Chicken Enrichment 101: Make Your Own DIY Toys for a Healthier, Happier Flock

Chicken Enrichment 101: Make Your Own DIY Toys for a Healthier, Happier Flock

Jan 06, 2024

Boredom is one of the biggest problems that chickens face in captivity.
Without proper stimulation and entertainment, they can become stressed, bored, and even aggressive towards each other.

One way to combat this issue is by providing your flock with homemade DIY toys.

In this article, we’ll explore why DIY toys are so important for chickens, how you can make them yourself, and what types of activities you can do to keep your birds entertained.

Chicken Enrichment

Chicken enrichment refers to any activity or item that provides mental or physical stimulation for poultry.

It helps to reduce stress, prevent boredom, and improve overall health and well-being.

Some examples of chicken enrichment include providing access to fresh water and food, offering different types of perches, adding plants and shrubs to their environment, and creating hiding spots where they feel safe.

The Importance of DIY Toys for Chickens

DIY toys are an excellent way to provide your chickens with mental stimulation and exercise.

They help to prevent boredom and keep your birds engaged throughout the day.

You can use all sorts of materials to create these toys, including:

  • wood
  • rope
  • cardboard boxes
  • plastic bottles

The key is to get creative and think outside the box (literally!).

How to Make Homemade Chicken Toys

There are countless ways to make DIY toys for chickens.

Here are some ideas to get started:

Create a birdie buffet by filling a plastic container with seeds, corn kernels, and other treats.

Attach it to a string and hang it from the ceiling of your coop.

This will encourage your chickens to peck at the containers while also exercising their necks and beaks.

Make a simple roost out of PVC pipes and attach it to the side of your coop. This will give your birds something new to climb on and explore.

See also Activities for Happy Chickens: Homemade Toys That Will Make Them Love You Even More

Use old egg cartons to create a maze for your chickens. Cut holes into the sides of the carton and tape them together to form a labyrinth. Your birds will love exploring the twists and turns of this miniature obstacle course.

Activities for Happy Chickens

In addition to making DIY toys, there are plenty of other things you can do to keep your chickens entertained. Consider incorporating some of the following activities into your routine:

Provide your birds with a sandbox filled with dirt or sawdust. This will allow them to scratch around and dig up bugs, which is a natural behavior for chickens.

Hang mirrors inside your coop. Chickens are highly social animals, and seeing themselves reflected in a mirror can provide hours of entertainment.

Set up a sprinkler system during hot summer months. This will not only cool down your birds but also provide them with a fun way to play and stay hydrated.

What Can I Do to Keep My Chickens Entertained

If you’re running low on ideas for keeping your chickens entertained, consider trying some of the following strategies:

Rotate your DIY toys regularly.

Just like humans, chickens can get bored with the same old thing after a while. Mix it up by changing the location or type of toy every few days.

Introduce new smells and textures into your coop. For example, you could spread hay or straw on the floor or add branches with leaves still attached.

Play music for your chickens. Studies have shown that certain types of music, such as classical or jazz, can actually calm and relax poultry.

Types of Chicken Toys

When it comes to making DIY toys for chickens, the possibilities are endless.

Here are just a few examples of the many types of toys you can create:

  • See also How To Look After Chickens - Is It Hard?
  • Scratching posts made from tree limbs or logs
  • Roosts made from PVC pipe or wooden dowel rods
  • Birdie buffets made from plastic containers or metal bowls
  • Mazes created using cardboard boxes or chicken wire
  • Swings made from ropes or chain links

Creating an Enriching Environment: DIY Toys

By providing your chickens with homemade DIY toys, you’re helping to create an enriching environment that promotes their physical and emotional well-being.

Not only does this result in happier, healthier birds, but it also makes caring for them more enjoyable for you.

So grab some supplies and start getting creative!

Why Do Chickens Like Mirrors

One reason why chickens may like mirrors is because they are highly social animals.

Seeing themselves reflected in a mirror allows them to interact with another “bird,” which can provide hours of entertainment.

Also, chickens have been known to engage in behaviors such as preening and dust bathing when exposed to mirrors, suggesting that they may recognize themselves in the reflection.

What Can I Put in My Chicken Coop for Boredom

If you’re looking for ways to keep your chickens occupied and entertained, here are some items you might consider putting in your coop:

  • DIY toys made from recycled materials
  • Natural objects like rocks, shells, or driftwood
  • lants and herbs that are safe for chickens to eat
  • A small pool or water feature
  • A nesting box with soft bedding material
  • Making DIY toys for your chickens is a great way to provide them with mental stimulation and physical exercise.

By getting creative and thinking outside the box, you can come up with all sorts of unique and entertaining items to keep your birds engaged throughout the day.

And remember, happy chickens lead to happy owners!