95 Year Old Woman And Her Pet Rooster

95 Year Old Woman And Her Pet Rooster

Jan 03, 2024

There are many people in the world that have chickens as pets.

And I want to showcase some of these people and show you that there is no age barrier such as this 95-year-old woman and her pet rooster, or what country they come from…

The Lady And Her Pet Rooster

We are starting here with this stylish older lady with her pet rooster…
There is a saying that ‘A picture tells a thousand words’ and I think this is very true.

Have a look here at this picture and what do you see?

A 95 year old woman from Havana, Cuba with her Pet Rooster

© Jorge Royan / http://www.royan.com.ar

I see the trust in the rooster to his owner and the sort of devotion that an owner has for her pet, not only as just that but of a kinship that sometimes you cannot get with two people.

You might think this is strange what I just said.

But there is a bond between an animal and a person that is competing in a way that only eye contact bridges the gap of devotion and communication where two different species cannot talk to each other.

I am not saying that a pet does not learn some words that we say and can act on them.

Not at all!

But when humans have the perception that their pet is learning their language, that’s not actually true.

You see the animal is learning your tone of voice and body language.

It interprets this with familiarity as they get to know you, and thus forms an individual language with that pet of the human as they get to learn each other thoroughly.

See also The Great Seed Heist

This of course takes time to get to know each other, and it cannot be rushed.
So this is what I am talking about.

It is a different bond, a bond bridged between different species.

This is a special picture of this of all 95 years old and her pet rooster, and it pulls at my heartstrings, I hope it does to you too.