The Truth about Easter Egger Egg Colors: What You Should Know

The Truth about Easter Egger Egg Colors: What You Should Know

Jan 16, 2024

Easter Eggers are a unique breed of chickens that have become increasingly popular among backyard poultry keepers.

These birds are known for their colorful eggs, which can range from shades of blue and green to pink and even brown.

However, there is more to these feathered friends than just their egg colors.

In this blog post, we will explore the truth about Easter Egger egg colors, as well as how to care for your flock, and answer common questions about this fascinating breed.

Introduction to Easter Egger Chickens

Easter Eggers are not a recognized breed by the American Poultry Association, but they are believed to be a cross between Araucana and Ameraucana chickens.

These birds are known for their friendly temperament and lay colored eggs.

They come in a variety of colors, including:

  • black
  • blue
  • green
  • red
  • white

One of the most interesting things about Easter Eggers is their ability to lay colored eggs.

While many people assume that the color of an egg is determined by the breed of the chicken, it actually has more to do with genetics.

The shell color of an egg is determined by the presence or absence of certain genes.

For example, the blue-green eggshell color found in some Easter Eggers is caused by a gene called Oocyan, while the brown eggshell color is caused by another gene called Cryptochrome 4.

Caring for Your Easter Egger Flock

Caring for Easter Eggers is similar to caring for other types of chickens.

They require a safe and comfortable coop, fresh water, and a balanced diet consisting of layer feed and treats like vegetables and fruit.

See also Rhode Island Reds: The Ultimate Backyard Chicken

It’s also important to provide them with plenty of exercise and sunlight, as well as regular checkups to ensure they are healthy.

Common Questions About Easter Eggers Answered

1. Can I eat the eggs from my Easter Egger?

Yes, you can definitely eat the eggs laid by your Easter Egger. Their eggs are perfectly safe to consume and taste delicious!

2. How often should I collect eggs from my Easter Egger?

It’s best to collect eggs daily so that they don’t spoil or attract predators.

Make sure to check underneath your hens regularly to see if any eggs have been laid outside of the nest box.

3. Do Easter Eggers need special care?

No, Easter Eggers don’t necessarily need special care compared to other chicken breeds.

However, because they are prone to ear mites, it’s a good idea to regularly clean out their ears and monitor them closely for signs of illness or injury.