Can Chickens Eat Blackberries – What Do You Think?

Can Chickens Eat Blackberries – What Do You Think?

Jan 04, 2024


We all love them.

Well most of us anyway.

So when it comes to your backyard chickens.

Can chickens eat blackberries as well?

Let find out, shall we…

Can Chickens Eat Blackberries?

Blackberries as we know are very tasty and we do love to eat them…

So when it comes to our pet chickens…


A resounding YES!

They love eating them also.

If you do come across a chicken that does not like blackberries…

Then they are an odd-ball.

Are Blackberries Good For Chickens

Berries in general are good for us and also good for our feathery friends.

They are packed with vitamin C.

Are high in fibre.

And also a great source of vitamin K, and are high in manganese.
If you do not know what manganese is, it is a mineral.

Will Chickens Clear Blackberry Bushes?

If the blackberries are very small, well…

You know your chickens.

They will scour their way through any small plants.

What they do not eat, they will just most probably scratch out.

Just look at your chicken run when it was new.

When you put in your chickens they frolicked around in the lovely grassy and leafy ground.

Going a few weeks later if that.

And you find yourself with a chicken run that resembles the surface of the moon.

Or a desert, with vegetation trying to get a foot hold out of the soil.

Only to peek their leaves up through the ground to be pecked out.
That’s the chicken run for you.

You can almost see the tumbleweeds blowing along it is so desolate.
So the answer to that question is…

If the blackberry sprouts are showing through the earth.

See also Can Chickens Eat Sweet Potato - What Do You Think?

Be prepared for them to be pulled or scratched out.

Are Blackberry Bushes Poisonous To Chickens?

If you let your chickens loose on your blackberry bushes they will happily peck all the blackberries they can get their beaks on.

To the highest branch, they can jump to.

As far as the blackberry leaves are concerned, the leaves will make them very ill.
But never fear…

Your chickens are armed with the knowledge of knowing what to eat and what not to eat.

So your chickens will eat the berries and leave the leaves alone.

So if you are thinking of throwing any blackberry leaves into their chicken run.

Think again, they will not touch them.

And rightly so…

It depends upon this question really…

When you ask if they will clear blackberry bushes.

It really should mean the blackberries from the bush.

But your chicken will not get rid of your blackberry bushes.

If you want this done.

You will have to do this yourself.

Your chickens cannot help you in the garden here.

Can Baby Chickens Eat Blackberries

Well, yes they can.

As with many things they can get their little beaks around.
But because they are small.

Do not go giving them many blackberries.

As their systems are new, you go and give them to many, it will play havoc with their systems

And give them a belly ache if not worse.

And they are going to end up with chicken that has diarrhoea on your hands.
And that is not a nice thing.

Cleaning up, yuck!

Can Chickens Eat Blackberries Leaves

As I explained previously when it comes to blackberry leaves.

See also Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin - What Do You Think?

It is a no-no…

Only the berries themselves will be edible for your backyard chickens and they know it.

Can Chickens Eat Blackberries Seeds

Now we get down to the blackberry seeds.

As we know with nature.

Plants have evolved to grow fruit, not for the sake of being generous and feeding the animals around them.

Trees and shrubs have evolved to grow a fruit that either contains fruit inside of it or in it such as blackberries and strawberries.

In this manner, it is a way for the vegetation to spread its seeds far and wide.


Which comes out in the animals poo.

And the poo gives the seeds a good start in the germination process.

So the trees and shrubs will not go against what they are trying to do and make the seeds poisonous to animals that they depend on spreading their seeds for them.

So the blackberry seeds are fine for your chickens to eat.

In fact, blackberries seeds are easily digestible and do not muck up the chickens’ gut health.

Now, these blackberry seeds are in fact rich in omega-3, which boosts cardiovascular health and egg production.

So they are positive for your chicken’s health.

Can chickens eat blackberries? they sure can.

But there is one thing I did not mention that I probably should.

Do not go giving them too many, as you could end up with diarrhoea even with even adult chickens.

So moderation as with any fruit, as with ourselves.

The other thing is if you go giving them blackberries, be prepared for your chickens to be pooping purple poos for a little while.

Just thought I should mention that.