How To Instantly Protect Your Chickens With An Electric Fence

How To Instantly Protect Your Chickens With An Electric Fence

Jan 02, 2024

Most of the time, when people think of an electric fence they think of something that is designed to keep an animal in right?

But have you ever thought of an electric fence to protect your chickens?

Prison yards have electric security fences around them to help deter the inmates from trying to escape.

There are people who build an electric fence around their property for the main purpose of protecting the animals they have inside the fence line.

A cow is a very stubborn animal.

Barbed wire is the most frequently used material for building enclosures that maintain herds of cows.

When a cow runs into barbed wire they can cut themselves very badly.

In areas that are remote, the animal may be severely injured, and succumb to those injuries before the owner discovers them.

Placing an electric fence up where a barbed wire fence once existed will help to protect the cows from being injured by the fencing material.

So Why Would You Protect Your Chickens With An Electric Fence


Electric fencing was made for other things to keep in or out, when you think of the chicken, why not use an electric fence as you would with other animals to keep them safe?

Animals can smell the electricity and are less likely to try to push through a fence that is electrically charged, but when they do push into it, they will receive an electric shock.

The shock will be enough to get their attention, but not enough to cause any real damage to the animal.

The wire that the electric charge courses through will not cut the animal.

The electric fence can also be used to make sure that predators do not come into an animal’s enclosure and kill them.

A chicken is a defenseless animal.

In the wild, the chicken can fly and get into tree tops for some protection from foxes, raccoons, possums, minks, dogs, etc.

When the chicken is penned in a chicken pen they are no longer able to fly into the safety of the trees to hide from these predators.

This has happened throughout the many years that we have domesticated them.

They have evolved to not need the necessity to fly and escape predators, as we have housed and looked after them for such a long time in history.

The predator can simply tear the wire around the enclosure and kill the chickens.

Or if they find a slight opening they will tear at it till they can get in.

If the fence is electrically charged predators cannot tear into it and kill the chickens as easily.

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To protect your chickens, chicken coops can have these electric fences on the chicken house, but you can also place them around the enclosures of their chicken run itself.

If you have chickens that have a chicken house inside the fencing itself, then it’s not a good idea to have an electric fence in the run, so the electric tape needs to be on the outside of the fence.

You don’t want to be shocking your chickens, do you…

Remember that when you place the electric wire around the chicken coop wired enclosure, keep it low.

I would have at least a couple of strands of electric fencing bands, one close to the earth and the other higher but not too high from the other one.

Remember to not let the electric wire touch the ground either.

Once you have done that, the electricity is earthed, and it will not work as all the electricity will be going into the earth.

And this will not protect your chickens if all the power is going into the earth, will it?

Chickens And Electric Fencing

Many people do not give these fences a second thought because their property is so remote they do not have the ability to connect the fence hardware to an electrical power source.

Technology has given these people the solar-powered electrical fence hardware now.

I used to use it for my horses, but at the time there were no solar electric power sources then.

You do not have to have a power source handy because the solar panel will make its own electricity and recharge the fence each day.

This means that these fences can be placed around any animal enclosure, no matter how remote the enclosure is.

People have the ability to protect the animals they have in their care, and that is what we should be doing.

When we take an animal from their natural habitat and enclose them we accept the responsibility for their food, their shelter, and their care.
Their safety is our concern.

To protect your chickens with a modern option that can keep the predators circling but not entering.

The preditors will get bored and go away to leave your chickens alone.

Electrifying Chicken Enclosures: Unleashing the Shocking Truth with a Side of Humor

Keeping chickens safe and secure is a top priority for any backyard farmer.

While traditional fences may do the trick, have you ever considered electrifying your chicken enclosure?

Let’s lighten it up and add a little giggle to this next piece, shall we…

We’ll dive into the electrifying world of chicken fences and uncover the shocking truth behind their effectiveness.

See also Should I Put a Chicken Feeder in the Coop or Run
Get ready for a humorous journey as we explore whether electric fences can truly keep those feathered troublemakers in check!

1. The “Zap” Factor

When it comes to electric fences, the first question that pops into mind is, “Do they really work?”

Well, let’s just say it’s a “shocking” experience for both chickens and humans alike. The mild electric shock they receive serves as a gentle reminder to stay within the designated boundaries.

Think of it as a subtle way of saying, “Hey, no crossing the line!”

2. Feathered Escape Artists:

Chickens are notorious escape artists, and they can turn the most secure enclosure into a feathered Houdini act. Electric fences, however, can give them a run for their money.

With a jolt of electricity waiting for those feathery daredevils, you can bet they’ll think twice before attempting any great escape.

It’s like having a superhero “Chicken Shockman” guarding your coop.

3. The Comedy of Zapped Feathers

Picture this: a chicken boldly struts towards the electric fence, unaware of the impending “electrifying” encounter.

As it reaches out to peck at the grass on the other side, a sudden jolt sends its feathers flying in all directions.

It’s a hilarious sight that even the grumpiest of farmers can’t help but crack a smile at. Who knew chicken feathers could have comedic timing?

4. The Shocking “Pecking” Order:

Electric fences are an excellent way to establish and maintain the pecking order within your flock.

Those dominant chickens, accustomed to ruling the roost, will quickly learn that even they can’t mess with the electrified boundaries.

It’s a power play in the chicken world that will leave you marveling at their newfound respect for the invisible shock barrier.

5. The Startled Egg Laying Symphony:

There’s something melodious about the sound of chickens being startled by an electric fence.

The sudden “squawk” chorus that ensues is like a symphony of surprise.

Witnessing a group of hens scatter in different directions, feathers ruffled and eggs abandoned, is a comedic spectacle that will leave you in stitches.

It’s a daily performance you won’t want to miss!

Electric fences for chickens may seem like a shocking concept, but they can be an effective and entertaining solution for keeping your feathered friends safe and contained.

From the surprise feather explosions to the symphony of startled squawks, it’s a humorous journey that will keep both you and your flock on your toes.

So, if you’re ready to add a spark of excitement to your chicken-keeping adventures, give an electric fence a try. Just remember, laughter is the best conductor of all!