they are not even domesticated ducks.

As ducks have bills and chickens have beaks.

Had to put that one in…

So water is not a natural habitat for chickens in this fact.

But as with any living thing we all need water.

And it is a part of our lives, a very important part of all living creatures lives.


No, you will not see a chicken deciding ‘I think I will go and get in some water today…’

Will Chickens Get In Water To Cool Off?

Now you are talking…

When it comes to those long hot days.

Backyard chickens just as any other animal are going to get hot.

Chickens do not sweat, they open their beaks and lift their wings to let the cooler air get under to cool their body temperature down.

They will naturally drink more to stay hydrated, but I have never seen any of my chickens throw themselves into one of their water bowls.


What they will do is stand in a shallow bowl so I have heard from other chicken owners.

And also go and stand in a puddle or two.

But where can you find a puddle on a hot day?


You make one.

Go and get the hose and make a few in their chicken run.

But not too much though, you do not want it running into your chicken coop.

And getting all the bedding damp.

Not a good thing.

By standing in a puddle of water, will help lower their body temperature by keeping their feet cool.

Just as ourselves.

I am not saying every one of your chickens will do it, but they might just learn from watching other chickens here.

Can I Spray My Chickens With Water?

If it is a hot day, giving your chickens a spray of water is a good thing.

But do not go setting your hose on the shower setting.

So, do chickens like water when you have big drops of water pounding on their bodies and heads will not be appreciated, and you will see your chickens running for the shelter of the chicken house to getaway.

And there you are scratching your head, not knowing what just happened.

As you thought your chickens would appreciate it on a hot day.

They Will!

But not being pelted with heavy drops of water.

Remember they are smaller than you, so a drop of water might as well be you throwing one of those water balloons at them and they Burst!

Put your hose setting on mist and let it settle onto their bodies from a distance.

Is Ice Water Bad For Chickens?

Do chickens like water when it is ice water!

Have you ever seen a chicken in the artic?
Nor have I.

So your chicken will not even know what ice water is unless they live in a very cold place where the water freezes.

See also What is a Chook? Understanding the Australian Slang for Poultry

But most chickens do not live in areas like this.

So they are used to natural water temperature to drink.

As for putting an ice block into their water or two.

You can try this.
But not too many as the water will get quite cold for a while.

And if they really want a drink while it is hot and are put off by the really cold water.

They could get dehydrated and that is not a nice feeling is it.
Do Chickens Need a Water Bath?

Chickens do have baths.

But not as we understand it.

They have dust baths to clean themselves of mites and other things.
So not they do not need baths with water anyway.

Unless you are deciding to show them. Then you will need to give them a bath.
But it is not a natural part of their lives.

Have you ever seen a chicken in the wild laying around in a pool of water with a scrubbing brush?

Nor have I…

They spend a great time preening their feathers, which usually keeps their feathers in top condition and helps secrete their feather with oils.

Now I will tell you why chickens do not have water baths.

They do have feathers, and if these feathers get waterlogged they can not fly.

This in turn makes them vulnerable to predators if they can not fly.

They have less chance of getting away from a faster predator on land.


The water birds…

Getting to that.

As I mentioned chickens are not waterfowl.
Water flow has feathers that have oil that repels water from getting their feather wet.

So they are always ready to fly in the case of danger.

Chickens do not have the ability to keep their feathers from getting waterlogged.
They can take some water.

And be ok, but too much and they can get weighed down from the water.
Why they do have the ability to keep some water off because of the rains.

That’s what their feather are equipped for, not getting wet in a body of water.

Does It Hurt Chickens To Get Wet?

Sometimes I have to smile at some questions.

And I think this question is most probably for someone who is not very versed with keeping chickens right at this moment.

Thye will gain experience as they have chickens for a longer period of time.
So let’s answer this then.

No animal will get hurt if they get wet.
We are all conditioned to water as it is a part of our surroundings.

Just because a chicken is not a water bird, does not mean that it is going to hurt them.
Apart from falling into a river or something.

This is the only time that water is going to be a threat to them

Can Baby Chickens Get Wet?

Baby chickens are born with a downing.

These are fluffy feathers that have no resistance to things like water.
It is designed to keep them warm.

As they are young they can not regulate the much-needed warmth that they need at this age.

So these lovely soft fluffy downing feathers are what they hatch out with.

As they get older, you will see that change as normal feathers will grow.

Replacing the downing feathers with waterproof feathers that can take the rain.

See also The Saga Of Introducing New Chickens To A Flock

So no.

Do not get your chickens wet.

They will catch a cold and that could be disastrous to their health.

You will see them when they are with their mother hen. If it starts to rain they will quickly get under her to l keep the rain off.

And get that much-needed warmth as the rains cool down the temperatures.

Do Chickens Like Water To Play In

I can not say that I have ever seen chickens playing with water.

They look at it more like something they need for survival.

And if they put their feet in a puddle of water.

This is because they are hot.

Unlike ducks that just go crazy over water.

Do Chickens Like To Cool Off In Water

Chicken as said before, might put their feet in a puddle of water.

But as far a cooling off in water no.

They do have other ways of keeping cool

Opening their beaks and lifting their wings to let the cooler air under closer to their bodies.

But you could set up a misting system in their chicken run.

That would be a good idea.

And they won’t mind this at all.

It will cool them off a little and they will appreciat]et it, I am sure…

But if you do set one up.

Do not go putting it the whole way from one end to the chicken run to the other.
Just put in a small part.

That way your chickens can choose to go and get the mist not having to put up with it all of the time.

Not even you want to be in a pool for hours at a time.

You like to have a break…

Do Chickens Like Bathing In Water


The old bathing.

As far as your chickens going in bathing themselves, no.

But if you choose to bathe them if they are really dirty or you are going to wash them for the show.

That is a different thing.

I have not had a chicken that has complained about being bathed much.

As long as you are gentle with them and keep their beaks above the water.

And of course, do bathe them in lukewarm water.

Also if you do bathe them use a natural soap or soap flakes which are gentle.

And do not make a habit of it, as the soap will wash away all the oils in their feathers and make them brittle

Do not go putting them in cold water.

Do chickens like water? sure, but not cold water!

How would you like it!


So if you do choose to bathe your chickens. Make sure the water is fairly shallow.
Do not go and leave them unattended.

And make sure that you get them dried a little by wrapping them in a cloth to get off that extra water, and leave them in the sun.

Do not go putting them in the shade or try bathing them near dark when the sun will go down and the temperate plummets.

Or you will end up with a sick chicken.

As it does take time for those feathers to dry.

There are a lot of them.

So, do chickens like water? that has been a bit of a tricky question to answer.

But we go there.