Those Essentials That Should Dictate The Purchase Of Chicken Runs

Those Essentials That Should Dictate The Purchase Of Chicken Runs

Jan 02, 2024

Poultry comprises several different domains for chicken runs which come together to make it a powerful industry in itself.

There are various aspects that are responsible for the successful operation and utilization of the resources involved in this domain.

But alongside all this, the health of the hens is one thing that should be given supreme importance to make this industry prosper.

And to keep them healthy, safe, and comfortable, quite a few traits need to exist in their shelters.

The chicken houses and coops no doubt need to be spacious, but you can also not deprive the hens of extra space so that they can roam about with freedom.

Chicken Runs Are Significant Additions To The Coops

There are various requirements of hens that have to be catered to.

While the chicken coops or houses obviously have to be of high quality and durable at the same time, a few extra additions to them are more relevant than you might think.

Yes, several additional accessories are available out there that can add to the comfort of your chickens.

Chicken runs and extensions are probably the most significant of such accessories.

Your hens need as much space as they can garner to lay healthy eggs and at the same time lead a comfortable existence.

Ventilation In The Coop Is One Thing That Helps

But if you don’t include an integrated run and don’t acquire an extension or chicken run either, you will need to manually give your hens time to roam with freedom.

To me this is a given, so whenever you have enough time to spend with your chickens, go out, let them roam around, and just be near if needed.

While that is one way to go about it, it might prove cumbersome over time if you have a tight schedule or the flock is too large to keep an eye out for yourself.

Different Species Have Different Requirements

One thing you need to consider before opting for a specific chicken run is the size of the hens that you have.

There are many different breeds of chickens out there, and you might have decided to mix them up a little or get the same breed.

It is logical that smaller hens require less space as compared to their larger-sized counterparts.

Of course…

This should also dictate your decision when you are buying the chicken coop, but it becomes all the more important when you are going to buy chicken runs for your hens.

See also Boulphia Chicken Feeders and Waterers Review

A run or an extension is supposed to add more space for your hens to roam around.
In the event that you have bantamweights, and you end up procuring a relatively small chicken run, it will fail to attain the objective for which you bought it in the first place.

Lesson learned.

Shortlist Your Requirements, And Then The Firms

A phased plan should be charted out before you rush to the nearest retailer to have a look at the chicken runs.

The best way to go about your purchase is by shortlisting your requirements and then getting to know about some of the most prominent firms in your region that can provide you with durable products.

Get in touch with an expert, and let him know about your needs.

Afterward, based on the species of hens you want to get, the enclosure type, and your expectations from chicken runs, the said expert can shortlist the best options for you.

This procedure for chicken runs assures you utter satisfaction in the long run.

That is how the planning should be – simple, comprehensive, and effective.
It’s time to begin now!

Creating the Perfect Chicken Run for Your Backyard Garden: A Guide to Happy Hens and Healthy Harvests

When it comes to backyard gardening, incorporating chickens into your setup can offer numerous benefits.

Not only do chickens provide fresh eggs and natural pest control, but they also contribute to the overall health of your garden through their droppings, which serve as a nutrient-rich fertilizer.

To ensure the well-being of your feathered friends and maximize the benefits of your garden, it’s important to provide them with a suitable and secure chicken run.

Now we’ll explore the different types of chicken runs and help you choose the best option for your backyard garden.

The Importance of a Chicken Run

A chicken run is an enclosed space where your chickens can safely roam and exercise while protecting them from predators and preventing them from damaging your garden.

It allows them to enjoy fresh air, sunlight, and the opportunity to scratch and forage for insects and vegetation.

By confining them to a designated area, you can control their access to specific parts of your garden, ensuring the safety of delicate plants and preventing them from digging up your prized flowerbeds.

Considerations for Choosing the Right Chicken Run

a. Size and Space: The size of your chicken run will depend on the number of chickens you have.

As a general rule of thumb, allow at least 10 square feet of space per chicken. This ensures they have enough room to move around comfortably and engage in natural behaviors.

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b. Security: A secure chicken run is essential to protect your chickens from predators such as foxes, raccoons, and even neighborhood dogs. Consider using sturdy fencing with small gaps to prevent any unwanted visitors from entering.

c. Perimeter Protection: To prevent predators from digging under the fence, bury wire mesh at least 12 inches deep around the perimeter of the chicken run. This will deter burrowing animals and keep your chickens safe.

d. Shelter and Shade: Your chicken run should provide ample shelter and shade to protect your chickens from extreme weather conditions. Consider incorporating a covered area or plants that provide shade to keep them comfortable during hot summer days.

e. Easy Access: Make sure your chicken run allows easy access for cleaning and collecting eggs. Incorporate a door or gate that is large enough for you to enter and move around comfortably.

Types of Chicken Runs

a. Fixed chicken run: A fixed chicken run is a permanent structure that is typically attached to the chicken coop. It provides a designated space for your chickens to roam and can be customized to your specific needs and preferences.

b. Mobile chicken run: A mobile chicken run, also known as a chicken tractor, is a portable enclosure that can be moved around your garden.

This allows your chickens to graze on fresh grass and insects while fertilizing different areas of your garden. It’s an excellent option if you want to rotate your chickens and maximize their contribution to the soil.

c. DIY chicken run: If you’re feeling creative and want to save some money, building your own chicken run can be a rewarding project.

There are plenty of resources available online that provide step-by-step instructions and design ideas to help you create a custom chicken run that suits your garden.
A well-designed chicken run is the key to a successful backyard garden that harmoniously incorporates chickens.

By providing your feathered friends with a safe and suitable environment, you can enjoy the benefits of fresh eggs, natural pest control, and nutrient-rich soil.

Whether you opt for a fixed chicken run, a mobile chicken run, or a DIY project, remember to prioritize the size, security, shelter, and easy access of your chicken run to ensure the happiness of your hens and the success of your garden.

Embrace the synergy between chickens and gardening, and you’ll reap the rewards of a thriving backyard ecosystem.