Looking for A Pet? What About A Pet Hen

Looking for A Pet? What About A Pet Hen

Jan 04, 2024

People are always looking to have a pet in the family, or even if they are single, or a couple.

But, have you ever thought about having a hen as a pet.

That’s right Having a pet hen.

Let’s take this further before you might raise your eyebrows.

A Pet Hen-Really?

If you are like most households out there, you have had your fair share of dogs or cats or even rabbits in your time.

But what about pet chickens, a pet hen for instance?

Never thought of it before?

Well, think again…

Because I am going to tell you right now that having a pet chicken is not to be frowned at.

In fact, chickens actually enjoy being given love and attention by their human owners…

And just like all pets these hens and roosters also have different behaviours than the usual pet.

For example:

Are Chickens Intelligent?

Here’s a fact for you to fall off your chair over…

Did you know that a backyard chicken has the ability to recognize and recall hundreds of different faces, meaning yours as well?

And be surprised to learn that chickens also portray a range of different emotions?

They can show self-controlling behaviours, and even have some numerical consciousness from an early age?

Chickens are often thought of as unintelligent.

I do not know why this is the common thought amongst people.

I think we grow up to think of this in life, and do not know any better until we actually get a chicken for ourselves and spend time with them.

There have been far too many people owning chicken for eggs in the past, and not spending any time with them.

So how do they know the inner working of a chicken without getting to know them?

You would not do this with another person so why would you think the same of an animal…


Even more so than a cat or dog.

See also Toxic Feed Ingredients That Could Be Killing Your Chickens
Chickens can be more intelligent in some ways.

Not that I am saying that the dog, especially the cat is not intelligent, they are.
More than we know.

But there are some traits that a chicken might just have over them.

And because of this, chickens are fairly easy to train to do tricks or do other things on command.

So, have a look at chickens in a new light.

Can You Just Have One Pet Chicken

Chickens, hens…

These animals are not loners, they have existed in a flock. Which means many chickens altogether.

This was mainly for survival in the wilderness when they were wild. And they still to this day, they prefer to have company.


You cannot spend 24/7 with your hen, so she is going to get lonely by herself if you have to go out to work for the day.

And this can affect her overall wellbeing, she might get depressed because she does not have company for many hours a day.

And this can lead to depression.

That’s right – chickens can get depression too.

It’s just not for us humans you know…

So I would advise that if you are not in the position of having a lot of pets like a propper back yard chicken house with many fowls.

Then I would suggest getting at least two hens so that they can keep each other company when you are not there.

In fact, with having fewer hens, they will not be so distracted, so they will avert their attention onto you much more.

I have had a chicken alone in a little A-frame pen before, but this was because they were not well, and they don’t mind being on their own when they are not feeling 100% well.

But I would not advise just buying one hen on her own.

It’s nice to see the two hens interact with each other, and there is hardly any pushing and barging with them to be on top of the pecking order.

A placid setup where chickens are concerned.

And do not get a hen and a rooster, one hen will get hassled by the rooster.

As he is used to having many hens, and they do not get the attention of the rooster all the time as he shares himself around.

See also What is a Chook? Understanding the Australian Slang for Poultry
One hen and one rooster is only going to end up with a stressed hen and you don’t want that.

Can You Keep a Chicken as A Pet in The House

I can not see why not.

If you have two hens, you can certainly have them in the house, as they will be more attached to you if you are keeping them as pets.

And it is not that strange that you could have a hen sitting on your lap inside.
But there is one problem…

Chickens poop and they poop all the time.

So it might be a good idea to have a look into a chicken nappy.

Now don’t laugh, you can get them.

And it might just be easier than to try and make one up for your pet hen yourself.

A nappy could look like a monstrosity on your hen, and not help her move freely around.

But you would have a try if you are good with a sewing machine though…

Friendly Chicken Breeds

Here are some friendly breeds of chickens that you can think about.

I find that whether they are big d breeds of chickens or bantam breeds, they all have their good points to them.

They are:

  • Golden Buff
  • Australorp
  • Wyandotte
  • Barred Rock
  • Brahma
  • Cochin
  • Easter Egger
  • Rhode Island Red
  • Orpington
  • Plymouth Rock
  • Silkie Bantams
  • Sussex
  • Most Bantam Breeds

As you can see there is quite a lot of chicken breeds that you can choose from.

Getting a pet hen for the start might be more suited for someone who has not had chickens before as roosters might be a bit of a hand full at first.

But just remember with your pet hen.

You can have them in the house quite a lot but they also need to be outside.

Bring them inside during the nighttime if you have a good place for them to be is a good idea when it comes to their safety.

But you will find that a pet hen, well a couple of pet hens will make excellent pets for you.