So What Is It About Personalized Chicken Coop Signs

So What Is It About Personalized Chicken Coop Signs

Jan 04, 2024

So you have or now have backyard chickens.

But do you have any personalized chicken coop signs?

Then I better explain.

Personalized Chicken Coop Signs Explained

When I first had my own chickens, there was also a chicken coop of course.

But I could not just leave it at that, could I…

Being of an artistic nature, I found different ways that not only made my chicken house and chicken coop different.

It was individual.

From the start, I wanted to dress my chicken coop up a bit and being a lover of medieval history it had to come in there somewhere.


It did…

I remembered that the medieval signs that were hanging down in an inn, with a few chains holding them.

And seeing that one of my home-built chicken coop roof pieces of wood was hanging over.

I could see my not yet build sign hanging right there.

So the idea was born.

My Custom Chicken Coop Signs

I soon worked out what I wanted to do and I had just the thing when it came to the sign itself.

On a trip to the tip at some time, I had seen a couple of wooden signs that were just sitting there of an old styled shape.

Now sitting in the back yard, I had now found a purpose for them.
They were going to be my new/old signs.


Already weathered so they looked like they had been hanging there for a long time.
Now you don’t have to go for an old design.

I wanted a medieval-looking sign and found what I needed to make it happen
And this was all from odd things that I had laying around.

The only new thing was, that I went to a hard wear store to get a few short chains that would suit the hanging of my sign.

See also Chicken Nest Box Dilemma! Where Are The Eggs?

My Chicken Coop Sign


What to call it.

I mean the chicken coop.

Well, I had a rooster, so I decided to call the chicken run after him with a little spin.

It was done in old English.

”Yey Olde Inn of” and my rooster name.

As an artist and a commercial artist, I was able to paint up the whole sign myself in medieval letters.

Upon finishing it and putting on the chains where I drilled the holes.

There hung proudly my chicken coop sign.

Waving in the wind of a very blustery day sometimes.


It was a real moving sign indeed…

It was done and it looked great.

Chicken Coop Sign Ideas

When it comes to a chicken coop sign…

You have many choices.

It depends on how you want this to go.

Your personal taste and what you want to achieve in your chicken coop.

I think chicken coop signs do add an individual identity to a chicken coop, and also gives it a lot of character.

I went for a hanging medieval sign.

But you could go for any sort of sign
Do you like the 1920s era?

Or any era really…

Like myself.

Is there something about your chicken coop that gives you an idea of what sort of chicken sign you want?

What if you don’t want a wooden chicken coop sign.

What if you would rather go for a metal chicken coop sign of instance or a retro sign if you are so inclined.

Going for a theme is a great idea, that way you can carry fords in other things you might do to your chicken run in the future as your imagination allows.

See also What Necessities Do You Need To Build A Simple Chicken House
When it comes to personalized chicken coop signs, that’s exactly what it is.

You can find chicken signs online to buy, they have sayings of course and different styles.

But with a DIY chicken coop sign, you can express yourself as I have.
My title starting with ”Yey Olde Inn” is not going to be found online or in the shops.
But that might be ok for you.

Just think, for a minute, what sort of personalized chicken coop signs would like to have on your chicken coop?

Is there something about what breed of chicken you have that might give you an idea?

What about your backyard itself?

Or the country you are in.

Or even the town…

There are many ways to start your ideas flowing.

And these are just a start.

I was lucky that I had the training to do the whole sign myself when it came to hand drawing and painting it on.

If you are interested in your own personalized chicken coop signs, I just might be able to help you there.

I will talk about this a bit later.

And it can be done from afar, as I will not be darting from one place to another to get this done.

But for now.

I hope that this article has got your imagination and creative juices going and that having one of those personalized chicken coop signs for your chickens is just the start.

I know, myself, that I never got tired of going to my chicken coop and seeing what efforts I had made to make my chicken coop different and to my taste.

I am sure my chickens enjoyed their refineries to their chicken coop as well.