Chicken Entertainment Hacks: Making the Most of Your Coop with DIY Toys and Activities

Chicken Entertainment Hacks: Making the Most of Your Coop with DIY Toys and Activities

Jan 06, 2024

If you’re a chicken owner, you know that keeping your flock entertained is key to their happiness and well-being.

While commercial chicken toys are available for purchase, making your own can be both fun and cost-effective!

In this blog post, we’ll explore some creative ways to make DIY toys for your chickens as well as activities to keep them engaged and stimulated.

Creating an Enriching Environment: DIY Toys

One easy way to create a more enriching environment.

For example, you could take a plastic bottle or container and fill it with treats like seeds or corn kernels.

Then, attach it to the side of the coop using string or wire so that your chickens can peck at it and work to get the goodies out.

Another option is to create a “chicken gym” by han
ging various items such as ropes, branches, and bells from the ceiling of the coop.
This will allow your birds to climb, jump, and play while also strengthening their muscles.

Activities for Happy Chickens

In addition to providing DIY toys, there are many other activities you can do to keep your chickens happy and engaged.

One idea is to provide them with a dust bath area where they can scratch around in the dirt and clean themselves.

You can also give them access to a small pool filled with water during hot weather, which will help cool them down and provide entertainment.

Finally, consider adding plants and flowers to your coop, as these not only look pretty but also offer natural enrichment opportunities for your chickens.

See also How to Care for Chickens that Lay Dark Brown Eggs: A Beginner's Guide

What toys can I make for my chickens?

The possibilities for homemade chicken toys are endless!

Some popular options include creating a birdie buffet by filling up a muffin tin with different types of foods, making a pinecone feeder by attaching pinecones to a piece of twine and constructing a DIY nest box using scrap wood and straw.

Other ideas include building a miniature obstacle course using PVC pipes and tubes or creating a maze made out of cardboard boxes.

The key is to use your imagination and experiment with different materials and designs until you find what works best for your flock.

How do you make homemade chicken toys?

Making homemade chicken toys is relatively straightforward and requires minimal tools and supplies.

Start by brainstorming some ideas based on your chickens’ interests and preferences.

Once you have a concept in mind, gather the necessary materials and begin construction.

Depending on the type of toy you’re making, you may need to cut, drill, glue, or paint certain parts.

Be sure to test each toy before giving it to your chickens to ensure that it’s safe and functional.

With a little bit of creativity and effort, you can create unique and engaging toys that will keep your chickens entertained and content.