Chicken Coop Plans – Sketch Plans For A Simple Chicken Coop

Chicken Coop Plans – Sketch Plans For A Simple Chicken Coop

Jan 03, 2024

So you are thinking about having chickens in your backyard.

Are you going to buy a chicken coop or are you going to make the chicken coop yourself?

Don’t go off just building or buying a chicken coop till you make some sketches, some chicken coop plans first.

Why Make Chicken Coop Plans?

Plans on building at the best of times come in even for a good chicken coop.

Plans used to be in the area of those who are experts in establishing buildings, such as carpenters and the like.

As a potential backyard chicken owner if you are not that already.

Maybe you have moved, taking your chickens with you, but you want to do something different for your chickens this time.

You are more confident and know what your chickens need, or what you want in a chicken house that was not there before…

Or maybe you have a small backyard and you need to work out what sort of hen house is going to be best for you.

All you need is to buy a chicken coop, and find out that it does not really suit you.

It looked in the store but when you got it home it just was not right.

Or you started building your chicken coop and found out that you were going to overtake something else in your backyard like another building or a vegetable garden for instance…

Which left you scratching your head not sure what to do next.

Enter the chicken coop plans

Even an artist such as myself needs a plan before I go ahead, or else the work of art could just be wrong, the proportions are fickle and you need to plan.

So with a chicken coop plans, it is really no different as you are constructing something right?

Planning Your Chicken Coop Materials

To begin with, you need to consider the materials that will be used for that fully-built chicken coop of yours.

You have the picture in your mind, chicken coop plans…

See also Chicken Nest Boxes And Those Disgusting Bad Habits
So what now?

If you have other financial commitments and you are hoping not to spend too much on your chicken coop.

Then you need to choose materials that are strong and secure enough for your coop; natural elements such as sun, wind and rain can cause your chickens to get sick if they are not shielded well.

This needs to be addressed and on your top priority list, and also the predators which are always there somewhere.

Maybe not now, but they always come along at some time or the other…

In fact, all of these safety precautions should be taken seriously to ensure the safety of your fowls in their new chicken coop.

You would not want to lose any of your chickens due to carelessness in constructing that chicken coop of yours.

There are still affordable quality materials around, you just need to find them.
You just need to be diligent in looking for the right seller.

Have a look online, in the local papers to find materials that other people no longer want or have done a construction themselves and have an influx of building materials left over.

Like a building site for instance…

They might just have some offcut timber on the side that you could go and inquire about.

After all…

They can only say no.

And if they say yes, you might even get the materials for free.

Always keep in mind that first and foremost, that your chicken coop is built for the protection and shelter of your chickens.

So get those chicken coop plans done first.

Chicken Coop Plan

Once these requirements are looked into and dealt with, the next thing you need to do is to make the simple plans we have been talking about.

There is no need to go and make elaborate chicken coop plans.

I don’t want to go scaring you off and there is no need to get the architect in to draw your plans for you either…

See also Organic Chicken Feed: Why It's the Best Choice for Your Flock

This way you will not get yourself all confused with its details as you go through the actual building of the chicken coop.

In fact, simple plans are essential for quite a novice builder even…

Make sure that you provide that hen house structure of yours with a floor plan that will allow the chickens to move freely around.

No crampy chicken coops on my watch, so there should be abundant room for your chickens too.

Research what would be the ideal area for each chicken that you have when it comes to space.

If you already have your chickens or are getting some and know how many you want.

And do not forget people…

If you have larger chicken breeds make sure you give them even more space.

So when you build that chicken coop you get the dimensions right the first time.

If you choose to expand your coop in the future when you start earning more.

Not that I want to go giving you any ideas of course…

Why not!

So if you wish to go up the housing ladder for your chickens, enough for an extension.

Remember to add enough for the chicken run or a chicken pen inside the coop.

All these three factors do need to be considered carefully in order to build a satisfactory chicken coop so that you do not waste your time and resources on.

This way your plans will guide you and you can be standing in front of a well-constructed chicken coop, remember that!

A well constructed secure chicken coop that you will be proud of to show off to your friends.


Puff out your chest and say ‘I did that with my own bare hands and of course my chicken coop plans’.

‘Want to see the sketch I did?… ‘

‘I still have it you know…’