Are Ameraucana Chickens good for Backyard Egg Production?

Are Ameraucana Chickens good for Backyard Egg Production?

Jan 17, 2024

If you’re considering raising chickens in your backyard for egg production, you may have come across the Ameraucana breed.

But are Ameraucana chickens really good for backyard egg production?

Well, you’re in the right place to find out.

In this article, we’ll explore the qualities and characteristics of Ameraucana chickens, their egg-laying capabilities, and whether they make a suitable choice for your backyard flock.

Whether you’re a seasoned chicken enthusiast or a beginner looking to venture into backyard poultry, this article will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

Characteristics of Ameraucana chickens

Physical appearance

Ameraucana chickens are known for their unique and beautiful physical appearance. They have a small to medium-sized body with a full, fluffy tail. Their feathers come in a variety of colors, including black, blue, wheaten, and even lavender.

One characteristic that sets them apart is their muffs and beards, which give them a distinctive look.

Their legs are generally slate or black in color. Overall, Ameraucana chickens are quite striking and make a lovely addition to any backyard flock.


When it comes to temperament, Ameraucana chickens are known for being relatively friendly and docile. They are not particularly aggressive and tend to get along well with humans and other chickens.

Ameraucanas are often described as being curious and intelligent, which can make them fun to interact with.

However, it’s important to note that individual temperament can vary, so it’s a good idea to spend time with the specific Ameraucana chickens you plan to raise before making a decision.

Egg color

One of the most appealing characteristics of Ameraucana chickens is their beautiful, colorful eggs.

Ameraucanas are renowned for laying eggs in shades of blue and green. The exact color can vary from hen to hen, with some laying eggs in light blue, while others produce eggs in a deeper shade of green.

These unique egg colors can add a touch of excitement and variety to your egg basket and make for great conversation starters. If you’re looking to add some visual appeal to your backyard egg production, Ameraucanas are an excellent choice.

Factors to consider for backyard egg production

Space requirements

Before embarking on backyard egg production, it’s crucial to consider the space requirements for housing your chickens.

Ameraucanas, like other breeds, need enough space to roam around comfortably. A minimum of 4 square feet per bird is recommended in the coop, and it’s also advisable to have a designated outdoor space for them to forage and explore.

Providing ample space ensures that your Ameraucana chickens can exhibit natural behaviors and maintain good health.

Climate considerations

Ameraucana chickens can adapt well to a range of climates, but it’s essential to consider their specific needs.

They are generally hardy birds but might require additional protection during extreme weather conditions. In colder climates, providing adequate shelter and insulation in the coop can help them stay warm.

On the other hand, in hot climates, ensuring proper ventilation and access to shade is crucial for their well-being. Understanding your local climate and taking the necessary precautions will help ensure the comfort and health of your Ameraucana flock.

Predator protection

When raising backyard chickens, protecting them from potential predators is a top priority.

Ameraucana chickens, like other breeds, are vulnerable to predators such as raccoons, foxes, and even neighborhood dogs.

Invest in secure fencing and consider using additional measures, such as predator-proofing the coop and installing motion-activated lights or alarms. Taking these precautions will help keep your Ameraucanas safe and give you peace of mind.

Egg production of Ameraucana chickens

Average number of eggs per week

While Ameraucana chickens are not the most prolific egg layers, they still provide a steady supply of eggs.

On average, you can expect an Ameraucana hen to lay about 3-4 eggs per week.
This might be slightly lower than some high-production breeds, but the unique and colorful eggs they lay make up for the quantity.

Egg size

Ameraucana eggs tend to be medium to large in size, similar to other standard egg-laying breeds.

The size can vary slightly among individual hens, but generally, you can expect eggs that are comparable to store-bought eggs or slightly larger.

This makes Ameraucana eggs suitable for a variety of culinary uses.
See also These Barred Rock Chickens Will Melt Your Heart

Egg quality

When it comes to egg quality, Ameraucana eggs are highly regarded. They have a reputation for having a rich and flavorful taste.

The yolks are typically vibrant and full, making them perfect for baking or enjoying in a simple scramble. Additionally, the unique blue and green colors of Ameraucana eggs can add an exciting twist to any dish.

Feeding requirements for Ameraucana chickens

Appropriate feed

Providing your Ameraucana chickens with appropriate feed is essential for their overall health and egg production.

A balanced layer feed that contains essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals is recommended. Look for a feed specifically formulated for laying hens to ensure they receive the proper nutrition needed for egg production.

Additionally, it’s important to provide access to clean and fresh water at all times.

Supplemental nutrients

While a good quality layer feed should meet the majority of your Ameraucana’s nutritional needs, there might be certain circumstances where additional supplementation is necessary.

For example, if your chickens have limited access to natural foraging opportunities, providing them with grit for digestion and occasional treats like mealworms or greens can be beneficial. It’s important to strike a balance and not overdo supplemental feeding to ensure a well-rounded diet.

Feeding schedule

Establishing a consistent feeding schedule for your Ameraucana chickens is crucial.

Most backyard chicken owners opt for feeding their flock twice a day, once in the morning and again in the late afternoon. This ensures that the chickens have enough time to digest their food before roosting for the night.

An organized feeding schedule also makes it easier to monitor their health and identify any potential issues with appetite or eating habits.

Housing and shelter for Ameraucana chickens

Coop design

When it comes to housing Ameraucana chickens, investing in a well-designed coop is essential.

The coop should provide adequate space for the number of chickens you plan to raise, with proper ventilation and insulation. It should be sturdy, predator-proof, and easy to clean.

Ameraucana chickens appreciate roosting bars, so including them in the coop design will keep your chickens comfortable and content.

Nesting boxes

Providing suitable nesting boxes is crucial for ensuring that your Ameraucana hens have a safe and comfortable place to lay their eggs.

Each nest should be spacious enough to accommodate a hen and include soft bedding such as straw or shavings.

Ameraucanas tend to have a strong nesting instinct, so it’s important to have enough nest boxes to avoid any competition or stress among the hens.


Proper ventilation is vital for maintaining good air quality within the coop.

Ameraucana chickens, like all chickens, produce moisture through respiration and droppings, which can lead to a buildup of ammonia and harmful bacteria if not properly ventilated.

A well-ventilated coop will help regulate temperature, prevent moisture-related issues, and promote overall health and comfort for your Ameraucanas.

Health and care considerations


Keeping your Ameraucana chickens healthy and disease-free should be a top priority. Consult with a veterinarian or poultry expert to determine if any specific vaccinations are recommended for your area.

Common vaccinations for chickens include protection against diseases like Marek’s disease and Newcastle disease. Following a vaccination schedule will help prevent the spread of diseases and keep your Ameraucana flock thriving.

Parasite prevention

Parasites, such as mites and worms, can cause significant health issues for chickens. Implementing a regular parasite prevention program is essential to keep your Ameraucanas healthy.

Use appropriate pest control products, such as treatments for external parasites and dewormers, following the guidelines provided by the manufacturer. Regularly inspect your chickens for any signs of infestation, such as feather loss or lethargy, and take swift action if necessary.

Regular health check-ups

Routine health check-ups are crucial for monitoring the overall well-being of your Ameraucana chickens.

Observing their behavior, appetite, and physical appearance can provide early indications of any health concerns. Regularly examine their feathers, eyes, comb, and legs for signs of illness or injury.

Having a good relationship with a local veterinarian experienced in poultry care is beneficial for thorough check-ups and seeking professional advice when needed.

Noise level and neighbors

Noise levels typically produced

Ameraucana chickens, like most chickens, are not particularly noisy birds.

They tend to communicate with soft clucks and occasional crowing from the roosters.

However, certain situations might lead to temporary increased noise levels, such as during egg-laying or if they are startled. In general, the noise level from Ameraucana chickens is usually tolerable and unlikely to cause significant disturbances to neighbors.

See also Exploring the Different Colors and Breeds of Wyandotte Chickens

Tips for keeping neighbors happy

Maintaining positive relationships with neighbors when raising chickens is important.

Here are a few tips to keep your neighbors happy:

  1. Inform your neighbors: Let your neighbors know about your plan to raise chickens and assure them that you are taking measures to minimize any potential inconveniences.
  2. Provide adequate distance: Place your chicken coop away from neighboring properties to reduce noise and odor impact.
  3. Keep a clean environment: Regularly clean the coop and promptly address any odor issues to avoid potential complaints.
  4. Offer fresh eggs: Sharing some of the delicious Ameraucana eggs with your neighbors can go a long way in fostering goodwill and understanding.

Pros of raising Ameraucana chickens for backyard egg production

Colorful eggs

One of the standout advantages of raising Ameraucana chickens for egg production is the beautiful, colorful eggs they lay.

The unique blue and green shades add a splash of visual interest to your egg collection and can be a topic of conversation among family and friends.

Friendly temperament

Ameraucana chickens are often known for their friendly and docile nature. Their inquisitive and intelligent personalities can make them a pleasure to interact with.

Their friendly temperament also makes them suitable for families with children, as they tend to be calm and gentle around humans.

Low maintenance

Compared to some other breeds, Ameraucana chickens are relatively low maintenance. They are generally hardy birds that adapt well to a variety of climates.

Their docile nature and lack of excessive noise make them easier to manage in a residential backyard. With a well-designed coop, regular feeding, and basic care, Ameraucana chickens can flourish with minimal fuss.

Cons of raising Ameraucana chickens for backyard egg production

Lower overall egg production

While Ameraucana chickens lay beautiful eggs, their overall egg production is not as high as some other commercial laying breeds.

If you’re looking for high egg yields, you may need to consider other options. However, for those who prioritize quality and uniqueness over quantity, Ameraucanas can still be an excellent choice.

Higher initial costs

Compared to some other chicken breeds, Ameraucanas can have higher initial costs. This is partly due to their unique appearance and desirable traits.

The demand for Ameraucanas can result in higher prices for chicks or hatching eggs. However, it’s important to consider the long-term benefits and enjoyment they provide when evaluating the investment.

Potential breed-specific health issues

As with any chicken breed, Ameraucanas can be susceptible to certain health issues.

Some potential breed-specific concerns include reproductive disorders or genetic defects.

Consulting with a veterinarian experienced in poultry care and practicing good preventive health measures can help mitigate these risks.

Alternative chicken breeds for backyard egg production

Rhode Island Red

Rhode Island Reds are a popular choice for backyard egg production. They are known for their consistent egg-laying abilities and large brown eggs.

They have a calm disposition and are relatively hardy, making them well-suited for various climates.

Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Rocks, or Barred Rocks, are another excellent choice for backyard egg production.

These chickens lay brown eggs and are known for their friendly and docile nature. They can adapt well to different environments and are generally healthy and low maintenance.


Leghorns are renowned for their exceptional egg production, making them a preferred choice for commercial egg farms. They are prolific layers of white eggs and have an active and alert temperament.

Leghorns require ample space, and their active nature can make them less suitable for small backyard setups.

Raising Ameraucana chickens
for backyard egg production can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Their unique physical appearance, friendly temperament, and colorful eggs make them an attractive choice for chicken enthusiasts.

Consider the factors discussed, evaluate the pros and cons, and explore alternative breeds to determine which option best suits your needs and preferences. With proper care, Ameraucanas can provide you with a beautiful and delicious supply of eggs right in your own backyard.