What are Black Ameraucana Chickens?

What are Black Ameraucana Chickens?

Jan 17, 2024

Have you ever wondered about black Ameraucana chickens?

These unique birds are sought after by poultry enthusiasts for their striking appearance and prized eggs.

Black Ameraucana chickens are a rare and eye-catching breed, known for their oversized muffs, beards, and slate-colored legs.

Black Ameraucana Chickens

But what sets them apart is the beautiful blue eggs they produce.

So, if you've been curious about these special chickens and the eggs they lay, keep reading to discover more about black Ameraucana chickens.

What are black Ameraucana chickens?

Black Ameraucana chickens are a unique breed known for their striking appearance and beautiful blue eggs.

They are a variety of Ameraucana chickens, which are a type of chicken that lays colored eggs.

Black Ameraucanas are highly sought after by chicken enthusiasts for their distinctive black feather color and friendly demeanor.

So let's explore the physical characteristics, origin and history, egg production, breeding, and genetics, caring for black Ameraucanas, temperament and behavior, and exhibition and showing of these captivating chickens.

Physical characteristics

Feather color

The defining characteristic of black Ameraucana chickens is, unsurprisingly, their black feathers.

The black coloration covers the entire body, including the wings, tail, and head.

However, there may be some slight variations in shade, with some individuals exhibiting a deep glossy black plumage, while others may have a more muted charcoal hue.

This coloration is due to specific genetic traits that we will discuss later in the breeding and genetics section.

Body size and structure

Black Ameraucana chickens are of medium size, with a well-rounded and muscular body.

They have a sturdy and compact build with a medium-sized comb and wattles. Their necks are of moderate length, and they have a distinctive upright posture.

These chickens have a relatively small pea comb, which is an advantage in colder climates as it's less susceptible to frostbite. Overall, the body structure of black Ameraucanas is well-balanced and attractive.

Origin and history

The Ameraucana breed was developed in the United States in the 1970s. It was derived from Araucana chickens, which originated in South America.

However, unlike Araucanas, Ameraucanas do not possess ear tufts and are rumpless. They were bred to retain the lovely blue egg-laying ability of the Araucanas while improving their overall health and temperament.

The black variety of Ameraucana chickens, like other color varieties, was developed through selective breeding to achieve the desired traits of black feather color and blue eggs.

Egg production

Egg color

One of the most captivating aspects of black Ameraucanas is their egg color. Like all Ameraucana chickens, black Ameraucanas lay stunning blue eggs.

The intensity of the blue hue may vary slightly from hen to hen, but overall, these eggs are a real standout.

Blue eggs are relatively rare in the chicken world, making black Ameraucanas even more appealing to chicken enthusiasts and those looking to add some color to their egg baskets.

Egg quantity

In terms of egg production, black Ameraucanas are considered moderate layers. On average, they lay around 150-200 eggs per year.

Keep in mind that individual hens within the breed may vary in their egg-laying capabilities, but overall, they are reliable layers.

While they may not be as prolific as some commercial hybrid breeds, the unique blue eggs they produce more than makeup for it.

What are black Ameraucana chickens?

Are black Ameraucana rare?

Yes, black Ameraucana chickens are relatively rare.

While Ameraucanas as a whole are not as common as other chicken breeds, the black variety is particularly sought after by poultry enthusiasts and breeders.

The combination of their striking appearance, blue eggs, and friendly temperament makes black Ameraucanas a highly desirable addition to any flock. If you're lucky enough to find black Ameraucanas for sale, they may come with higher price tags due to their rarity and high demand.

Breeding and genetics

Inheritance of black color

The black feather color in Ameraucanas is governed by a specific genetic trait known as "Melanism."

This trait is inherited in a dominant manner, meaning that if a chicken carries the black gene, it will exhibit black plumage. However, it's important to note that not all Ameraucanas carry the black gene.

Black Ameraucanas can be bred from two black parents or from a black parent and a blue (splash or blue) parent.

Understanding the genetics behind black Ameraucanas is crucial for breeders who want to produce consistent black offspring.

Selective breeding

To produce high-quality black Ameraucanas, breeders engage in selective breeding programs.

This involves carefully choosing individuals with desirable traits, such as correct feather color, body structure, and egg-laying capabilities, to breed together.
By implementing strategic breeding practices, breeders can enhance and refine the characteristics that make black Ameraucanas so distinctive.

Selective breeding also helps maintain genetic diversity within the breed and ensures the continuation of desirable traits for future generations.

Caring for black Ameraucana chickens

Housing and space requirements

Like any chicken breed, black Ameraucanas require a comfortable and secure coop to live in.

The size of the coop should provide adequate space for them to move around freely, with enough room for perches and nesting boxes. It's recommended to provide at least 4-6 square feet of coop space per chicken.

Also, a secure outdoor run or access to a safe free-ranging area is important for their well-being. Consider predator-proofing the coop and run to keep these beautiful birds safe from potential threats.

Feeding and nutrition

To keep black Ameraucana chickens healthy and productive, a balanced diet is essential.

A commercial layer feed or a high-quality poultry feed is a good foundation for their nutrition. Additionally, supplementing their diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein sources like mealworms or insects can provide added nutrition and enrichment.

Access to clean water at all times is crucial as well. Consult with a poultry nutrition expert or your veterinarian for specific feeding recommendations based on the age and condition of your black Ameraucanas.

Health considerations

Maintaining the health of black Ameraucana chickens is of utmost importance.

Regular check-ups with a poultry veterinarian can help ensure that any potential health issues are identified and treated promptly.

General health care includes vaccinations, proper hygiene practices, and parasite control. Providing a clean and sanitary coop environment, adequate ventilation, and access to fresh air and sunlight can contribute significantly to their overall well-being.

Always observe your chickens for any signs of illness or distress and seek veterinary care when necessary.

Temperament and behavior

Black Ameraucana chickens are known for their friendly and docile temperament.
They are generally calm and well-behaved birds, making them an excellent choice for backyard flocks or families with children.

While individual personalities can vary, black Ameraucanas are typically sociable, easy to handle, and enjoy human interaction.

They can be a delightful addition to your flock and bring joy to your daily interactions.

Exhibition and showing

Breed standards

Black Ameraucanas, like other breed varieties, are held to specific breed standards when participating in poultry shows.

These standards outline the ideal physical characteristics that judges will assess during the competition. For black Ameraucanas, a correct black feather color, proper body structure, and distinct blue egg color are some of the criteria evaluated.

Breeders should familiarize themselves with the breed standards and aim to produce birds that exemplify these qualities to compete at a high level.

Participating in poultry shows

If you're interested in showcasing your black Ameraucanas at poultry shows, there are various opportunities available. Local, regional, and national poultry shows provide a platform to exhibit your birds and compete against other breeders.

Participating in shows not only allows you to showcase your birds' beauty but also helps promote and preserve the breed.

Networking with other poultry enthusiasts and attending workshops and seminars can further enhance your knowledge and skills in exhibiting black Ameraucanas.
Black Ameraucana chickens are a unique and captivating breed that offers beauty, personality, and colorful blue eggs.

Their striking black feather color, medium-sized bodies, and friendly temperament make them a popular choice among chicken enthusiasts. Although relatively rare, if you have the opportunity to add black Ameraucanas to your flock, they are sure to be a delightful addition.