My Pet Chicken Location – Sailing Around The World!

My Pet Chicken Location – Sailing Around The World!

Jan 03, 2024

My pet chicken location?

People everywhere are now seeing that chickens can be pets, and there are people throughout history who have known this.

And people everywhere are now just learning how pet chickens can really make a difference in their lives, as they have in mine.

The memories you have and keep…

Of the things, you got up with your pet chicken.

Now, what if there was a man that can actually say’ My Pet Chicken Location?’ sailing around the world with me.

No fixed address…

My Pet Chicken Location – No Fixed Address

What if I told you that there are people out there who have very interesting lives indeed at some time or the other, and they want to take their pet with them.

Or they find a pet along the way that they just can’t leave behind.

Well, there is just one sort of man that has decided to travel the world, and yet he is not alone.

He has a friend that has kept him company on his lonely trip sailing around the world.

And it is not the sort of pet that you would think of if I had asked you.

I think it would have taken you a while to get the answer right, if at all…

The Pet Hen And Her Travels

Are chickens good house pets?…

What about a Sailing Boat Pet being a chicken?

I am serious, and I am going to tell you more about this unlikely pair of buddies sailing the seven seas.

Here is a 24-year-old man Guirec Soudée from Brittany, France.

See also Become An Insider On Clipping A Chickens Wings

He would not be on his own when he decided to travel, taking a chicken named Monique on a 39ft boat with him on his trip around the world.

Now I am sure that as you are, I would be scared that a hen would take fright on the boat when seeing the water and panic, jumping into the water.

But somehow this hen adapted to her surroundings and has not tried to fly off the boat, accepting that this boat is her home, she wanders around the boat quite happily.

They have already crossed the Atlantic and are now in Greenland.

Not only that, but she is so at home that she lays about 6 eggs a week even in the most extreme conditions.

So her owner has a fresh supply of eggs as well…

But it is also said that this pet chicken also swims, surfs, and catches flying fish that land on the deck.

She has even found a liking for going on skateboards (when on the ground) with Soudée!

And they are the best of friends!

I know myself just how much of a bond that you can get with a chicken not only pet hens I have had pet roosters and yes!

They are just as friendly.

When I see the adventures these two best friends are having, I can see that they are not lonely as they have each other.

And what else, Monique his pet hen has complete trust in her owner.

I can only just imagine the bond they have and the adventures they are having together, in fact, he takes her with him when going to land.

See also A Comprehensive Study on the Quirks and Antics of Backyard Chicken Owners.

She seems to be his constant companion.

And she even has her own nesting box

A spoilt hen you bet, nothing would be too good for this french man’s best friend.

Of the feathered variety, I may add.

In fact, this pet hen has so many adventures that I am sure many people would be envious of her.

I hoped you have enjoyed this story as I have found out about it.

So when somebody asks this French Man about his travelling buddy.

My pet chicken location? travelling around with me sailing the world.’

What a story…