Can Chickens Eat Carrots- What Do You Think?

Can Chickens Eat Carrots- What Do You Think?

Jan 04, 2024

Carrots are in everyone’s kitchen.

Mainly orange in colour they stand out from the crowd.

So they are good for us and for the bunnies.

So how about your backyard chickens.

Can chickens eat carrots?

Let’s see, shall we?

Carrots are very good for us.

And so it is for our chickens as well.


Chickens can eat carrots, no problem there…

In fact, carrots are packed with a variety of nutrients, such as potassium, fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C, manganese, and also certain B vitamins as well.

They also aid in lowering cholesterol levels, and also improving eyesight.

Those carotene antioxidants in a carrot play a significant role in the reduction of many chronic diseases in humans and animals.

Not to mention that they are also relatively low in calories as well.

So it can only be good for your backyard chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Carrots Raw

Raw carrots have the best impact on us and our chickens.

In their raw state, all the ingredients that make up carrots are at their highest.

Without any interference from us cooking or frying them.


Some people do fry them…


Not being cooked, does not change the molecular structure of the carrots keeping all the ingredients intact.

Can Chickens Eat Carrot Skin

Carrot skin is good for your chickens.

You can give them carrot skins with no problems at all.

If you are thinking that you would have to peel the carrots first before giving them to your chickens.

No that is not necessary.

All the carrots can be given to your backyard chickens without the need for concern.

Can Chickens Eat Carrots Peels

As we know, carrot peels are just carrot skin.

As many people might still peel their carrots before cooking them.

They then have leftover carrot peels put aside for the compost heap!


Your chickens will want them first.

Unless you have been peeling so many carrots that you have a bucket full and then some…

Can go to the compost heap.

But I would be curious why you would be peeling so many carrots.


Carrot peels when peeled are thin, and your chickens can get really stuck in with their beaks and tear them up into little pieces.

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And down the throat, it goes.

They are going to rush you for these carrot peels so be on your guard when you go into the chicken run.

Can Chickens Eat Carrot Leaves

Well… Can chickens eat carrots!

Carrot leaves are also going to get you in trouble if you go down to your chicken run.

Or even if you think that they are no good for your chickens, you walk casually past the chicken coop.

Only to see your chickens chasing after you on the other side of the chicken wire.
Scratching your head, you want to know what your chickens are doing.

They love to eat carrot leaves.

And they are good for them.
Your chickens are trying to tell you that you need to stop and come to the chicken door and offer the carrot tops to them first.

I would not disappoint them…

Do Chickens Eat Cooked Carrots

Can chickens eat carrots cooked you are asking…


Cooked carrots are fine for your chickens.

Whether you steam or boil the carrots, it is going to make them soft.

And therefore your chickens are going to get their beaks into them and eat them up fairly quickly.

Remembering that these cooked carrots, once cooked, will not have the highest in nutrients compared to uncooked carrots.

That does not matter that much.

Even cooked, your chooks will enjoy them the same.

So a variety of cooked and uncooked carrots should be on the menu don’t you think?

Can Baby Chickens Eat Carrots

There is no problem with giving carrots to your baby chickens.

Just wait for a little, as with anything new, for them to adjust to the new world and eat chicken crumbles for a while.

Then you can introduce them to the world of tasty carrots.

But it would be best if you give them either cooked mashed up carrots.
Or cooked, cut into very small pieces of carrots to start them off until they get a little older.

How Do You Feed Chickens Carrots?

As carrots are quite crunchy and hard.

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I would be giving them carrots in a few ways.

You can give them raw carrots, but you need to cut them small or grate them.
As the carrots are generally going to be just too hard for your chickens to get their beaks into.

Unless the carrots are getting older and are starting to get soft.
Then you can do it this way.

I would still cut them up though.

Now if you decide to steam them or boil them.

Then there is no trouble with giving your fowls the carrots roughly cut or in smaller pieces.

It depends just how quickly you want your chickens to gulp them down.
Especially if you want to stay and watch them.

There is no trouble with the hens and roosters alike in gulping them down.

Not having teeth, they have to break up their food and swallow it whole.
Their systems are just geared for the job.

And their digestive systems know how to break down the food that would otherwise give us a stomach ache.

Because our stomachs are not built this way.

Can chickens eat carrots if you have grated them.

Well, it is a nice idea if you have some leftover carrots from the kitchen and even part leftover carrots that are raw.

As a whole raw carrot is not really going to be eaten because it is just too tough for their beaks to break into.

If you decide to give them cooked carrots there is no problem with this.
But you do need to remember that anything that has been canned has been processed to preserve it.

And that means chemicals.

So sugar has been involved to preserve them, and you can mot probably add in salt as well.

So if you do have any canned carrots that are put n the side. Do not give them too much because it is not in their natural state.

So now we have answered the question, can chickens eat carrots?

I hope you have some in the fridge ready to be put out for your chickens when you go down there.