Why Are Easter Egger Eggs Blue? Uncover the Mystery of Their Beautiful Coloration

Why Are Easter Egger Eggs Blue? Uncover the Mystery of Their Beautiful Coloration

Jan 15, 2024

Easter Egger chickens are a unique breed that have become increasingly popular among backyard poultry keepers.

They are known for their beautiful blue eggs, which stand out from the typical brown or white eggs laid by other chicken breeds.

But why are Easter Egger eggs blue?

In this article, we’ll explore the mystery behind their unusual coloration and learn more about caring for these fascinating birds.

Introduction to Easter Egger Chickens

Easter Eggers are not a recognized breed by the American Poultry Association, but they are believed to be a cross between Araucana and Ameraucana chickens.

These two breeds are known for their blue eggshells, and it is thought that the Easter Egger inherited this trait from its parentage.

The Mystery of Blue Eggs – What Causes the Unusual Coloration

So what causes the blue coloration in Easter Egger eggs?

The answer lies in the genetics of the bird. Easter Eggers carry a recessive gene that determines the color of their eggshell.

This gene produces a protein called oocyanin, which gives the shell its distinctive blue hue.

Caring for Your Easter Egger Flock

If you’re thinking about keeping Easter Eggers, there are some important things to consider when it comes to their care.

First and foremost, make sure you provide them with a spacious coop and run where they can exercise and forage for food.

Easter Eggers are active birds that need plenty of space to move around.

In terms of feeding, Easter Eggers should be given a balanced diet consisting of layer pellets, vegetables, and whole grains.

See also How to Care for Your Plymouth Rock Chicken Flock

Avoid giving your birds too much corn or soybeans, as this can lead to digestive issues.

Common Questions and Answers About Easter Eggers

One common question people ask about Easter Eggers is whether their eggs taste different than those laid by other chicken breeds.

While the color may be unique, the flavor of an Easter Egger egg is no different than any other chicken egg.

Another frequently asked question is how often Easter Eggers lay eggs.

Like most chicken breeds, Easter Eggers will typically lay an egg every day during peak production periods.

However, their productivity may decrease during the winter months when daylight hours are shorter.

Easter Eggers are truly one-of-a-kind chicken breed, both in their appearance and their behavior.

If you’re looking for a unique addition to your backyard flock, consider adding some Easter Eggers to your coop. Just remember to provide them with plenty of space, a healthy diet, and lots of love and attention.

And don’t forget to marvel at the beauty of their blue eggs!