Can Chickens Eat Apples – What Do You Think?

Can Chickens Eat Apples – What Do You Think?

Jan 04, 2024

If you asked me can chickens eat apples?

I would have a yes and a no answer to that.

Does my answer confuse you just a bit, or even more? Then we will have to get into this a little more won’t we…

That’s Right, You Are Asking Me Can Chickens Eat Apples


We have them and enjoy them, so why would you not give your backyard chickens apples…

As I said, there is a yes and no answer to that, but I can say that apples are not harmless to your chickens.

Just think of your chickens getting their beaks into those big juicy apples, especially if they are nice and soft.

All you can see is a beak covered with apple and a very satisfied chicken indeed.

Is It Safe For Chickens To Eat Apples?

So why would there be a downside to this eating of apples if I said it is ok for a chicken to eat apples right?

Here is the hint question…

Can Chickens Eat Apple Seeds?

If you are going to be feeding apples to your backyard chickens, then you should be removing the seeds first.

Can chickens eat apples? Sure, but not so much the apple seeds.

This is because apple seeds are actually toxic.

Apple seeds contain small amounts of cyanide, so try to remove them for your chickens if possible.

This is what people say.

But I have never even taken out the apple seeds when I have given my chickens apples before and they have been alright every time.

This is because there is a bit of controversy…

Your chickens would need to eat a lot of those apple seeds for there to be any sort of toxicity going on here.

Would you want to run the risk of that?

I have talked about chicken instincts before in the wild where they have learnt to know what to eat and what not to in the wild to keep well.

But have chickens ever come across apples in the wild to learn what is good for them and what is not?

Not when it comes to apples.

They are not really found in the wilds of Asia for instance for their natural instincts to be fine-tuned to for hundreds of years.

See also 5 Tips For Raising Free Range Chickens

So this is where we need to come in and help them out.

As they do not have much experience with apples when it comes to apple seeds and if it is good for them.

And there really isn’t any real nutritional value to the apple seeds for your chickens anyway…

Sugar Content In Apples And Your Chickens

Apples are, of course, going to be high in sugar compared to other fruit that you may give them.

And you should be giving them fruit as a treat at least.

Now, just giving them grain all the time…

What if you were asked to have the same meal all the time?

I am sure you would get sick of it.

And the same for your chickens.

Hens or roosters, they all like their variety of food.

Sure, apples are going to have a ton of nutrients packed into them, but there is still a ton of natural sugar in the apples as well.

So what do I say about moderation if you are not sure?

A little goes a long way…

You do not want your chickens to be eating too much sugar as this could cause some serious issues for your feathered friends apart from having them putting on more weight

They need to get up on those perches now…

How Do You Feed Apples To Chickens?

Apart from just throwing it in the chicken run.

There are other ways and enjoyable ways at that.

You can hang the apples up on a string.

Wash and core the whole apples and hang them in the run.

Or just down on the ground.

But do make sure that your chickens can get to them if you have a variety of small and big chickens
Keep it high enough so it won’t get dirty and drag on the ground as they move them about, but low enough for all your fowls.

The chickens will work away at them slowly, pecking away at them as they hang.

And the movement also gives your chickens a little bit of a challenge to catch the apples as they hang.

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This is good stimulation for them.

Preparing The Apples For Chickens To Eat

So you know that chickens can eat apples now, but there is a way to eat them.

You could, feed the apples to your chickens whole.

If you give them apples once in a while, then whole apples with pips should not be any problem.

But if you give apples to them at least every week, then start thinking of taking out the pips.

You do not even have to peel the apples either.

Apple skins have good nutrients in them, so the skins of the apples are good for your chickens.

Even if you are cooking in the kitchen and often peel your apples.

Don’t forget to put these apple peels aside to take out to your chickens.

If the apples are green apples or red apples, it does not matter to your chickens.
As you know, green apples are more solid than red apples.

So it is a good idea to cut up the apples that are harder for your chickens to get their beaks into.

If the apples are older, that’s no problem as they will be softer, but if they have dark patches coming on them where they are getting a bit rotten.

Get rid of those patches.

I like to give my chickens good apples, and older apples.

But not the sort of apples that are old enough to go walking out your kitchen
I am sure your chickens might, no…

Will have a go at them.

But in this case, make the decision for them.

Good apples are the way to go.


Can chickens eat apples? You bet they can.

Hang them up for your chickens, cut them up for them, even mash them up for them if you wish.

Whichever way to give apples to your chickens remember, they will enjoy them whichever way you choose to go.

Now that you know the answer to can chickens eat apples?

Are you going to go rushing to the fridge to go down to your chicken pen any time soon?

I bet you are.