Why On Earth! A Crow Of A Rooster!

Why On Earth! A Crow Of A Rooster!

Jan 04, 2024

We have all heard it!

Unless you have been living under a rock most of your life…

So what is it about the crow of a rooster that either gets us up in the morning?

Or just drives us mad.

Let’s find out.

A Crow Of A Rooster In Your Back Yard

Now, we know that the rooster’s crow is one of the most recognizable animal noises on earth, especially and annoyingly in the early hours of the morning.

But why exactly, do roosters feel the need to crow?
That is the big question.

And why for so damn long at times.

And is there any truth to the idea that they crow more or only in the mornings
First of all, it is important to point out the roosters will crow at all times.

Yes, your nightmare has been realized!

Even in the response to a range of seemingly innocuous stimuli like the sound of a car or someone walking into their coop for instance…

This is because the crow of a rooster serves several functions.

Yes, that’s right…

Along with being used as a warning of sorts to let other roosters know the boundaries of his territory.

The crow can be used to communicate with other birds and sometimes to celebrate getting lucky.

Roosters have been observed crowing at all times of the day, and in response to even the most mundane of stimuli.

They will indeed typically crow just before or at the crack of dawn.

Because of the Roosters tendency to crow at everything for many years, scientists and bird nerds alike.

Who was officially known as ornithologists.

Were under the impression that roosters crowing at daybreak were simply crowing in response to the changing levels of light, however.

Roosters, seemingly knowing when daybreak was about to occur.

The scientists at Nagoya University in Japan decided to see if this was all just in people’s heads.

Or if roosters really were anticipating, rather than reacting to the sunrise.

In the research Helms by takashi Yoshimura, several experiments on the rooster to answer these burning questions.


Maybe not burning.

For the start, roosters were exposed to different environments for a couple of weeks.

See also Can Chickens Eat Mango - What Do You Think?

As expected, with all groups.

The roosters crowed at all times of day in response.
So what about the mornings?

Well first, a group of roosters were exposed to an environment where it was alight for 12hours then dark for 12 hours.

And that was repeated for two weeks.

And with the light, these roosters generally started their pre-dawn crowing at about two hours before the light was to turn on.

Another observation was that the most dominant rooster would be the one who started the crowing first.

This could be due to territory and asserting dominance.

Mr Yoshimura stated ‘our preliminary data suggest that the highest-ranked rooster has priority in breaking the dawn.’

‘And lower ranking roosters are patient enough to wait and follow the highest-ranked rooster first.’

Each morning in a second experiment roosters were exposed to constant near dark environments for24 hours per day.

Despite this, Mr Yoshimura and his colleagues noted that the roosters quickly settled into this crowing pattern.

Crowing the same time every day the light seemingly didn’t seem to factor in here and the Roosters always cried before dawn.

Going further

When Mr Yoshimuras team tried to trick the birds by randomly exposing them to bright lights or loud sounds at various times.

While this did induce some crowing they consistently responded more strongly to the stimuli.

They crowed more when it occurred around what would normally be considered dawn.

Furthermore, due to the fact that roosters can’t be tricked into crowing at other times of the day as strongly as they do around dawn.

So the researchers concluded that their internal clocks take precedence over external cues to crow in the mornings.

This isn’t fully understood.

But is thought to be tied with the aforementioned notion of crowing being primarily about announcing territory and where a particular rooster sees itself on the pecking order.

They would also respond to things like the sound of cars, for some interest having assumed such noises must be a potential rival.

And responding kindly, similarly when being given food the crowing acts as a way for them to assert that it’s their food.

And of course in the morning after a good night’s rest, they arise and ounce to the world their presence at the very first opportunity.

See also Fascinating Chicken History Through The Eyes Of a Chicken
Like it or Not!

How Do You Stop A Rooster Crowing At Night

Get a rooster to stop crowing.

I might just laugh a little here.

I have never really had that much problem with roosters crowing in the middle of the night.

But early morning just before daybreak.


That’s another thing…

However, there is something you can do other than going to the extreme of getting a roosters voice box taken out.

And I would not go that far.

If a rooster can not get his head up high enough in the act of crowing.
He will therefore not crow.

It seems that all this raising their head up and going through the motions of crowing might look a little extreme to us.

But that is a rooster thing.

If you can make sure that his head can not get very high.

Then he will not crow.

So if you have a cage that is fairly low.

Not so low that he has to crawl around in it.

No that would not be the way.

Just low enough that he can not reach for the skies with his head to crow.

So he can walk around in the cage but not get his head up higher than normal ok.
This is the only answer that I have for you.

Otherwise, you can do what I have done get bantams.

As the roosters are smaller, so is the crow of a rooster.

Or you can do some homework and look into different breeds of chickens that are not known to be so boisterous.

Apart from that, I’m afraid that you will have to put up with the crow and hope that he stops soon.


The crow of a rooster might be a little unnerving at times.

Well yes…

A lot.

But the friendship makes me always have a rooster in my backyard.

If he is just too much to take, you can always get another rooster to replace him.
And find him another home.

But if he just crows in the morning, hopefully, the neighbours will not mind, much…..