Plastic or Metal Bird Feeders: Which Is Better for Your Backyard Chickens

Plastic or Metal Bird Feeders: Which Is Better for Your Backyard Chickens

Jan 05, 2024

Backyard chicken feeders are an essential part of raising chickens.

They provide your birds with a consistent source of food and water, which is crucial to their health and well-being.

When it comes to choosing the right feeder, there are many options available on the market today.

Two popular choices include plastic and metal, bird feeders.

But which one is better for your backyard chickens?

Let’s take a closer look at some of the pros and cons of each type of feeder.

Backyard Chicken Feeders

Before we dive into the debate between plastic vs metal bird feeders, let’s first discuss what makes a good chicken feeder.

A good chicken feeder should be easy to clean, durable enough to stand up to daily use, and able to hold plenty of food so that you don’t have to refill it too often. It should also be designed in such a way that prevents spills and waste while keeping pests out.

The Pros and Cons of Plastic vs Metal Bird Feeders

Now, onto the main event! Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using either plastic or metal bird feeders for your backyard chickens.

Pros of Plastic Bird Feeders:

  • Less expensive than metal feeders
  • Lightweight and portable
  • Easy to clean
  • Comes in various colors and designs

Cons of Plastic Bird Feeders:

  • Not as durable as metal feeders
  • Can crack or break easily if dropped
  • May become brittle over time from exposure to sunlight
  • More prone to chewing by rodents

Pros of Metal Bird Feeders:

  • Durable and long-lasting
  • Heavy-duty construction can withstand rough weather conditions

See also Exploring the World of Backyard Chickens: 5 Must-Know Facts

Resistant to chewing by rodents

  • Available in different sizes and styles

Cons of Metal Bird Feeders:

  • More expensive than plastic feeders
  • Heavier and less portable
  • Difficult to clean thoroughly (especially small crevices)
  • Prone to rusting if not properly maintained

How Many Feeders Do I Need for 6 Chickens

One question that often arises when purchasing chicken feeders is how many do you need for your flock?

The answer depends on several factors, including the size of your coop, the number of chickens you have, and the amount of space they require.

As a general rule of thumb, you will need one feeder per six chickens. So, for example, if you have a flock of 12 chickens, you would need two feeders.

However, this may vary depending on the specific needs of your flock.

Should You Put the Chicken Feeder in the Coop or Run

Another common question is whether to place the chicken feeder inside the coop or outside in the run.

There are benefits to both approaches.

If you put the feeder inside the coop, your chickens will have access to fresh food throughout the day without having to go outside.

This can help prevent spoilage during inclement weather and protect against predators.

On the other hand, placing the feeder outside in the run allows your chickens to eat more naturally, similar to how they would forage for food in the wild.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide where to locate your chicken feeder based on your individual circumstances.

Automatic Chicken Feeder: Is It Worth It

Finally, another option to consider is an automatic chicken feeder.

See also Backyard Chicken Coop Ideas: How to Build a Cheap and Easy DIY Coop

These devices dispense food at regular intervals throughout the day, making it easier for busy chicken keepers who aren’t always around to refill the feeder manually.

While these types of feeders can save time and effort, they tend to be more expensive than traditional feeders.

Additionally, they require electricity to operate, which means you’ll need to make sure your coop has adequate power sources nearby.

Whether or not an automatic chicken feeder is worth it ultimately depends on your personal preferences and budget.

Whether you choose plastic or metal bird feeders for your backyard chickens largely depends on your individual needs and preferences.

Both materials have their own unique set of advantages and drawbacks. What matters most is finding a feeder that works best for your flock and meets all of their nutritional requirements.