Can Chickens Eat Peaches – What Do You Think?

Can Chickens Eat Peaches – What Do You Think?

Jan 04, 2024


We can’t get enough of them really.

Even though they are seasonal.

When they come on the shop shelves we are very tempted to buy some.

So what about our chickens…

Can chickens eat peaches?

Let’s find out, shall we?

Can Chickens Eat Peaches

There is no trouble with your backyard chickens eating peaches.

I would really try and stop them if you take one in with you to the chicken run.

They might look at you with this round sort of orange thing in your hands and think.

Is this food?

Once they have pecked into a ripe peach for the first time.

You will have a hard time going in again with a peach.

Because your chickens will remember the taste and nearly mob you for it.

And with all this taste going for it, what else do peaches have.

They are a great source of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, and are packed with several other nutritious elements that are quite beneficial for your chickens as well:

  • vitamin C
  • vitamin A
  • K
  • vitamins E
  • folate
  • niacin
  • potassium
  • iron
  • choline
  • phosphorus
  • magnesium
  • copper
  • manganese
  • zinc

That is quite a lot for a peach don’t you think?

Can Chickens Eat Peach Skins

Can chickens eat peaches with the skin on…

There is nothing wrong with your chickens eating the skins of the peach.

That soft fury feeling of the peach is different to touch than other fruit.

I wonder if your chickens also feel this. I am sure that they do when swallowing it.

Not such a bad feeling if you ask me…

Can Chickens Eat Peach Seeds

This is also called the pit and it contains some cyanide.

This is a no-no for your chickens.

So do not go giving them this.

If you choose to give your backyard chickens the whole peach or cut it in half or quarters for them.

Make sure that you d take the pip out.

They can not really get through the pip anyway.

But for any reason the seed is cracked, they can get their beaks into it.

And this could cause them to become very sick indeed…

Even worse.

So make sure that there is no seed in the peach when giving your fowls this treat.

So remove the seed first.

Can Chickens Eat Peach Tree Leaves


You should not be giving your chickens any peach tree leaves.

The leaves of the peach tree contain cyanide which is toxic to your chickens.

So this is also a no-go.

If, for some reason, your chickens are running around your garden.

And you do have a peach tree and they do eat a leaf that has fallen onto the ground.

Do not panic!

As the leaf itself in a small amount will not affect their overall health.

If they get a large number of leaves to eat.

The toxins in the leaves can then harm them.

See also Can Chickens Eat Pineapple - What Do You Think?

So make sure that if you do let them out and have a peach tree, to go around and pick up any leaves you find that have fallen on the ground.

Can Chickens Eat Canned Peaches

Canned peaches hmmm…

Some people would say not to give your chickens any canned peaches as they do contain preservatives such as sugar.

Which we know too much of this is not good for them.

It is enough that they are getting the natural sugars for the fruit, without the cultivated and refined sugar.

But as we can eat them, they are also not harmful to your chickens in small amounts.

I would have no trouble giving canned peaches to my chickens if I had any leftovers.

But you do need to remember to only give them a little as a treat.

And I am going to tell you now…

They are going to love them.

Can Chickens Eat Fresh Peaches

Can chickens eat peaches raw…

There is nothing wrong with giving your chickens raw peaches.

In fact, they will love them.

How do you feel eating them raw?

I know I like them best when they are raw.

All that juice…

I am sure the chickens would agree with me.

Can Chickens Eat Whole Peaches

There is absolutely no reason why your backyard chickens can not eat peaches whole.

They will love pecking into the skin and the flesh of the whole peach itself.
The only concern I do have is a little one.

And that is the seed of the peach.

Can chickens eat peaches with the stone in them?

That’s ok, as long as the stone is not broken and they can get into it.

But nine times out of ten the stone of this fruit will be intact so that they can not get into it.

As long as the fruit is not badly damaged in any way, the fruit should be fine.

As they get near to the stone, they will have such a taste for the juicy flesh, do you really think that they are going to have a go at the tasteless old seed?

Nor do it.

They will most probably get as much of the flesh of the stone as they can and then walk away.

Their beaks are precision instruments and they know how to use them.

Can Baby Chickens Eat Peaches

Can chickens eat peaches if they are really small?

No problem, you can give it to them at a fairly young age and make sure that there is no seed insight.

Whether you choose to give it to them in little pieces, or just put down a quarter or half a peach and let them peck at it to their heart’s content.
Is ok.

If you are a little concerned, sit down and watch them.

See also The 3 Basic Types of Chickens and Their Traits
It will give you the joy to see them feasting on such a tasty morsel with enthusiasm.

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Peaches

Now some people would say no if you have put sugar into the mix to make it sweeter.

And I would say the same if you have any fresh peaches around.
That would be my choice every time.

But if you have cooked or poached the peaches without any added sugar that will be ok.

As the boiling will also enhance the taste of the peaches through the cooking process and they will enjoy that as we do.

Can Chickens Eat Green Peaches

Can chickens eat peaches if they are not ripe, I guess that is the question being asked.

They are green for a reason.

It is nature saying that the fruit is not ripe.

And therefore not ready to be eaten.

Although the tree is doing this for its own reasons until the seed of the fruit is mature enough to germinate.

It is still an indication that the fruit is not mature and is not going to be at its tastiness.

And apart from that, if you or your chickens eat a little too much of the peach when it is green you are going to get diarrhoea.

So keep away from the green peaches.

If your chickens find some n the back garden, just pick them up and point at something else.

And say ‘there’ to your chickens.

‘Something better over there to eat’.

Then run away with the green peach.

Can Chickens Eat Rotten Peaches

On the other spectrum of the green peach is when the peach has gone too long and is starting to degrade.

The molecules are starting to break down and it is starting to rot.
I know your chickens will have a go at it.

But it is not beneficial to be eating fruit that is turning rotten.
So if you do have any that you do not want.

If there is any part of the rotten peach that is still ok.
Then cut those pieces off and give those to your backyard chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Frozen Peaches

Cab chickens eat peaches in a frozen state…
Now, that’s a different one.

Yes, they can.

If you are talking about putting in a whole frozen peach into their chicken coop and it starts to melt on a hot day.

They will enjoy the coolness and the taste of the peach.

If you choose to cut a peach up into tiny pieces they will also eat it.
A little like a fruit ice cream really.

But remember as with many treats.

I say it again, in moderation.

Can chickens eat peaches you say?

What a question…

Your chickens will let you know quick enough when you put it into their chicken run.