What You Can Give Your Sick Chicken: Home Remedies and Natural Antibiotics for Common Chicken Illnesses

What You Can Give Your Sick Chicken: Home Remedies and Natural Antibiotics for Common Chicken Illnesses

Jan 06, 2024

Chickens are susceptible to a variety of illnesses, just like any other animal.

However, instead of rushing to the vet or giving them antibiotics, there are many natural remedies that can help your chickens feel better.

Here are some common chicken ailments and their corresponding home remedies:

1. Coughing and sneezing – If your chicken is coughing or sneezing, it could be due to respiratory infections. To treat this, you can give them garlic powder mixed with water or apple cider vinegar. Garlic has anti-bacterial properties that can help fight off infections.

2. Diarrhea – Loose stools can indicate digestive issues in chickens. To treat diarrhea, you can feed your chicken plain yogurt or kefir. These dairy products contain probiotics that can help restore gut health.

3. Injuries – If your chicken has an injury, such as a cut or scrape, you can use honey as a natural antiseptic. Honey has been shown to have antimicrobial properties and can help prevent infection.

4. Lice and mites – Lice and mites are common parasites that can infect chickens. To get rid of these pests, you can make a mixture of cedar oil and water and apply it directly to the affected areas. Cedar oil is a natural insect repellent that can kill lice and mites.

5. Egg binding – Egg binding occurs when a hen cannot lay her egg properly. This can cause discomfort and even lead to death if not treated promptly. To prevent egg binding, you can feed your chicken calcium-rich foods such as almonds, spinach, and broccoli.

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6. Dehydration – Chickens can become dehydrated during hot weather or after being sick. To rehydrate your chicken, you can offer them electrolyte-rich drinks such as sports drinks or coconut water.

7. Stress – Chickens may experience stress from loud noises, changes in the environment, or overcrowding. To reduce stress, you can provide your chicken with a quiet place to rest and play soothing music.

There are many natural remedies available for common chicken ailments. Instead of resorting to antibiotics or medications, try using these home remedies to keep your chickens happy and healthy.