Chickens Love Mirrors! And Other Surprising Facts About DIY Toys

Chickens Love Mirrors! And Other Surprising Facts About DIY Toys

Jan 06, 2024

Do you have chickens? Do they seem bored or uninterested in their surroundings? If so, it might be time to create an enriching environment for them.

One way to do this is by making your own DIY toys for your chickens.

Making your own DIY toys can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your chickens.

Not only will it keep them entertained, but it can also help improve their overall health and well-being.

Here are some surprising facts about DIY toys that you may not know:

1. Chickens love mirrors: Believe it or not, chickens are fascinated by their reflection in the mirror.

They will spend hours checking themselves out and interacting with their “friends” in the mirror.

You can make a simple mirror by attaching a piece of reflective material to a flat surface like cardboard or wood.

2. Egg cartons are great for making toys: Egg cartons are an excellent source of materials for making DIY toys. You can cut up the cups and attach them to a string or rope to create a swinging toy.

Or, you can fill each cup with treats or seeds and hang the egg carton from a tree branch for your chickens to play with.

3. Pinecones are perfect for pecking: Pinecones are a natural treat for chickens. They love to peck at the scales on the pinecone, which helps to keep their beaks trimmed and healthy. Plus, pinecones are free and easy to find in most areas.

4. DIY toys can reduce stress: Chickens can get stressed just like humans.

See also Activities and Toys for Happy, Healthy Chickens

Making your own DIY toys can help reduce their stress levels by providing them with something interesting and engaging to do. This can lead to improved egg production, better behavior, and increased happiness.

5. DIY toys can prevent boredom: Boredom is one of the biggest problems facing backyard chicken keepers.

Without enough stimulation, chickens can become aggressive, depressed, or even stop laying eggs altogether.

By creating DIY toys, you can provide your chickens with endless entertainment and prevent boredom before it starts.

6. DIY toys can save money: Buying commercial chicken toys can be expensive over time. By making your own DIY toys, you can save money while still providing your chickens with everything they need to stay happy and healthy.

Some popular DIY toys include homemade bird feeders, nest boxes, and perches made from recycled materials.

There are many benefits to making your own DIY toys for your chickens.

From reducing stress and preventing boredom to saving money and improving overall health, DIY toys are a must-have for any backyard chicken keeper.

So why not give it a try?

With a little creativity and some basic supplies, you can create a variety of unique and engaging toys that will keep your chickens entertained for hours on end.