Can Chickens Eat Sweet Potato – What Do You Think?

Can Chickens Eat Sweet Potato – What Do You Think?

Jan 04, 2024

We all used to eat potatoes, then came the sweet potato and how could we look back.

The sweet potato has become a great part of many of our diets now.

So can this also be a treat for our chickens?

Can chickens eat sweet potato?

Well then…

Let’s find out, shall we?

Did you know that sweet potato are commonplace in tropical regions such as Latin America and the Caribbean…

In fact, the main nutritional importance of sweet potatoes is starch.

You also have other nutrients such as:

  • vitamin
  • ascorbic acid
  • thiamin
  • riboflavin
  • niacin

Not bad for a potato is it.

In fact not only is it good for your chickens, but they will also love it.

So, yes people…

Sweet potatoes are ok for your backyard chickens to eat.

Can Chickens Eat Raw Sweet Potato?

Unlike other potatoes that belong to the deadly nightshade family.

They are members of the morning glory family.

So they do not contain any solanine.

And for this reason, you are safe.

So, and all parts of this plant – are fine to give your chickens.
Do I hear a sigh of relief…

Can Chickens Eat Sweet Potato Skins

Can chickens eat the outside skins of the sweet potato?

I do, and for that reason, it is no problem to give your

chickens the skin alone if you so choose.

If you are someone who prefers to peel off the skin of the sweet potato before cooking it.

There is no problem in putting these peels aside for the next time you go down to your chicken coop to give them a treat.

Say for any reason, not that you would…

But if you choose to bake the sweet potato skins.


Have a thought for your fowls when you do this and put some extra on for them.
As they will enjoy them as much as you will.

Can Chickens Eat Sweet Potato Vines

I have found conflicting information on this.

Some say that anything below the ground can be eaten cooked or raw.
Do not feed the green and leaves of the plants to poultry.

I would say that they are referring to the other nightshade family here.

See also Debunking the Myths: What Really Causes Dark Yellow Egg Yolks.

Now I have also heard that because this plant is not of the same group of potatoes of the nightshade family, it is perfectly ok to feel all parts of the plant as well.

Sweet potatoes belong to the morning glory family.

So it should not be a problem.

If you are in any doubt about giving your chickens any parts of the vine.

Then I would stick to the sweet potato itself.

But from what I have found it is fine to give them the vine if they want it.

Can Chickens Eat Sweet Potato Leaves

You can feed your birds sweet potato leaves from this plant.

Remember this is most possibly the only leaves of the potato plant that you can give them.

Do not think that the other leaves of other potato varieties are the same.

You can not take this for granted.

As this plant is of the morning glory variety, it is fine.

I do not know why some potatoes are of this group and then you have the deadly nightshade family.

That title is enough to warn you that you need to be careful if you are considering giving them other forms of potato.

This is also true for ourselves.

I know that we eat these other potatoes but in cooked form.

We don’t really know anything else.

Yet, if you do eat a raw potato, it will have the same effect on us as it would on your chickens.

And we will also get sick.

But we have not really known this because we always cook our potatoes before we even eat them.

And we know why…

Trying to eat an uncooked potato?

Not very nice.

That hardness and the starch would put us off even considering to eat potato if we had never cooked it in the first place.

Can Chickens Eat Sweet Potatoes Cooked

Can chickens eat sweet potatoes when you have cooked them…

You bet you can!

I feel there is really no other more rewarding way than to feed them cooked potatoes.

As you might know that raw sweet potato is quite hard and does not taste nearly as nice then the cooked potatoes.

See also Can Chickens Eat Banana - What Do You Think?

As I don’t see you munching on a raw sweet potato any time soon. I know I won’t be.
So whether you do have any sweet potato on the sideboard.

Your chickens will chase you back and forwards when they see you coming with this treat.

Can you see all the orange bits of sweet potato on those beaks now?

I can…

Can Chickens Eat Leftover Sweet Potatoes

If you have any leftover sweet potatoes, whether it has been from preparing your sweet potatoes for your meal.

Or even after you have finished your meal and someone has left some on the side of their plate.

Do not go putting them in the compost. as your backyard chickens will eat it all.
Raw and cooked.

Whether it be the peels, leaves, stems, vines, flowers, or peels, cooked or raw.

Just throw in your chicken run and let them sort their way through them.

Potatoes do bulk up the food when we are eating a meal.

It is a real filler and the same for our chickens.

But that does not mean that you can get away with giving them lots of potatoes to get away from buying them the chicken feed that they need as their main source of food.

Just remember, that this food is also a treat.

Can chickens eat potato all the time? Yes as long as it is in moderation.
You can give them some every week if you like.

So do not go cooking up a pot of potatoes and think that you can go just feeding them that alone.

As you would be mistaken.

You always need to give them their chicken pellets or chicken grain as the bulk of their feed and always think of the rest as the side dish if you choose to think of it like that.

The treats that they will be happy to subsidise their diet to make them stronger and healthier birds.