Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin – What Do You Think?

Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin – What Do You Think?

Jan 04, 2024


We come to Can chickens eat pumpkins?

I can not say that the pumpkin was a part of the wild chicken’s diet.

But I am sure there were similar out there somewhere in the undergrowth of their habitat.

But what about our backyard chickens.

Is it ok for them to eat?

Let’s see, shall we?

Are Pumpkins Healthy For Chickens

If you went down to your backyard chickens with part of a pumpkin in your hands.

They would probably come rushing up to the fence to see what you have.
Is it for them?

And can they have it?

Most probably the thoughts on your children’s minds…


This big yellow or orange thing.

Colours do play a big part in an indication of what a chicken can eat and what it can not.

And to think that once scientists thought that everything saw in black and white with the exception of humans and bees.

How wrong they were, and how many other things have got wrong only to be disproved in the future like this.

I for one never believed in their findings, thinking that this could not be true.

I can understand that bees would see colours, but why us.

I have not seen us as humans, grow big wings and start to gather pollen from the plants at all…

And this is why colour is so important to insects and animals alike.

It indicates danger and what sorts of fruit and vegetables are ripe for eating, for instance.

And this is no different for the pumpkin.

So what would your chickens make of this big orange thing in your hands?

Something that looks very good for eating…

So, it is to no surprise that pumpkins are very good to feed your chickens.

In fact, the flesh of a pumpkin is full of vitamins B, A, and C.

It is also packed with potassium and zinc, so good all around…

These are some of the key nutrients that your backyard chickens need.

And because they are caged in a chicken run for most of the time, could even be deficient in some areas.

Then vegetables and fruit are great sources to boost their systems deficiencies if they have any.

Will Chickens Eat Raw Pumpkin

Yes, there is no problem there
As they did not find out or cook with fire as we did in the stone age days.
So raw was the order of the day when it came to food.

Can you see your ancient chickens sitting around a fireplace in the middle of the night in the open wilderness?

Cooking their pumpkins.

Neither have I.

Pumpkins are large mostly.

So I would give it to them in pieces.

Not too big, as they do have to work at prizing it apart with their beaks.

Their beaks are efficient tools for the hob.

No problem there.

But we can give them a little extra helping hand, can we?

See also Can Chickens Eat Mango - What Do You Think?

Anyway, raw pumpkin is most probably the best way to give your chickens in the chicken run.

As its nutrients are all intact naturally.

So, will be at its healthiest.

What Age Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin

I can not see that it is a problem with giving it to your chicks in the early stages of their development.

About two weeks or later is a really safe time to be giving them these sorts of things.

Because the pumpkin is fairly hard, it gives your chicks that time to develop their beaks just that little more.

But if you have an older pumpkin where the insides of the pumpkins are softer, then all the better.

But do take out the pumpkin seeds.

They are just too big for their little throats.

One chicken just might have a go at it and get it stuck in their little throat.

Any you do not want that.

Another thought here…

It might be nice to cook some pumpkin for the chickens.

Not only will it make the pumpkin softer and also bring out the taste.
But if you also mash it up for them.

I am sure that they will really enjoy it and look for more.

But only give them a little at a time as you will end up with chicks with runny bums and you do not want that.

Remember that their little stomachs are not used to all these new things.
So to get used to them must be gradual.

As with ay different food that you intend to give them for the first time.

Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are ok for your chickens to eat.

So you don’t have to spend your time getting out all the pumpkin seeds in the pumpkin half before you go in there and give it to them.

I thought I should tell you before you go getting out all the pumpkin seeds.

And find out that you did not have to spend half an hour doing that at all.
And it was just a waste of time…

Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin Leaves

Pumpkin leaves are large, aren’t they?

And a little spiky to tip it off.

But this does not deter your chickens, they will eat pumpkin leaves if given a chance and they are harmless to them.

So if you have pumpkins growing in your back yard and decide to let your chickens out for a run.

You don’t have to go and get a little fence to fence off the pumpkins for the chickens.

That would be a waste of time on your part when you don’t have to.

Can Chickens eat Pumpkin Vines

Pumpkin vines are harmless to chickens.

Have you ever tried to pick up the pumpkin vines?

I mean without gloves.

They are spiky.

And I don’t know why a chicken might like them.

But there again…

They do have a beak that has no trouble in tackling the pumpkin vines.
See also Can Chickens Eat Bread - What Do You Think?

If they choose to eat them of course.
They might not want to.

There might be other things that they fix their beady little eyes on that are more delicious.

Anyway, they will most probably go for the leaves first.

After the pumpkin itself of course…

That is if they can get inside the pumpkin.

How Often Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin

As with most things.

The pumpkin should be given in moderation for your chickens.

You don’t want them to be having any vegetables in big batches every day.
As they need to think of it as a treat and not get bored of it.

Three times a week is a good idea if you are bursting with pumpkins in your vegetable patch that is.

And can not get through all of them yourself.

Can Chickens Have Fresh Pumpkins

Fresh pumpkin is the best for your chickens. All the vitamins and minerals…
In its most natural state raw.

These nutrients are fresh and at their peak of goodness.
The effects will be at their best when raw.

Can Chickens Eat Pumpkin Skin

If you give your chickens pumpkin skin when it is a bit older.
Then it is softer.

Their beaks will have a little trouble getting through the tough skin, your chickens can only get so far.
Or they just lose interest and give up and go looking for what else they can wrap their beaks around.

But as far as throwing in pumpkin skins as they are to your chickens.

They will look excited at the prospect of you giving them something.
Have one look at the hard pumpkin skin.

Maybe a peck or two and just walk away.
Leaving you with no smile on your face.

Most probably scratching your head.

Not knowing what just went down at that moment.

A good lesson to not do it again.

Yes, it could be a chicken refusal…

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Pumpkin

There is no problem with your chickens eating cooked pumpkins.

Because the pumpkin when cooked gets so soft.

They will love it.

And the cooking seems to bring out the flavour in the pumpkin.

So be prepared when you go into the chicken coop to take a whip and a chair to keep back your chickens.

What they catch sight of the cooked pumpkin.

If they don’t smell it first, that is.

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Pumpkin Skin


Cooked pumpkin skin is going to be soft, and edible to your chickens.

So they won’t be refusing it this time like they would if it was raw.

They will happily peck away at the cooked pumpkin skins and eat them all.
It just might be.

They will be looking at you to see if you have any more to give them.
But remember.

Give pumpkin to them in moderation.

So, I think we have established that can chickens eat pumpkin?

In many forms…