Can Chickens Eat Mushrooms – What Do You Think?- What Do You Think?

Can Chickens Eat Mushrooms – What Do You Think?- What Do You Think?

Jan 04, 2024

Many of us like mushrooms.

Not all of us but most…

So when it comes to mushrooms and chickens, the big question is.

Can chickens eat mushrooms?

A question that needs to be answered because it is truly one that not many people know.

So let’s find out shall we…

Can Chickens Eat Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a tricky subject for even us humans.

Many are scared to eat many different mushroom varieties because they are not sure if they are poisonous or not.

Now, these fears are justified…

As mushrooms are not only poisonous.

They can be very poisonous and end in death so we need to be careful when eating them.

So when it comes to your backyard chickens.

And the question is can chickens eat mushrooms?

Of course, they can.

Can Chickens Have Store Bought Mushrooms?

Store-bought mushrooms are what we eat and we trust them if they are in a store because they are the run of the mill mushrooms that are mainly grown for your consumption.

So we trust them…

And what we can eat mushroom wise, so can your backyard chickens as well.

There are so many types of mushrooms that you can buy from the shops that your chickens can eat as well.

That can not be said with the wild mushrooms growing in the wilderness, or even in our backyards.

You will see then some up especially after the rain.

Most of the time it is better to not even pick them up for cooking even for yourself if you are unsure.

When it comes to mushrooms grown wild, it is the same thing.

The big red sign comes out, and there can be danger in what we pick up from the ground growing in our gardens as well, mushroom wise…

As long as you feed your chickens the mushrooms you also eat, your chickens will be safe.

But just because they are growing in your back garden, does not mean that they can just be taken for granted that they are going to be alright for you or your chickens.

Certain mushrooms like morel mushrooms and button mushrooms can be eaten.

When it does come to giving your chickens mushrooms, you do not really eat them raw do you?


Some of you might.

But generally, we like them cooked.

As they are fairly hard in substance when at their best.

It is going to be a bit hard for your chicken’s stomachs to digest compared to a cooked mushroom.

And giving them too many may upset their stomachs.

See also Can Chickens Eat Banana - What Do You Think?

Will Chickens Eat Poisonous Mushrooms

Now that is an interesting question.

We might worry about our chickens roaming around in the undergrowth in our back yards in case they do come across some mushrooms that are poisonous to them.

But these birds did not survive all those thousands of years for nothing.

There are colours that will warn them of poisonous things.

And there are the instincts that they have anyway.

But can chickens eat mushrooms in modern days?

Their instincts are still there since they were wild you know…

Your chickens might have a peck or something.

But that does not mean that they will automatically eat it.

If they feel it is not right they will then pass it buy and eating other things.

But to make sure, you can go around your backyard looking for wild mushrooms that they would otherwise come across.

Let your chickens enjoy themselves in your back garden ever so often.

Certain foods are off-limits for chickens, because they are toxic, or they are just not healthy.

However, if we throw in food to them in their chicken run they might trust us that it is alright.

And try to eat it.

So do not rely on their instincts if you have any thoughts of throwing in mushrooms in their chicken run and think that they will just leave the poisonous ones alone.

Do you really want to take that chance?

Can Chickens Eat Mushroom Stalks

Can chickens eat mushrooms, stalks as well.

Your chicken will eat the mushroom tops first.

But generally, they will have a go at the mushroom stalks and if they are not so hard, I am sure they will peck their way through.

But if they are cooked then that is another thing.

Do not expect any leftovers in your chickens back yard…

Can Chickens Eat White Button Mushrooms

As I mentioned that any store-bought mushrooms that are safe for us to consume are also ok to be given to your chickens in small amounts.

Mushrooms like button mushrooms, hen of the woods, morel mushrooms, chicken of the woods, and oyster mushrooms are all suitable and really healthy for our flock.

Can Chickens Eat Puffball Mushrooms


People puffball mushrooms are poisonous.

They might look lovely just sitting there in the garden.

And I have had ones here, but they are no good for us or for our chickens.
If you see any of them in your garden admire them.

You can even stand on them when they have dried and see them puff away.

But as far as eating them, you need to keep them where they are and NOT on the dinner plates of yours or your chickens.

See also Can Chickens Eat Sweet Potato - What Do You Think?

The good news is that chickens don’t usually seek out mushrooms, and just a little peck probably won’t hurt your chickens at all.

Most mushrooms will be ignored because they are just not easy to eat.

Most raw mushrooms have a rubbery texture.

So, they will move on after a peck.

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Mushrooms

Now your talking.

Mushrooms are lovely when cooked.

And the only way I like them.

They are soft and delicious.

So if you do have any leftovers from your meal.

You can give them to your chickens, and if they still have a little butter or salt on them.

This will also tantalise their taste buds as it does ours.

And if you were thinking if they can have mushrooms from a can.
Yes, they can but not many.

As you know canned food has sugar in it to act as a preservative.
So it is better to give the cooked mushrooms.

Can Chickens Eat Uncooked Mushrooms

So, can chickens eat mushrooms if they are uncooked?

You can give them uncooked mushrooms.

But as we do they would rather prefer cooked mushrooms.

But if you do have any mushrooms that are uncooked, make sure that they do not have any pesticides on them.

And cut them up for your chickens.
As they are fairly firm it is easier for your backyard chickens to eat them in smaller chunks.

If they are a little olde
r and therefore softer, I would still cut them up a little for your feathered friends.

Can Chickens Eat Mushroom Scraps

As we know…

Scraps mean leftovers.

If you do happen to have any such scraps leftover in the form of mushrooms.
Which I highly doubt.

You can feed them to your chickens.

If you are talking about putting off certain parts of the mushroom that you really do not fancy.

Though I do not know what part that would be.


By all means, you can give them to your chickens.

Can chickens eat mushrooms?

Yes but remember if there is a mushroom you can not eat do not give it to your chickens either.

So no mushrooms that you are not familiar with that you know are ok for you to eat.

If you have a mushroom expert around somewhere to tell you differently.
Sure if they tell you it is good for you then also your chickens.

But who has one of those people just hanging around anyway…