The Truth about Cream Legbar Chickens: Do They Always Lay Blue Eggs

The Truth about Cream Legbar Chickens: Do They Always Lay Blue Eggs

Jan 15, 2024

Are you looking for a unique and interesting chicken breed to add to your flock?

If so, the Cream Legbar may be just what you’re searching for.

This beautiful bird is known for its striking appearance, with a creamy white plumage that sets it apart from other chickens.

But one of the most intriguing things about the Cream Legbar is the color of their eggs.

Let’s take a closer look at this fascinating breed and find out if they always lay blue eggs.

Introduction to Cream Legbar Chickens

The Cream Legbar is a rare and prized chicken breed that originated in England during the early 20th century
They were first developed by Mrs. Blyth, who wanted to create a chicken that would produce large numbers of light-colored eggs.

The result was a stunning bird with a distinctive appearance, thanks to its cream-colored feathers and bright red earlobes.

One thing that makes the Cream Legbar stand out from other chicken breeds is its friendly temperament.

These birds are known for being calm and easygoing, making them great around children and other pets.

They also have an elegant demeanor, which has earned them the nickname “the aristocrat of chickens.”

Despite their rarity, Cream Legbars have become increasingly popular among backyard chicken keepers due to their unique looks and gentle nature.

However, there are some important factors to consider before adding one of these birds to your flock.

The Truth about Cream Legbar Egg Color

So, do Cream Legbars always lay blue eggs?

Unfortunately, the answer isn’t quite as simple as yes or no.

See also Why Crested Legbars Don't Have the Same Egg Color as Cream Legbars
While it’s true that many Cream Legbars do lay blue eggs, not all of them will.

In fact, only about half of the hens within this breed will produce blue eggs, while the rest will lay shades of green or even brown.

This variation in egg color can make it difficult to predict exactly what color eggs your Cream Legbar will lay.

It’s also worth mentioning that the color of a hen’s eggs can change over time, so even if she starts off laying blue eggs, she may switch to another color later on.

Do Cream Legbars Always Lay Blue Eggs

Another factor to consider when it comes to Cream Legbar egg color is the quality of their diet.

A well-balanced feed that includes plenty of calcium and protein can help ensure that your hen produces strong, healthy eggs with vibrant colors.

On the other hand, a poor diet can lead to weak shells and duller egg colors.

Overall, while the Cream Legbar is known for producing blue eggs, it’s not guaranteed that every hen within this breed will do so.

However, with proper care and nutrition, you can increase the likelihood of getting those beautiful blue eggs from your own Cream Legbar.

Is a Cream Legbar Right for You

If you’re looking for a unique and interesting chicken breed that stands out from the crowd, the Cream Legbar might be just what you’re searching for.

With their striking appearance and potential for blue eggs, these birds are sure to catch the eye of anyone who sees them.

See also Blue Eggs, Green Pastures: The Benefits of Raising Blue Egg-Laying Chickens on a Small Farm

However, it’s important to remember that Cream Legbars aren’t the best choice for everyone.

Their rarity means that they can be more expensive than other chicken breeds, and their delicate temperaments mean that they require extra attention and care.

Additionally, their variable egg color can be frustrating for those hoping for consistent blue eggs.

Ultimately, whether or not a Cream Legbar is right for you depends on your individual needs and preferences.

If you’re willing to invest the time and money into caring for these special birds, then a Cream Legbar could be a wonderful addition to your flock.