Chicken Nest Boxes And Those Disgusting Bad Habits

Chicken Nest Boxes And Those Disgusting Bad Habits

Jan 04, 2024

Hens and nest boxes…

But what if there was something going on in your chicken nest boxes that made you frustrated or just wrinkle your nose?

Chicken Nest Boxes And Those Habits You Would Rather Not See

Let me tell you a story of frustration and a little of nose wrinkling that went on with my chicken nest boxes…

There is a one-bit sigh moment when you find that there is chicken poo in your chicken nest boxes.

And that is because one of your chickens has decided that sleeping on a perch at night is not for them anymore.

So they decide that the nest box is the next best thing.

Now I have never had this issue with any of my roosters.

So I think that this is a hen thing.

Don’t know why…

But there you are.

Now, the next thing, once the evidence is discovered.

You need to put your detective hat on and find out who the culprit is.

This can only be done by going to the hen house when the sun has gone down and all your pet chickens have gone to bed for the night.

So don’t forget the flashlight.

Don’t worry…

I have found that the chickens do not seem to mind.

They just look up dozily from their sleep and observe you in their chicken pen in the dark.

Most probably thinking what you’re doing out here in the middle of the night then?

Chicken Laying Boxes And The Culprit Discovered

Once you shine your spotlight towards the direction of your chicken nest boxes, you will find the culprit there looking at you with those innocent eyes.

You go aww…

But this is a serious matter and a frustrating one.

Because it is not that the chicken seems to prefer the nest box to sleep in now.

It is the fact that a little present is mostly left at the bottom of the nest box.

And we all know what that is?

Don’t we…

And if you were one of the other chickens, I do not think you would be too happy about wanting to lay an egg in there.

And there, in the nest box, is a chicken poo.

See also Should You Put a Chicken Feeder in the Coop or Run
Especially if all the other nest boxes are occupied with other hens laying.

So a hen does not have any other choice but to lay her egg in a dirty nest box.


This gives you a soiled egg that you have to go and wash.

It is better that you do not wash a chicken egg, as it is porous and can infect the egg if left long enough before you eat it.

So the best option in these circumstances is to dampen a rag or paper towel and just wipe the chicken eggshell surface.

How To Fix Bad Habits

When it comes to a hen that wants to sleep in a nest box at night.

It is not going to be easy to break your hen of this.

And it is going to work on your part to fix this, and it is not something that is going to happen overnight.

If you slept in a soft nest box, would you want to go back to a perch?

Thought not.


A little more work on your part here.

You will have to block off the chicken nest boxes during the evening.

Having to come out during the start of the evening is not always the convenient thing to do, but in order to break this habit, you will need to be diligent.

And if you ask me how long this will take…

I can’t answer that, because every hen is different, and you are going to get the more stubborn ones.


You need to block off all the chicken nest boxes, as the hen will take whatever is vacant at the time, there are no favourites in nest boxes here.

If the one she usually sleeps in at night is blocked she will go for the next one.

Clever hen…

Not for you though.

Outwitted, you need to block every one of those nest boxes.

Then be out in the morning to unblock them.

Don’t be late though…

As your hens will want to start laying, and if you are late.

Then you will end up with eggs laid on the ground.

See also Saving Chickens: The Ultimate Guide to Chicken Rescue
The urge to lay an egg waits for no man, or woman either.

If a hen decides to lay really early, then this can not be helped.

But overall, you need to do this until your troublesome hen decides to get back on that perch and stay there.

If you think she will, and its content on the perch at night.

Which is something you will need to come out and have a look.


Try unblocking the chicken nest boxes for a night.

If the big poop is there again.

You will have to go back to square one.

And give it more time until you break her of this habit.

You might think.

Well, why not just leave her.

If you want to be cleaning out the hen box every day, to not get a dirty egg.
Good for you.

But what if another hen thinks this looks good and has a go as well.
Best to nip these bad habits in the bud as quickly as you can, so they do not become habit-forming.

How do I know all of this?

I have had to learn by trial and error myself in such situations.

And it does work with your assistance.

Your hen will be back with the other chickens perching where she should be.

And you can go back to not going out in the cool of the night to find out if all your chickens are roosting.

And no more dirty eggs.

Yes, it really is a wrinkly nose moment when you pick up that egg and know that it has been laid on chicken poop.

And a chicken poops smell just lasts and lasts…

Chicken nest boxes need to be used for one reason and that is for laying eggs.

Having a hen in there a lot of the time can also encourage parasites that find their way onto the nesting boxes straw from the hen, being in there all night.

A clean nesting box is a good environment for a newly laid egg to dry once laid.

And a clean egg is a delight to take into your home without having to wash it.