Find Your Perfect Chicken: Shop Online for a Variety of Breeds

Find Your Perfect Chicken: Shop Online for a Variety of Breeds

Jan 09, 2024

So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and become a chicken owner.

Congratulations, you’ve officially joined the ranks of the backyard chicken enthusiasts!

But before you jump headfirst into the world of clucking companions, you need to find the perfect chicken.

And what better way to do that than by embracing the wonders of online shopping?
Yes, my friend, forget browsing through crowded farm supply stores or driving to remote hatcheries – with just a few clicks, you can now

explore a variety of chicken breeds, complete with adorable pictures and quirky descriptions.

Get ready to embark on a feather-filled adventure as you embark on the quest to find your perfect chicken match!

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Why Shop Online for Chickens?


When it comes to buying chickens, the traditional method of visiting a local farm or marketplace might not be the most convenient option.

But fear not, because shopping online for chickens offers a level of convenience that can’t be beaten!

No need to take a trip, waste time on transportation, or get stuck in traffic.

With just a few clicks, you can browse through a wide selection of poultry from the comfort of your own home.

Wider Selection

If you’re looking for a specific type of chicken breed, shopping online opens up a whole world of possibilities.

Unlike local stores or farms, online sellers have the ability to offer a much wider variety of chicken breeds.

Whether you’re searching for egg-laying breeds, meat breeds, dual-purpose breeds, or even pet breeds, the internet has it all.

From rare and exotic breeds to more common choices, you’re sure to find the perfect feathered friends to add to your flock.

Access to Expert Advice

While it’s always fun to do your own research and learn about the different chicken breeds, sometimes you need a little expert advice.

Shopping online often gives you access to resources and information provided by knowledgeable sellers.

They can help guide you through the decision-making process, offering valuable insights about each breed’s temperament, hardiness, and egg production.

With their expertise, you’ll be able to make an informed choice that matches your specific needs and preferences.

Comparison Shopping

One of the greatest joys of online shopping is the ability to compare prices and options with ease.

When it comes to buying chickens, this advantage is no exception.

By shopping online, you can easily compare prices, read reviews from other buyers, and evaluate the reputation of different sellers.

This allows you to make a well-informed decision, ensuring that you get the best bang for your buck while also guaranteeing the health and quality of the chickens you purchase.

Factors to Consider Before Buying

Purpose of Raising Chickens

Before diving headfirst into the world of chicken ownership, it’s important to consider the purpose for which you want to raise chickens.

Are you primarily interested in fresh eggs?

Or do you have a hankering for some delicious homegrown meat?

Maybe you’re looking for a versatile breed that can provide both.

Determining your purpose will help you narrow down the selection and choose the appropriate breed that aligns with your goals.

Available Space

Chickens need room to roam and stretch their wings. Before making a purchase, take into account the space you have available.

If you live in a small urban apartment, you may want to consider smaller breeds that are well-suited for confined spaces.

On the other hand, if you have a spacious backyard or a rural farm, you can opt for larger breeds that require more room to thrive.

Climate Considerations

Different chicken breeds have different tolerances to temperature fluctuations. It’s crucial to take your local climate into consideration when choosing a breed.

Some breeds are better suited for cold climates, while others thrive in warmer environments.

By selecting a breed that can handle the conditions of your area, you’ll ensure the health and comfort of your feathered friends.

Local Regulations

Before bringing chickens into your life, make sure to research and comply with any local regulations or zoning laws that govern the ownership of poultry.

Some areas may have restrictions on the number of chickens you can keep, noise limitations, or specific coop requirements.

It’s always better to be aware of and follow the rules to avoid any potential legal issues down the line.

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Different Chicken Breeds

Egg Laying Breeds

If you’re a breakfast enthusiast, egg-laying breeds are the way to go.

They are specifically bred for their ability to produce a high quantity of eggs.

Breeds such as the Rhode Island Red, Plymouth Rock, Sussex, and Orpington are all excellent choices for consistent egg production.

You’ll have a steady supply of fresh, delicious eggs to grace your breakfast table.

Meat Breeds

For those with a penchant for culinary adventures, meat breeds are the answer.

These breeds are bred for their meat production, typically maturing at a faster rate and yielding mouthwatering cuts.

Popular meat breeds include:

  • Cornish Cross
  • Jersey Giant
  • Cochin

With these breeds, you can raise your own chickens and enjoy the delectable taste of homegrown poultry.

Dual-Purpose Breeds

Why choose between eggs and meat when you can have it all?

Dual-purpose breeds are versatile chickens that excel in both egg-laying and meat production.

They offer the best of both worlds.

Breeds like the:

  • Rhode Island Red
  • Australorp
  • Wyandotte

Are known for their outstanding performance in providing both tasty eggs and succulent meat.

Pet Breeds

Sometimes, chickens are more than just a source of eggs or meat – they can become beloved pets.

Pet breeds, such as the:

  • Silkie
  • Frizzle
  • Sultan
  • Polish

Are known for their unique appearances and friendly dispositions.

These breeds are perfect for those who want a little feathered companion to brighten their days and add some quirky charm to their lives.

See also Hen Chicken Toys Review

Popular Chicken Breeds for Beginners

Rhode Island Red

Considered a classic breed, the Rhode Island Red is a fantastic choice for beginners and experienced chicken keepers alike.

Known for their exceptional egg-laying abilities, these birds are reliable and hardy.

With their vibrant reddish-brown feathers and friendly personalities, Rhode Island Reds are sure to be a colorful and delightful addition to any flock.

Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Rocks are known for their striking black and white striped feathers. They are great layers, producing a consistent supply of brown eggs.

These calm and docile birds are well-suited for families and beginners, making them a popular choice for those new to chicken ownership.


With their gentle and friendly nature, Sussex chickens are a top pick for beginners. They come in a variety of colors, including:

  • white
  • red
  • peckled

Sussex chickens are not only excellent layers but also great for meat production, making them a versatile addition to any flock.


Orpington chickens are known for their fluffy feathers and sweet personalities.

They come in a range of beautiful colors, including:

  • buff
  • black
  • blue
  • lavender

These birds are excellent layers and are renowned for their calm and docile nature, making them a perfect choice for families with children.

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Specialty/Exotic Chicken Breeds


If you’re looking to add a touch of whimsy and adorableness to your flock, Silkie chickens are the epitome of charm.

With their soft and fluffy feathers that resemble silk, these little beauties come in various colors and have strikingly blue earlobes.

Although they aren’t the best layers, their friendly and docile nature makes them perfect for chicken enthusiasts who prioritize companionship over egg production.


The Frizzle breed is famous for its unique appearance.

Their feathers curl outward, creating a stunning and eye-catching effect. Frizzles come in different colors, making them a visual spectacle in any flock.

While not known for their egg production, their quirky appearance and friendly nature make them a wonderful addition.


Sultan chickens are true royalty in the chicken world. With their magnificent, fluffy plumage and striking crests, they are a sight to behold.

Sultans are known for their sweet and gentle personalities, easily winning over the hearts of chicken enthusiasts.

While not the most prolific egg layers, their distinct appearance and charming nature make them a captivating choice.


Polish chickens are famous for their extravagant head feathers, which resemble a stylish punk hairdo. With their quirky appearance and friendly temperament, they make for great conversation starters.

Polish chickens come in various colors and are moderate layers, bringing both beauty and a modest egg supply to your flock.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Breed


The temperament of your chosen chicken breed is an essential factor to consider. Some breeds are naturally docile and friendly, while others may be more skittish or independent.

If you have young children or are looking for a breed that will be comfortable around humans, choosing a calm and sociable breed like the Sussex or Orpington would be a wise choice.


Different chicken breeds vary in their ability to withstand harsh weather conditions.
Depending on your local climate, you’ll need to choose a breed that can handle cold winters or hot summers.

Breeds like the Rhode Island Red or the Australorp are known for their hardiness and adaptability, making them wise choices if extreme weather is a concern.

Egg Production

If your primary focus is on egg-laying, it’s crucial to choose a breed with a reputation for high egg production.

Breeds like the Leghorn or the Golden Comet are renowned for their exceptional egg-laying abilities, making them popular choices for those who relish the idea of a constant supply of fresh eggs.


Let’s face it – the visual appeal of chickens can be a deciding factor. With countless stunning breeds to choose from, the appearance of your chickens can add a touch of aesthetic pleasure to your flock.

Whether you prefer fluffy and cute, sleek and elegant, or exotic and intriguing, there’s a breed out there to match your visual preferences.

Benefits of Different Chicken Colors


White chickens exude elegance and grace, with their pristine feathers adding a touch of sophistication to any flock.

From the eye-catching White Leghorn to the majestic White Plymouth Rock, these breeds showcase the beauty of simplicity.

White feathers can also provide better camouflage during snowy winters, blending seamlessly into the landscape.


Brown-feathered chickens, such as the beloved Rhode Island Red and Plymouth Rock, exude warmth and traditional charm.

Brown feathers can hide dirt and stains better than lighter colors, meaning your chickens will still look presentable even if they’ve had a playful dirt bath in the yard.

Plus, for those who prefer a natural and organic aesthetic, brown eggs have a timeless appeal.


Black chickens bring an air of mystery and elegance to any flock.
The glossy, jet-black feathers of breeds like the Black Australorp and Black Silkie make a striking visual impact.

In addition to their eye-catching appearance, black feathers can also provide better camouflage in dark or shadowy areas, helping your chickens stay hidden from potential predators.


For those who love variety and a splash of color, multi-colored chickens are the way to go.

Breeds like the Sussex and the Frizzle can add a vibrant and lively touch to your flock.

Every chicken’s plumage is unique, with a beautiful blend of colors and patterns that can turn your backyard into a living art exhibition.

How to Select Healthy Chickens Online

Choosing Reputable Sellers

When shopping for chickens online, it’s crucial to choose sellers with a strong reputation. Look for reputable sellers who have positive reviews and a track record of providing healthy and well-cared-for chickens.

Avoid sellers with multiple negative reviews or reports of unhealthy birds. Reading buyer testimonials can offer valuable insights into the seller’s reliability and the overall satisfaction of previous customers.

See also A Guide to Lavender Chicken Breeds

Examining Photos

When perusing online listings, pay close attention to the photos provided by the seller. Look for clear and detailed images that showcase the chickens from various angles.

A reputable seller will provide high-quality photos that accurately represent the appearance and condition of the birds.

Take note of any visible signs of illness or distress, such as ruffled feathers or abnormal physical features.

Reading Descriptions Carefully

In addition to examining photos, carefully read the descriptions provided by the seller. Look for information about breed characteristics, health history, and any special considerations when caring for the chickens.

A detailed and informative description shows that the seller takes the time to provide accurate information and cares about the well-being of their birds.

Asking for Additional Information

Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask the seller any questions or request additional information about the chickens you’re interested in.

A reputable seller will be responsive and willing to answer your questions, providing you with peace of mind. Inquire about the chickens’ diet, living conditions, vaccinations, and any special needs they might have.

The more information you have, the better equipped you’ll be to make an informed decision.

Shipping and Delivery Considerations

Packaging and Insulation

When purchasing chickens online, it’s essential to ensure they are shipped in suitable packaging.

A reputable seller will take extra care to provide secure and well-insulated containers that protect the birds during transit.

Proper packaging can significantly reduce the stress and risk of injury to the chickens, ensuring they arrive in good health.

Temperature Control

Chickens are sensitive to extreme temperatures, so it’s crucial to consider how their shipping and delivery will be affected by hot summers or freezing winters.

Reputable sellers will take temperature control into account, using specialized packaging or heating/cooling methods to maintain a comfortable environment for the birds.

Adequate temperature regulation during shipping is vital to prevent stress and prevent any adverse health effects.

Tracking and Insurance

Shipping live animals can be unpredictable, so it’s advisable to choose a shipping option that includes tracking and insurance.

Tracking allows you to monitor the progress of your chickens and ensures that they are delivered according to schedule. Insurance provides financial coverage in case of any unforeseen mishaps during transit
By choosing these options, you can have peace of mind knowing that your feathered companions are well taken care of throughout their journey.

Quarantine Procedures

Upon receiving your chickens, it’s important to have a quarantine procedure in place to protect both the new arrivals and any existing members of your flock.

Quarantine periods allow you to observe the health of the new chickens and ensure they are free from any contagious diseases before introducing them to the rest of your flock.

This precautionary measure is crucial for maintaining the overall health and well-being of your entire chicken family.

Caring for Your Chickens at Home

Providing Adequate Shelter

Once your chickens arrive safely, it’s essential to provide them with a suitable and secure shelter.

A sturdy coop will protect your feathered friends from predators, harsh weather conditions, and extreme temperatures.

Make sure the coop is spacious enough to accommodate the number of chickens you have and provides proper ventilation and natural light.

Feeding and Watering

Proper nutrition is vital for keeping your chickens healthy and productive.

Consult with your veterinarian or trusted poultry resources to determine the appropriate diet for your breed. A well-balanced diet should include a mix of grains, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Fresh water should be available at all times, and water containers should be cleaned regularly to maintain hygiene.

Regular Health Check-ups

Just like any member of your family, regular health check-ups are essential for your chickens. Schedule routine visits with a veterinarian experienced in poultry care to monitor and maintain their health.

This includes vaccinations, parasite prevention, and addressing any health concerns promptly.

Regular check-ups ensure early detection and treatment of any potential issues, helping your chickens live long and healthy lives.

Ensuring Proper Hygiene

Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment for your chickens is crucial in preventing disease and maintaining their well-being.

Regularly clean the coop, removing any droppings, soiled bedding, or debris. Provide fresh bedding, such as straw or wood shavings, to ensure their comfort.

Regularly disinfect feeders, water containers, and any equipment to minimize the risk of contamination. Good hygiene practices will contribute to the overall health and happiness of your flock.

Shopping online for chickens offers incredible convenience, a wider selection, access to expert advice, and the opportunity for comparison shopping.

Before buying, consider factors such as the purpose of raising chickens, available space, climate considerations, and local regulations.

Explore different chicken breeds, including egg-laying, meat, dual-purpose, and pet breeds. Popular beginner breeds like Rhode Island Red, Plymouth Rock, Sussex, and Orpington provide a great start.

For those seeking exotic options, Silkie, Frizzle, Sultan, and Polish breeds offer something unique. When choosing a breed, consider temperament, hardiness, egg production, and appearance.

Different chicken colors, such as white, brown, black, and multi-colored, possess their own unique benefits.

Selecting healthy chickens online requires choosing reputable sellers, examining photos, reading descriptions carefully, and asking for additional information.

Shipping and delivery considerations include packaging, insulation, temperature control, tracking, insurance, and quarantine procedures.

Caring for your chickens at home involves providing adequate shelter, feeding and watering appropriately, regular health check-ups, and ensuring proper hygiene.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well-prepared to embark on your chicken-owning adventure and enjoy the delightful companionship and benefits that come along with it.

Happy shopping and may your flock thrive!