Can Chickens Eat Brussel Sprouts – What Do You Think?

Can Chickens Eat Brussel Sprouts – What Do You Think?

Jan 04, 2024

Can chickens eat Brussel sprouts did you say?

There are people out there that don’t Brussel sprouts.

So what about our chickens.

Let’s find out, shall we?

I don’t know about you, but I like them.

For some reason, there are just some people who wrinkle up their noses at them.

So how do our backyard chickens fair.

Those Brussels sprouts are low in calories yet high in many nutrients.

Such as:

  • vitamin K
  • fibre
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin A
  • folate
  • carbs
  • protine

It might interest you to know that Brussels sprouts might have been grown in Belgium as early as 1200!

The first recorded description of Brussel sprouts dates back to 1587.
Now there’s an interesting fact…

Can Chickens Eat Brussel Sprouts Raw

Now that we know our backyard chickens can eat Brussel Sprouts.
Can they eat them raw?

Is it the best way for them?

Although the Brussel sprouts might look a little impenetrable for your chickens.

Remember those beaks of theirs.

Pointy at the end.
And it is just the right tool for getting through the layers of those little leaves.

Don’t you worry about your chickens getting through them if you choose to throw them into the chicken run whole?

They will have a go at them, and if for some reason that they feel that the Brussel sprouts are just too tough for them.

As we know these vegetables can be tightly packed together.

So you might want to think about cutting them up a little.

That way you can help out your chickens in their endeavour to get into the sprouts will less trouble.

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Can Chickens Eat Brussel Sprout Stalks

Have you eaten the stalks of the Brussel sprouts?

They are tough.

Although I have talked about the pointy end of a chicken’s beak.

This might just be too much work for your fowls.

That they might just give up and walk away.

So if I was you I would think about only feeding then the stalks if they have been cooked to soften them up a little, if not a lot.

Brussels sprouts stalks can be eaten, but require more cooking time.
We do it, so if you have some cooked stalks left behind on your plate.
Don’t put them in the compost.

Make a detour towards the chicken coop first.

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Brussel Sprouts

As we know that Brussel sprouts are on the hard side, and your chickens can find their way into them.

But it would be much easier and I am sure that your chickens will appreciate it if the Brussel sprouts are cooked.

That is if you decide to give them to your chickens whole.

And cooked scraps will be appreciated by your chickens.

Even if the Brussel sprouts are raw if you have them unravelled if you know what I mean…

By pulling the Brussel sprouts apart.

All those little leaves will be pecked to pieces and devoured by your feathered friends in no time.

Can Baby Chickens Eat Brussel Sprouts

Sure they can.

But do make sure that you cook the Brussel sprouts first before introducing them to your young chickens.

As they might just look at this hard lump of brussel sprout and after a peck with their little beaks.

See also Can Chickens Eat Celery - What Do You Think?
Put it in the ‘too hard basket’.

And not only is feeding them cooked Brussel sprouts a good thing.
They will also have more taste when they are cooked.

Can Chickens Eat Frozen Brussel Sprouts

Yes, chickens can eat frozen Brussels sprouts if you so choose to give it to them.

But why would you?


A raw Brussel sprout is hard enough, but a frozen one…

Best to cut them up into little pieces so that your chickens can eat them.
Good for those really hot days.

A bit like a frozen icy pole.

Or you could say Brussel sprout poll…

Not something I would go out of my way to do…

But if you feel the need, go ahead.

Can Chickens Eat Brussel Sprouts Leaves


Chickens can eat Brussels sprout leaves if you have any around to give them.

They are harmless to your chickens and they might just like them.

Why not throw some into their chicken run and see what your chickens think.

Brussels sprout leaves can be a healthy snack for your backyard chickens.

As and they are full of rich nutrients which is a plus as well.

So you now know the question to can chickens eat Brussel sprouts?

But what if they don’t like them.

Chickens like us do have their own taste buds and might not like them.

Don’t be disheartened if your chickens do lean towards the ‘not for me’.

But knowing chickens…
I very much doubt it.