The Many Names of the Male Chicken: From Cockerel to Rooster

The Many Names of the Male Chicken: From Cockerel to Rooster

Jan 04, 2024

What is a Cockerel?

A cockerel is a young male chicken that has not yet reached maturity.

They are typically less than one year old and have not begun to crow or display territorial behavior.

While they may still be used for breeding purposes, their primary purpose is as a source of meat. In some cultures, such as in China, cockerels are considered a delicacy and are highly prized.

Are all male chickens cockerels?

No, not all male chickens are cockerels.

Once a chicken reaches sexual maturity, it becomes a rooster.

A rooster is an adult male chicken that has reached full size and developed distinctive physical characteristics, including a curved comb and wattles on its face.

Roosters also tend to be much larger than cockerels due to their increased muscle mass from fighting for territory.

What do Americans call Cockerels?

In America, cockerels are often referred to simply as “chicks.” This term can refer to any young bird, whether it’s a rooster or a hen.

However, when specifically referring to a male bird, the term “cock” is commonly used instead of “rooster.”

For example, someone might say “I bought ten new cocks today,” meaning they purchased ten young males.

Can a Hen turn into a Rooster if there is no Rooster?

While it’s technically possible for a hen to develop masculine traits and even begin laying eggs like a rooster, this is extremely rare.

Hens require the presence of a rooster to reproduce, so without one, they will never fully transform into a male birds.

Additionally, hens lack the necessary genetic material to produce sperm, which means they cannot fertilize other birds’ eggs.

See also The Most Common Chicken Predators: Know Your Enemy

What is the morning sound of a Rooster called?

The characteristic loud, clear call made by a rooster in the early morning hours is known as a “crow.”

This word is actually derived from the Old English word “crawe,” which meant “to cry out.”

Roosters use their calls to establish dominance over other males in their flock and to attract females during mating season.

What’s another word for Cockerel?

Another common name for a young male chicken is “cockerel.” Some people also use the term “roosterling” to describe very small cockerels who haven’t yet grown into their feathers.

Other names for male chickens include “tom” (short for “tomcat”) and “gobbler” (which refers to turkeys rather than chickens).