Can Chickens Eat Cherries – What Do You Think?

Can Chickens Eat Cherries – What Do You Think?

Jan 04, 2024

When the word cherries is said.

We all turn around.

Cherries are a favourite to most people with their sweet taste.

So the question remains when it comes to your backyard chickens.

Can chickens eat cherries?

Let’s find out, shall we?

Can Chickens Eat Cherries

Well, yes they can.

Try and stop them…

Once you take cherries for the first time in the chicken coop and let them have a taste.

Every time you tale in those lovely red cherries, you better be prepared to get mugged by your backyard chickens.

We love getting cherries to eat.

But have you seen the price in the supermarkets?

You pay a high price for a little punnet of cherries.

So how is it going to be possible for you to feed cherries to your chickens if they are only seasonable and expensive for so little?

There are a few ways.

If you are fortunate enough to have a cherry tree growing in your back yard.

Then let your chickens loose and they will find any growing on the ground to eat.

Or you can just put a few aside for your fowls if you get them from the supermarket.

Are Cherries Ok For Chickens To Eat

Cherries are high in nutrients without being too high in calories.

This is a good start…

Cherries are full of vitamins, this includes C, A, E & K, minerals too.

Cherries also offer your chickens potassium, calcium as well.


These cherries also contain choline which is essential for a chicken’s health.

So it is not only great tasting but full of goodness for us and for our chickens.

All you have to do now is smuggle some ripe cherries out the door so no one sees, and take them down to your chickens.

It is ok if the cherries have got some age on them and are looking a little wrinkled.
Your chickens will not mind.

Are Cherry Seeds Bad For Chickens


When it comes to cherry seeds.

Can chickens eat cherries with seeds in them?

We do not eat them and nor should our chickens.

The cherry seeds, on the contrary, are lethal.

They are unforgiving as they are hard and quite big.

When it comes to your chickens, they have good systems for throwing food down their necks.

But these cherry seeds could be a choking hazard for them if they get caught in their throats.


Go down the wrong way, or you could say, not go down.

Just get stuck.

So, if you have any cherries at home and want to give them some.
Do what you would do for yourself.

Take out the cherry seeds.
Never just take them down to the chickens without doing this.

Can Chickens Eat The Cherry Stems

Can chickens eat cherry stems…

Have you ever eaten a cherry stem?

Nor I…

So it is more like a piece of dried up wood really.

And I bet it tastes the same.

Not that it is harmful to your chickens.

But I really think that a chicken has better things to eat than try their luck at a cherry stem that tastes like wood don’t you?

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Can Chickens Eat Whole Cherries

Because of the cherry seeds, it is not a good idea.

As their throat could end up with a cherry seed stuck in it.

Now you would not like to swallow cherry seeds neither would your chickens.
I did say let your chickens out in the garden to eat the cherries that have fallen on the ground.

Now, can chickens eat cherries is one thing…

But now I hesitate a bit because of the pips, or you could say seeds inside of the cherry.

It could be alright if they so choose to swallow the cherries with the flesh on the outside.

It will most probably go down well.
But on the other side of things.

I have never seen a chicken just swallow a cherry before.

As cherries are quite large, I usually see the peck at it till there is no flesh left on the seed.

But if you are really concerned, especially when it comes to smaller chickens like bantams and younger chickens.

I would keep any cherries with seeds away from them.

Can Chickens Eat Cherry Tree Leaves

Given a chance…

Your chickens will most probably have a go at the cherry leaves.
There is nothing sinister about them.

They are safe for your chickens if they so choose to eat them.

And there is a question about that.

They might just decide that there are much more interesting things to eat.

Can Chickens Eat Cherry Blossom

I can’t see why not.

They are not poisonous to chickens.

So the sight of any cherry blossoms on the ground.

Or even in jumping distance on a cherry tree is not safe to a chicken.

They will be eaten in give half a chance.

And chickens will take that advantage if they can.

Can Baby Chickens Eat Cherries

Given in moderation, I can see that your baby chickens will enjoy them.

But do remember to take out the cherry seeds.

Your chicks are little and they do not want to get one of those seeds stuck in their throat.

Most probably the seeds are way too big for them anyway.
Depending on how old your chickens are.

But just cut up the cherries or even cook them if you like.

I am sure that they will be a great treat for your chickens.
And they will enjoy them so much.

They will be glad when you bring in some more for them later on.
They might even remember the colour with that great taste also.

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Cherries


Cooked cherries are fine.

But if you have made a cherry pie for instance.

You have been cooking with sugars.

And you know how we feel about sugars as with other fruit that is cooked…
Too much sugar is not good for them.

The fruit has enough sugar anyway, that is why you need to feed them in moderation.

If you go putting even more sugars into your cherries in the cooking process.
That means more sugar.

See also Can Chickens Eat Brussel Sprouts - What Do You Think?

Can chickens eat cherries that are double packed with natural sugar and unnatural sugar…

Not a good thing to do, so give them even less.

Can Chickens Eat Dried Cherries

Now, if your cherries have been forgotten about for a long time, that they have become dry.

Otherwise, I do not know why you would want to give them dried cherries if you have fresh ones in the house or in your garden.

And I think the chickens would agree with me here.

But if you do have some, you are better off soaking them first before you give them to your backyard chickens.

Because if they are dried, they are still quite large to a chicken.

And trying to break them up with their beaks is not going to be easy for them.

And you don’t want them to go trying to swallow them whole because they just could not break it up, and still want it.

They just could resort to eating it or trying to eat it hole if they can.
So your chickens will feel the same.

So soak the dried cherries first.

Can Chickens Eat Glace Cherries

Gazed cherries.
They are lovely, aren’t they?

I suppose you might have some leftovers from a fruit cake that you had cooked.

If you do have some glazed cherries on top and for some strange reason you do not want to eat it yourself.

They will be happy to get their beaks around them.

There are no seeds to worry about and they taste great.

But remember the sugar.

So not too many ok.

Can Chickens Eat Frozen Cherries

Can chickens eat cherries… So what about frozen cherry you are asking?

I can’t see why not.

But as the cherries are quite large to a chicken.

You would be better off cutting them up and freezing them.

No pips either, we have talked about cherry seeds.

They are a big no-no.

So if you freeze these little pieces and give them to the chickens on a hot day.

They are going to love them.

Here’s one for you…

Can chickens eat cherries like a dunking game…

Let me explain.

The other thing you could do is get a shallow dish and put some water in there and then put in the frozen pieces of cherries.

I can see them dunking away for the cherries in the water.

Not only is it something different for them to do and keep them amused, and the frozen cherries will slowly melt.

And that water will, in turn, get a bit flavoured and cooler on a hot day.
A little water remember, in the bowl.

Enough for the cherries to float on.

What a treat on a hot day.

You might even be pushing your chickens aside to have a go as well.

I put bets on the chickens in getting the most though.

They can be quick when they want to.

Especially when it is food that they like.

So, the question can chickens eat cherries?

It should be whether you can stop your chickens from eating cherries.